Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Old meets new

Hi everyone! I hope you have begun to thaw out from the major storm that hit most of the US this past weekend.  Amazingly, we did not get snow, just lots of rain followed by rapidly falling temps.  The high on Sunday was 48, with a low of 16.  It was crazy!

Since we couldn't really go anywhere or do anything, and I didn't want to work on a paper, I spent two days in the sewing room and got a lot accomplished while the hubs was in the other room screaming about sports.  Something about pass interference.  Anyway, I went through the UFOs and discovered that I only have eight that need some piecing work.  I tossed one and repurposed the fabrics set aside for it, and made an actual paper list of the others.  We'll see if that helps get them done.

After that, I felt so virtuous that I went ahead and started another project!  Hey, I also worked some on a UFO, which should be done soon, so I felt entitled. Here are the first three blocks for that new project:

I guess I officially have another work in progress!  These blocks use some of the coral fabrics I pulled last week, and a few other fabrics, too:

I decided to go ahead and add some olive-y greens and some happy yellows to the corals, and then threw in a few aquas for a little zing.  Some of these are small scrap pieces, but mostly these are fat quarters and half yards.  More than enough for the blocks I am making.

When I was making those two mug rugs for my sister's birthday, I was looking through the Tula Pink 100 Modern Blocks book and really liking some of the blocks in there.  Since all of those blocks finish at six inches, I decided to combine the old with the new and make a sampler using half modern Tula Pink blocks and half older traditional blocks.  It happens that I made a Sylvia's Bridal Sampler before I started blogging, and I still have the book, and all those blocks finish at six inches, so that was an easy way to pick out some traditional six inch blocks.  I think the "old" and "new" blocks will blend together just fine.

I've chosen 48 blocks for a sampler quilt that should end up a nice lap size.  I have no time line for this, but it should make a nice project to work on when I feel like it.  You know I chose traditional blocks with lots of little pieces, right?  Should keep me busy for a bit.

Finally, in the spirit of "old meets new," last night our daughter safely delivered a baby girl, so we are grandparents again! Just as thrilling as the first time.  Of course, she is absolutely beautiful and I can already tell that she is very smart, just like her mom and dad.  Lots of baby snuggles in my very near future!

Hope everyone is having as great a week as I am, and that you're staying warm!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social.


  1. Congratulations on the new addition to the family! Love the colors in your old meets new project. Happy stitching this week.

  2. The new project looks fun and will make a wonderful quilt someday!

    Congratulations on the special new grandchild!

  3. The fabrics for your new project are so fresh and springy. I need that since we're below freezing again this morning. Congrats, Grandma!

  4. Glad you were able to hunker down during the storm and have some fun creative time. Congratulations on the new granddaughter too! Love how you are combining old with new on the sampler. Will be fun to see the progress as that comes together.

  5. Congratulations on the addition to your family... enjoy the baby cuddles!
    I love your idea of old and new sampler blocks!
    Look forward to following your progress!
    Love the fabric collection, especially the pretty aquas!

  6. blending old with new for a quilt idea sounds great - congrats on new grandchild!

  7. Congratulations on the newest grandchild -- my sister tells me after five that the magic is just as strong as with the first one. And I especially like your idea of mixing traditional blocks with newer versions and NOT having a time frame for the project. LOVE the mix of colors you assembled for the new project you shared today.

  8. Congratulations on your new granddaughter. Glad you missed the snow part of the storm. At home we had 18" and it was 1 degree yesterday morning. Luckily we missed all that as we are in TX visiting the grands. Love your final color selection. It will be fun watching this evolve.

  9. May your new granddaughter be a blessing and a delight to the whole family as you watch her grow. Love your fabric pulls for the Tula project. Enjoy your quilting this week.

  10. Hi Mari! Big HUGE Congrats on your new granddaughter. I am thrilled to hear that everyone is doing well. Of course she's a smarty pants - look at her grandmother! Avoiding all sports especially those pass interference ones - which I didn't avoid but wish I had - is the smartest thing ever. As are those fabric pulls - look how pretty they all go together! Love the idea of 48 - 6" blocks, too. That will be fun to watch your progress. We're expecting another 10" of snow tonight - dare I think a snow day, no school, quilt all you want day??!! ~smile~ Roseanne

  11. So happy for you that your grand daughter arrived safely. Now to enjoy those cuddles and happy sewing. I have Thomas's Elm Creek books too. But, I haven't used them yet. Every birthday, Mother's Day and Xmas my daughter would buy them. I have the whole set. Mmmm now to use them.

  12. I like the idea of mixing the old and new blocks. I am looking forward to seeing you put this together Mari.

    Congrats on the new baby!! Nothing better, is there? Happy to hear all went well for your daughter. I am sure she is just in heaven cuddling her sweet daughter.

  13. What a fun theme for a post! Congrats on your new little sweetie. I hope you get to see her soon. I like your plan for mixing Sylvia (loved those books!) and Tula Pink blocks, and the mix of fabrics with your corals—like sewing springtime in winter.

  14. Oh my goodness!!! She is here, finally. Congratulations to the parents, grandparents, nephews and niece, uncles and aunts. Please tell me that you are only one state over rather than the usual two. Seriously, Mari - you are always virtuous. That zing is a harbinger of spring and makes me wanna sing :-)

  15. I should check your blog more often. My son lives in your general area, and knows i worry about the huge storms you get and extremes in temperature. He told me it was a bit windy and snowy! I should have read you first.


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