Saturday, March 2, 2019

Gray with spots of sunshine

Hi everyone, and welcome to March! March is the month that spring finally moves in, though you couldn't tell by the weather we're having now.  Today's pictures were all taken outside in the snow and gray, and we're expecting even more of the same this weekend.  We're all tired of it, but we know spring is coming, because now it's March and the first day of spring is less than three weeks away.  Three weeks!

We spent last weekend at our grandson's third birthday, which was really fun, but I did leave with a cold as a lovely parting gift.  You forget how much little kids cough, sneeze, and drool!  It was completely worth it, but just about all I worked on this week was finishing my yellow projects for this year's Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  I'm happy to say that I finished them off, so I'm not behind in the RSC yet this year. Whoo-hoo!

First up are the string sections for my rainbow Scrap Happy Rails quilt, just because I took a semi-cool picture:

I took this on top of the snow that was on our deck table, which should still be in the garage, but optimism runs high.  Don't those yellows look really happy against the snow?  I'm so pleased with all the variety in these strips.  Amazingly, I didn't have to cut any yardage for these, and I still have some strings left over.

Next up are the Cut Glass Dish blocks in yellow:

I've thought about making this quilt for several years and I'm so happy that I'm finally doing it.  I just love how these blocks are turning out.  I wasn't really sure until I took this picture that the block on the left was yellow enough, but I think it definitely reads yellow, don't you?

Finally, here are all of the tiny yellow blocks for this year's sampler:

I skipped the regular 9-patch block, but I'm thrilled with how the others turned out, especially the Ohio Star and the Shoo Fly.  They just look so cute in miniature!  Also, I didn't want to make an orange peel applique block, but I still wanted an applique to replace it, so I went with the hexagon.  I put it on a pale blue floral just for fun, since I used some gray backgrounds last month.  I'm planning to make a larger quilt, so I added in a double 4-patch as well.  Those tiny 4-patches had weird measurements (hello sixteenths!) but I think they turned out okay.

So there's some progress! So far I love all of these projects and I'm still excited about them.  And I have some nice yellow scraps left over, so I'm feeling pretty good about the ones I've used up this month.

Hope all of you have a good weekend. Apparently we're going to have some more snow, or maybe rain. Or both!  Good time to stay inside and get some things done, don't you think?

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC19.


  1. All those pretty yellow blocks! Hope you get through with your cold soon!

  2. Love that first photo with yellows on the snow! Get well soon - working on it here, too.

  3. I love the one you call Cut Dish - very pretty blocks.

  4. Yellow is my very favorite color, but I rarely see it used as a focal point in quilts. This is so fun to see!

  5. there is a lot of yellow happiness to share here. I love it that you have the freedom to say you would rather do the hexagon instead of the melon.

  6. I love your yellow string/rail blocks - so many pretty scraps in them! In fact, all of your blocks are fun to look at, Mari!

  7. Your string blocks look like they are very happy in the snow. I hope next month string box will be happy sitting on green.

  8. We definitely need these spots of sunshine right now. When I saw the thumbnail of your string strips I was trying to figure out what the “center” was—and then realized it was the umbrella hole in the table. :) I hope you have been able to shrug off that little gift you took home. Grandkiddies are so generous!

  9. Those yellow strings really do shine against that snow!
    I love all your projects, especially in our nice warm yellows!

  10. Congrats! on being all caught up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Hope you are ready to play in your GREEN scraps now!! I am.

  11. Oh, how those juicy, sunny, bright strips taunt me? They are so warm and life-affirming when we are in the dead of the cold. Speaking of snow, we got a bit of snow. Not pretty, not a lot. Not even to make a snowman or even a snowball but enough to cause slippery conditions and a few fender-benders in the metropolitan DC area. I think it is time for Spring. Sending warm hugs and feel-good wishes to you.

  12. lovely yellow blocks. We went to visit our grandson the other week and I came home with a vomiting bug. I had forgotten these things went hand in hand !

  13. Great blocks. The Cut Glass Dish is a new block to me and I love it. Your three blocks are super.


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