Friday, May 17, 2019

Our big new project

Hi everyone! (waving wildly) I've missed you! I know I've kind of been out of action lately, and now it's time to explain why I have hardly sewn a stitch in weeks and I'm very stressed.  Here's a clue:

Why are those shelves empty?  What has happened to all of my fabric?  Here's another clue:

Is that fabric stacked in some kind of crate?  Yes, yes it is, and the crate has handles for easy carrying. One more clue:

If you guessed that we're moving, you are correct!  We are moving to Baltimore and have been frantically packing and cleaning to put our house on the market.  Not a lot of time for stitching!

I can hear some of you now:

Mari, didn't you just move? 
     Actually, we moved to the East coast four years ago. I know, I can't believe it's been that long, either! 

Why are you moving again?
     Sometimes you find opportunity, and sometimes it finds you.  An opportunity and I found each other, and that ended with a new job and some exciting new prospects for career growth. 

Haven't you been remodeling your house forever?
     Yes, we have. We've remodelled just about all of this house.  But that will make it all the easier to sell, right?

Won't you miss Delaware?
     In a big way!  Delaware is a wonderful place with lots of nice people and some beautiful places.  We'll miss our community here a lot, and I'll certainly miss this house and our property, including the nest of Cooper's Hawks that are near our yard.

When will this happen?
      The house will be listed for sale next week.  We're packing and cleaning now, but thankfully didn't have to do a lot of painting or anything, since we've already done it!

Did you pack your sewing machines? No quilting for weeks??
     Nope, Miss Rosie is still unpacked and I look forward to using her quite a bit.  I packed the fabrics and all of my other stitching stuff, but I left out several projects that I'll be working on for the next couple of months.  And if I run out, I have a lot of ideas, and I know where to get more fabric!

Does this mean no blogging for a while?
      No, I'll still be blogging, I hope back to my regular schedule very soon!  Posts may be sporadic for a while, but I'll be back soon.  We're almost done staging the house (and moving out a lot of boxes) so things should settle down pretty soon.

Have you found a new house yet?
      No, we've barely started looking! I can already say, though, that there are waaayyy too many houses that are painted entirely gray.  Can we please go back to painting all the rooms white for selling? All those gray rooms are seriously depressing.

Anyway, that's our big new project, and that's what I've been busy with for the last few weeks.  Sorry I've kind of disappeared. But now all the contracts are signed and everything is moving forward, so I should be able to get some stitching time again soon.  I can tell you that I need to touch some fabric, because we all know that's a great stress reliever, right? I need it so much that I got this in the mail this week:

New fabrics! As the hubs would say--more to pack.  He just doesn't understand.  Those little girls were too cute to pass up.

So that's our big news! I hope you all have a great weekend that doesn't involve any boxes or moving furniture around or wrapping things in paper.  That stuff gets old really fast!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday.


  1. I hope you sell your house quickly, and don't have to wait too long before the buyer closes. Isn't is awful being separated from sewing projects? I was too recently, but only for a month, which wasn't really too bad.

  2. Well, this is fun and exciting news! I cannot imagine packing up my house for a move; we've lived here 28 years, so you can imagine the stuff! My daughter is in Delaware this month, conducting field research on shore birds. She loves Delaware; says it's very beautiful.

  3. New adventure! Very exciting!

  4. Here's hoping all goes well. The good part is frequent moves force you to purge. Those little girls are irresistible!

  5. Congrats on the new position. I hope the move goes smoothly.

  6. Oh, wow, that is big news. I hope that new job comes with substantial pay hike. The Baltimore area housing market is not cheap. At least since you've moved several times lately, you'll have an easier time of packing up than those of us who have been in the same place for decades.

  7. I would find it hard to move I have been in this house for almost 40 years! The packing would be so hard to do. I didn't realize gray was a popular color for walls now - that would be depressing I would want to change it all before I moved in and it would be hard to visualize with it being gray. Good luck

  8. I wish you well on your move and this new phase of your life. That girls playing fabric is really cute, and I can see why you didn't pass it up. People get crazy ideas about new trends - it used to be all off-white and now all gray. When I sold a house, I painted neutral, but colors, like calming blue and green. I figure people are going to repaint it anyway, and there is no need for the house to look like an apartment. I might as well make it look memorable.

  9. Mari is coming closer to me...and that is all that matters. Insert happy dance emoji here. :-)
    Where did you get those playing gals fabric? I NEED it. I must have it. After all those girls are done with their research and experiments (STEM gals fabric), they need to go have fun. So please tell me.

  10. Hi Mari! You just can't pass up a great opportunity when a door opens for you. And the fact that everything is falling into place is just a sign it is meant to be. Follow your path and you will do great things. LOVE those fabrics - especially the daisies. And the orange underneath the daisies I could totally see as an International Sister from Preeti. Ooh-la-la! Good luck with your move, packing, It is exhausting and stressful but will soon be over. ~smile~ Roseanne

  11. Congrats!!!! and wow! you move so fast! If I had to pack up my house, I think I might have a panic attack for a week or two first - ha ha!! and Grey.... huh - you will just have to make some really bright quilts to offset it???

  12. Congratulations on your new job! Hope the house sale and move both go smoothly! I live that fabric pull - it will be fun to see what you do with it.

  13. Congratulations on the new opportunity(ies)!!! And how great that you already have the house in shape to be listed. Best wishes on all fronts . . .

  14. Good luck all around. Wishing you a speedy sale. And move.

  15. Congrats on the new opportunity! Good luck with selling the house and finding new digs. Hope you can fit in some good stitching time to help deal with all the other stresses. Good luck!!!

  16. So glad that it all worked out. So much work to make it all happen, but I'm sure that it will be worth it in the end. I don't envy the transition part, but the new opportunity is too exciting to pass up. Glad that you have some fabric set aside, sewing always soothes the soul.

  17. Best of luck on your move! I can see why you needed some fabric therapy. That little bit won't take up much space in a moving box. You made some super cute selections!!

  18. Oh, my, Mari, that’s amazing news. I had missed you in Blogland, but just assumed you were busy with the end of the school year. I hope the move and transition to your new job goes smoothly. Glad you know you are still buying fabric, sewing and blogging. I was just at the fabric store today and had that daisy fabric in my hands! It didn’t come home with me, because I was really there for some gender-neutral fabric (I don’t like that term but you know what I mean.)

  19. Congrats, Mari, on your career move and house/city/state move. So many changes, but it sounds like you’re very happy and up for it! Way to go. Wishing you all the best (as I drool over your new fabrics, LOL).

  20. Congrats on the career front, an exciting time for you. And good luck on the moving front. And I am completely with you on the grey, there is a lot in the UK too

  21. Congrats on your new job and good luck with selling your home and finding a new one. May I be a little selfish by saying I'm going to miss the lovely trees in your neighborhood, they were beautiful backdrops for your quilts and the flowers......


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