Friday, September 20, 2019

Little pink finish

Hi all, and welcome to what is officially the last weekend of summer. It's true-- Monday is the first day of autumn, so this is the last gasp of summer. Around here it's hanging on quite well, thanks, since it's supposed to be 85 on Monday, but it will still be officially done. Usually I don't mind, but this time I feel like I've missed the whole summer, what with the move and all.  As long as that doesn't mean a longer winter, it should be okay!

Today I want to show off the first finish in my new sewing room.  It's not very big, and it took a long time to get here, but it's done just the same:

Ta-da! Yes, this is a little baby-sized charity quilt that I started waaaay back when, for Sarah's Hands to Help challenge.  It finally got finished quilting and a binding and is all ready to be sent off to Jack's Basket.  And take a look at the tree above-- we had a twin trunk tree in front of our house in Delaware and we have one here in Baltimore too! It was a sign that we should definitely buy this house.

This little bitty quilt is just 36 by 36, which is the size requested by Jack's Basket.  That made it super-easy to make and super easy to quilt up.  I used somewhat wavy/ somewhat straight lines with the walking foot to quilt this.  Somehow whenever other people do this it looks great (especially Lorna!) but when I do I'm not happy with it.  Maybe the lines need to be closer together? I don't know. Guess I'll just have to keep trying until I really get the hang of it.

The binding for this little beauty came from my semi-magic basket of bindings.  When I cut the long pieces off the sides of a finished quilt, I turn those into bindings and then keep them in the basket with the length marked. I had a great piece of binding just for this quilt. It's a little wide on the front, but I don't mind that. I'm just happy that I didn't have to make a binding and got this finished up quick!

So that's one down, and the first one finished here in Baltimore. Yay! When Preeti came over a couple of weeks ago, she looked in the sewing room closet and said, "you have a lot of quilting to do!" Take a look and tell me if she was right:

Yeah, those are all tops waiting to be quilted up, so I think my task for this weekend will be a lot of basting. Some of those are a couple of years old, and they're not keeping anyone warm hanging up there. Now that summer is officially over, the season that must not be named can't be far behind, and we'll be needing that warmth!

I hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy the last few minutes of summer, because it won't be back for quite some time!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and TGIFF.


  1. Lovely quilts waiting to warm someone. I make quilts for Jack’s Basket also. When I make a strippie quilt, I make it quilt as you go and use my serger. They also want flannel blankets and those don’t take long either. I’ve never seen twin trees before and you’ve had 2!!!

  2. I save my tops until they are needed. Tops take up less space than quilts!

  3. I wondered if that tree was in your new backyard, or was a photo from your former backyard. How fun that you can still do your tree photos! Your waves look good to me. Keep doing them; you'll find the wave that works for you. Cute little quilt. Yay for the first finish!

  4. I did 2 quilts for Jack's Baskets in a similar row style using a cute Teddy bear frolicking among some flowers border print. It was so nice to quilt up something small, although I had to piece the backs because most of my yardage is in 1 yd cuts, wide enough, but not quite long enough. Something to remember when purchasing possible backings in the future. We're supposed to hit 87 degrees on Sunday, not quite a record, but close to it. Glad to see you won't run out of things to do this winter.

  5. Sweet little finish! Your wavy lines look great and just the right width to me. Lots of potential comfort and warmth in your stack of UFOs :)

  6. I think your closet of tops is worse than my stack. And your wavy lines look great.

  7. Yay for the finish!! it will be loved. And too cool about the twin trees - thats surely a sign - and!! Preeti came over?? I am jealous! Hope you all had fun!

  8. Such an adorably cute darling finish!!! Hope you are winning the war against allergies. Have a great weekend!!!

  9. Fantastic finish! Really cute baby quilt. Good luck with with the basting - my very least favorite task. I am jealous that you and Preeti and are now in close proximity! Lucky girls. :-)

  10. Nice finish, and nice collection of quilts to be quilted. Due to the acid in raw wood I would do the ones on the wooden hangers first and then get them washed to help remove the acid that leaches out of the wood and deteriorates the fabric.

  11. wah! I want to play with you and Preeti!!!

    sweet finish on the donation quilt... someone will cherish it.

  12. A finish that is definitely pretty in pink! Glad you've been able to get back to stitching after the move.

  13. Love your pretty pink and green Jack’s basket quilt. Some lovely fabrics in there. I like your idea of keeping a Magic box of bindings all labeled with their sizes. I keep all the leftover ends of bindings and every now and then sew them into a strip to make a scrappy binding. Waste not want not is my mantra!


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