Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Triangle party

Hi everyone!  First, I have very good news-- we have found a house, and they have accepted our offer.  Yahoo! We will have a place to live in Baltimore.  Our house hasn't sold yet, so right now I'm going back and forth between being really happy about the new house and being really panicky about owning two houses.  Finding a house is a huge relief for us, though, even though we may have to eat pretzels for supper for a few months. 

How should I celebrate finding a house? Well, by sewing something, of course, and to heck with the mess. The problem with pulling things out to stitch isn't having to pull things out and put it all away, but having to be super careful about the threads and the little snippets and the dust caused by the fabrics.  And it *is* annoying to have to put it all away now that I've had an actual sewing room.  But anyway. . .

I decided to finally, finally get started on the Beothuk Star quilt from Sandra at mmmquilts.  Yes, the quilt along ended in June, but I've been a little busy.  Here's as far as I got:

Piles of untrimmed hsts in the mulch!  Hey, I didn't say I got far! I just started with the cutting yesterday.  Thankfully, this is a really easy quilt and I have high hopes that mine will turn out as pretty as some of those I've seen online.

I think these colors are really pretty and they were doing a pretty good job of making me happy.  I bought the kit from Bernie's shop, and it looks like she has just one kit left, so you could hop right over there and get it.  She does have yardage, though, so you could make your own kit.  I was a little nervous about using a patterned background, but it turns out that the fabrics look great together and the print fabric looks good.  I did switch out the lighter pink in the kit for a pink fat quarter from my stash, mostly because I liked my pink a lot and I really want to use it.

That's it for the stitching time I've had so far this week, but I do plan to work on this over the 4th since I can probably leave the mess out there on the table.  I doubt that anyone is going to want a house tour on Independence Day-- but I'm willing to be wrong!

On a completely unrelated topic, I noticed this week that I have peppers and tomatoes!  Have I mentioned that it's been remarkably hot and wet here?  It was something like 92 degrees when I took these pictures.  It's certainly been great for the plants.  This year I got some pre-planted pots from the garden center and I didn't have high hopes, but it looks like I could be making salsa pretty soon!

Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe 4th. I'll be taking it easy and sewing, then we'll probably do some food outside and maybe go to the fireworks.  Depends on whether it's raining or not!  Happy Independence Day, and enjoy your celebration of our great country!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social.


  1. Congratulations on finding a house and I hope the current one sells quickly. I'm glad you got some sewing in.

  2. Woohoo! Congrats on getting a new house! Hopefully you will have a buyer soon, and can move on! :)

  3. Congratulations! I somehow missed your moving announcement so I had to go back and reread some of your old posts! We used to live in Frederick, which is an hour outside of Baltimore.

  4. Happy News! Congrats on finding a house, and I hope your current house sells quickly! Our plants are going crazy too, since we've had so much rain and heat. Your Beothuk is going to look great!

  5. Hooray for having a place to move TO. The current house will sell - never fear. Focus forward and have a terrific weekend!

  6. I am so happy that you’ve found a house! New beginnings can be so much fun. Fingers crossed that you sell your home quickly now that you’ve gotten the ball rolling. Your quilt is going to be gorgeous! Such a pretty little pattern. We’ve had lots of rain, too, but our temperatures are more like fall than summer. Bring on some sun, please, Mother Nature!

  7. Great news that you've found the new home to move to, Mari! Hope the rest all falls into place now! Your HSTs look so pretty in those fabrics - that kit was tempting me all along because I love that background fabric. Happy HST trimming! Your plans for the 4th sound very similar to ours.

  8. I had thought to get a couple tomato plants in those large pots and didn't - are you leaving them in those pots or planted them in larger pots?
    So glad you found a house but I would be worried too about selling the other one and having two payments

  9. Finding a house, tomatoes on the way, stitching those pretty fabrics? A good week, indeed :)

  10. Those fabrics look so fresh and lovely, making even the hot weather seem less burdensome. Having moved at least seven times in our marriage, I know that it’s better to do it fast because you don’t have time to think about it. Good luck with the house sale.

  11. Great news!! Looking at your HSTs reminded me of some scraps that I have in my stash. PLEASE don't make me start a new quilt!!! Sigh... I need to find a way to resist.

  12. Congrats on the new house!! and yay - quilting to celebrate - LOOOOVE it!

  13. The colors are indeed pretty, the HSTs are prettier but the tomatoes oh those tomatoes are the best!!! I remember eating them last year or was it the year before that. They tasted like candy.


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