Friday, January 11, 2019

Tiny foursomes

Hi everyone, and thank goodness it's Friday!  I could not wait for this week to be over.  I spent a good bit of it with a really terrible migraine, the kind where all you can really do is lie down in a dark room and whimper.  Sadly, few people can take that option for very long, so I actually had to try to *do things.*  I was unsuccessful at most of it.

Thankfully, my head is mostly better now, and it's the weekend, so I can just kind of rest and try to catch up.  Obviously I got no real sewing done, so now I'm behind where I wanted to be.  I swore that this year I would stop feeling like I was "behind" on sewing, but that lasted all of ten days.  I will try to work on that some more.

One thing that I can talk about today is this four-patch project that I've started as a leader-ender scrap project:

Aren't those cheerful? Leaders and enders are little bits that you stitch together in between parts of another project, and you can read more about them HERE if you want.  I've thought this was a great idea, but mostly I've failed at it.  These little four-patches might turn the tide, and they build up amazingly fast (or maybe I just sew too much.)

These little bits will finish at only 2 inches square.  When I'm saving scraps, I save the pieces as chunks until it's time to use them, then cut what I need.  When the scrap gets pretty small, I cut it up into 2-1/2, 2 inch, and 1-1/2 inch squares so I can squeeze every last bit of value out of those pieces.  I've been saving these in bins separated by size:

This is the 1-1/2 inch bin, and I think it's time to use these up.  There are thousands of squares in there! And I just keep adding to it as I cut more scraps.  I saw THIS quilt project from Amanda Nyberg (now retired!), called Lost in the Crowd, and was seriously inspired.  This would make a great use for thousands of squares, don't you think?

I've been keeping this container filled with squares next to the machine and grabbing pieces when I remember, then tossing them into a basket. 

Believe it or not, this container is a repurposed produce container.  Our grocery store sells cut fruit in these, with one kind of fruit per compartment, for a ridiculously expensive price.  Sometimes I get some, though, because stress is a real thing and it's better to eat fruit than chips. 

I want to stitch these into double 4-patches when I get a chance, to make blocks that are a little easier to handle, so I tried out some alternate block possibilities:

These are Kona Butter, Bahama Blue, and Cabbage.  I'm really drawn toward the green, which is also what Amanda used.  What do you think?  Maybe I should make up a couple as an experiment.  I think the Butter is definitely out, but I do love both the others.

That's about all I accomplished this week.  For the weekend, I'll be resting my head and checking my phone obsessively as our daughter should be having her baby any day.  A new granddaughter-- I can't wait!  Hope your weekend is good!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and Oh Scrap!


  1. Lovely little blocks waiting to be put together--
    I totally empathize with your migraine misery--and misery is what it is. I am just coming off a 3-day one and still have shreds going...I try to do things, but that dark room calls me every time...
    hope you feel better soon...hugs, Julierose

  2. Ugh! I live with a brain injury so I am well acquainted with headaches that knock you out. Mine aren't technically migraines (no aura), but I get the light and sound sensitivity, nausea, vertigo, and insane pain. Botox changed my life. I went from about 25 in-bed days to about five! I hope you have a string of better days!

  3. I love little four-patches. I too have been using them as leader/enders for quite some time. I'll be putting several to use this year in my Go Four It quilt and the Bonnie Hunter Sand Castles pattern. I've been waiting for the right projects to use them and I think I finally have enough.

  4. I just hate it when our little "issues" (physical) keep us from staying on schedule! And do not feel alone! When Fibro days hit me or the back or just plain tired from not sleeping well I always feel like I lost a day of planned sewing! Hugs and hope the headache is totally gone! They are not fun!

  5. Is there such a thing as too much sewing???

    Happy that you are feeling better! Love the little 4 patches!

  6. Ooh, not fun at all. I hope you are back to your usual self soon. Or even better—a new Granddaughter should help! I love your little squares. I wonder if both the blue and green would work. They look like they have the same value and are such fun colors.

  7. Sorry to hear about the migraine. I've never experienced one, but feel for those who do. I agree that the butter fabric is out, but either of the other two would work. I'm leaning toward the blue, but the green will be fun. Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Oh Mari, I am so sorry to hear about your head. You must have been miserable. Be sure to rest - it takes a lot our of a person.

    I use those plastic tubs too. I love to buy the spring mix lettuce in those and they are great for projects afterward.

    Can't wait to hear about the baby. Hope all goes smoothly for your daughter and her little one. You must be so anxious for her.

  9. I think four patches are the perfect leader/enders! I'm doing that with 2.5" squares myself, brights and white/creams. They do add up fast!

    I feel you with the migraines, unfortunately. Do you have any meds that work for you? 4 ibuprofen will knock a migraine down for me if I don't let it get to the nausea stage. 3 aren't enough, it has to be 4. Another quilting friend needs a special prescription drug for hers. No matter what, migraines suck!!

  10. Beautiful blocks! Hope you are getting better, migraine is terrible

  11. As the saying goes, getting old sucks! But you can’t keep a good quilter down for long. Hope you have a better week coming up. I’ve been using produce and other plastic containers for years; covers attached come in handy.

  12. I hope you are at 100% very soon. I have very mild migraines every once in a while, but nothing even close to what you describe! Tiny four patch blocks are the best, especially when there are many of them. I'm totally going to the grocery store for a container like that! That is such a great idea and it makes me want to make those blocks now!

  13. I'm so sorry to hear you had a tough week with a migraine, Mari! I know that makes it awfully hard to do much of anything. Your tiny 4 patches are adorable, and hopefully a good way to feel like you're gettjng in some stress-free sewing. I loved AmandaJean's quilt, so I also like that lime green background fabric.

  14. Failed it??? I am sorry but I disagree with you. It all looks very neat and lovely to me. Hope you get some rest this weekend. Migraines are UGH.

  15. Cabbage gives a certain spark that the Bahama Blue doesn't (even though I absolutely LOVE that color!) Hope you are getting lots of rest. Migraines are NO fun!!

  16. So sorry about the migraines - they're a terrible thing!
    I've been doing 4-patches as leader/enders for years in the same size as yours. I've made several test blocks for different things to do with them - SO many possibilities! I'm currently using them for my Sand Castles. (It looks like that's going to be a big pattern this year! It's perfect for the RSC, too!)
    I like the green, but really, either color would be wonderful. (Yeah, the yellow's gotta go...)

  17. Great use of a throwaway container. Handy to have fabric sorted already.
    Anxiety plus waiting for your granddaughter..

  18. Have you been checked to see if you have food allergies? They can cause migraines. Or not drinking enough water. Hope you are feeling SO much better really soon!

  19. migraines are no fun- the 4 patches are so cute and a great way to sew without worries


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