Saturday, November 2, 2019

Almost enough blocks

Hi everyone! How is your weekend going? After massive storms the night before, I woke up yesterday to temperatures in the 40s, and there is a freeze warning for tonight, so now I'm really facing the reality that it's fall and winter can't be far behind.  But it can't be yet, because I have too much to do before winter! So top of my list for today is a new winter coat.  But first. . .

I made a few more of the tiny blocks this week!  This brings me to 49, which means I have only seven more to go.  Here's the latest installment:

In January, when we started, I did not know that I would like these so much, but I really do! Do you think it's because they're so small, or because they're so quick to make, or what? All I know is that these are fun to make and go pretty fast, though I had to do some fancy math for one of them this week.

Check out those colorful leaves in that picture! I was sure I wasn't going to make any dark or black blocks, but right there in the string jar was a long piece of the strawberries fabric, and it was enough to make the Bullseye block that Angela posted earlier:

I think that turned out ok. It's the right size, and I like the strawberries. The red block there is also one from Angela.

Since we started the orange blocks, I've wanted to make a Dutchman's Puzzle block, but since the tiny blocks are something of an odd size, I never sat down to do the math for the flying geese until just now, but I finally figured it out:

Okay, I turned the pieces and ended up with a star in the center, but overall this looks pretty good, doesn't it? For anyone who wants to know, the geese are 1-5/8 by 2-3/4 unfinished. To make 4 at a time, I used a 3-3/4 inch square and 4 2-1/8 inch squares, then had to trim them down a bit. But it worked!

My other orange block is a smaller version of the State of Georgia block from the Squared Away sampler:

You can make any of the Squared Away blocks by cutting the squares at 1-3/8 inch each.  Little, but they work!
And then I also made a raspberry colored Anvil-style block:

And then I was done for now!  The raspberry block is strobing a little, but it's not that bright in person. It's just against those dark trees, so it looks really bright.

Hope you're all nice and warm and dry and are getting in some stitching time this weekend. If we all think warm thoughts, do you think can we stave off that winter thing? I'm pretty sure I feel like skipping it this year. We can try, right?

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC19.


  1. All of your new tiny blocks are intoxicating. I enjoy seeing them on display from all around your property. I’d also like to stave off winter's approach. Winter has never been my favorite season, but now that I’m 'older', the cold bothers me more and more.

  2. Your tiny blocks are so cute. I have found it takes me more time to choose my fabric than to make them. Thanks for the math tips! (why am I not surprised?)

  3. Nice job on your Tiny Tuesday blocks!! I really like your Dutchman's Puzzle Variation. :o))

  4. nice job on all those little blocks, winter is coming early maybe? or we have an early cold spell and then a long Indian Summer I hope that is the way it will be too cold too early for sure here too

  5. I always love seeing what new tiny blocks you've come up with, and those are great! I especially love the Bullseye with the strawberry fabric - perfect!

  6. While some of the tiny Tuesday blocks have been quick, I've spent way too much time on a few of them. I still have to catch up some I missed last winter/early spring when we were traveling. Plus I didn't sash them as I went so I have to figure out a setting and see what I have enough of to sash them all. Surprisingly, we here in western NY have not had a killing frost yet, but its coming this week. High winds on Friday took down most of the remaining leaves.

  7. Your tiny blocks are terrific! Thanks for the math hints! I’m all for trying to outthink winter, but I fear I’ve failed miserably already. We have had single digits already! My temp quilt will be “blue and purple”!

  8. I think your quilt is going to be wonderful - good idea to add more than one color to a few

  9. Love your new blocks. Thanks for sharing the directions!

  10. Your Tiny Tuesdays blocks are very nice! Beautiful fabrics and bright colors! Can't wait to see the blocks put together. It has been so nice to participate. I didn't plan to sew the blocks either, but changed my mind and I've had so much fun.


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