Saturday, January 4, 2020

A bright green beginning

Hi all, and welcome to 2020! Time marches on, and somehow it always surprises me. How on earth did we get one-fifth of the way through the twenty-first century? Wasn't it just Y2K a few years ago? This year is going to bring a lot of good things for us, including a new granddaughter, and I'm happy to get it started!

Somehow time marches on but the scraps never seem to! I still have a ton of scraps, even after many scrap quilts. It's time to just accept that a good bit of my fabric stash is small pieces. The good news is that that gives me a lot to do for the RSC this year. I'm trying to hold myself back and I've only planned three scrap projects for this year. But you know that I'll probably add in another as we go along, right?

Here is my first project for this year:

Ohio Stars in two sizes and opposite colorways! I've long admired Bonnie Hunter quilts, and I know (in my head) that they would be a good way to use a lot of scraps, but I can never really tackle the whole quilt. Last year Maggie broke up Bonnie's Sand Castles pattern to fit the RSC, and that has inspired me to pick a Bonnie pattern and do the same thing. I have a separate personal resolution for this year to be more gentle with myself, so I chose this Random Ohio Stars pattern from her free patterns tab to make this year. I think I can make three blocks a month. Maybe. We'll see.

My second project includes a whole lot of these blocks:

I had two yards of Kona Snow that I knew I wouldn't use, and I also have tubs full of squares that I've already cut from scraps. Why not put them together? I cut the Kona into 5-inch squares and then used 2-1/2 inch squares to snowball the opposite corners. They don't look exciting, but they can be put together into some exciting different patterns.

If you have a whole bunch you can make a really interesting quilt. In my unfettered optimism, I cut up all of the Kona and have enough for 120 blocks. I don't know how many RSC colors we'll have this year, so 10-12 blocks a month is a good goal. These are really easy and I made all of the green ones in about 20 minutes.  And then I have these left over:

Tiny 1-1/2 inch hsts! These are the offcuts from snowballing the blocks above. I know I really shouldn't keep these, and I have no plan for them, but I can't resist!

That's a good start to the year, don't you think? Hope you have some lovely projects in progress and are finding 2020 to be a good year so far. I know we're only a few days in, but it's looking good from here!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC20.


  1. It looks like you have a good plan for your scraps this year. You're off to a very pretty RSC start!

  2. I always save those bonus HSTs!! I swear my scraps breed like rabbits when I turn the lights off! I'm doing a scrappy 9P quilt challenge right now and I'm using the bonus HSTs from a quilt I finished today! I love looking at the way others use scraps.

  3. I love these greens. They look so beautiful against the soft winter light. I am glad you have chosen to be gentle with yourself and I hope you suceed at it. It's something many of us could learn.

  4. I love this brighter green colour. It was also my sons favourite colour. So its happy all around. Bonnie Hunters clue 6 uses this colour

  5. Your bright and light greens are a lovely way way to start the year. I always save the little squares too. They are just so adorable!

  6. Bonnie Hunter's pattern is going to be sooooo pretty made with your bright green and white blocks!

    You have a great plan for 2020! :)

  7. oh, you really should keep the little blocks - they would work with the leader/ ender shoofly Bonnie is doing. It would be bright and cute. I have wanted to do ohio stars too. How exciting

  8. Great idea to make these Ohios in two sizes. Lots of layout options there when you have more colors! And I think I need to make this my new mantra: "It's time to just accept that a good bit of my fabric stash is small pieces." LOL!

  9. looking good! Bonnie's pattern do use up a lot of scraps for sure! I hear you on the first 20 years of the century flying by - my grandson was born half way through the 2000 and will be 20 this year - how the heck did that happen - seems like just yesterday he was a baby and now he is in the army half a world away from us in a dangerous place

  10. I've long admired Bonnie's Ohio Star pattern. Breaking it into smaller chunks is a great idea to get it done.

  11. Great choices Mari. One modern and one more traditional. Neither seems terribly difficult so that is perfect!
    2020 will be a wonderful year - two new grand daughters, one for each of us. Does it get any better than that?

    Gosh, I really like that RSC/Ohio Star idea. Hmm....

  12. Such pretty light greens in your blocks today, Mari! I love that Random Ohio Stars pattern, and what a good idea for a scrappy project! Your second set of blocks are a fun idea, too. Of course you should keep those tiny hsts - you never know where they might just fit in!

  13. Both of those ideas are good. They are also an attractive yet sensible way to utilize fabrics.

  14. Super start to 2020, Mari!! Good idea on breaking that Bonnie pattern down for the RSC. Those sweet little Bonus HSTs are some of my favorite scrap bits with which to work (in case you need someplace for them to go!)

  15. Lovely block choices...good use of those cut-offs...hugs, Julierose

  16. I think those Ohio Stars in opposite colorways will be spectacular! You’ve kicked off the year with a bang, my friend, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish!

  17. Great plans for 2020! My RSC2019 project was Bonnie Hunter's String-X. It worked perfectly too.

  18. You can't go wrong with Ohio Stars in any size or color!

  19. All of those green fabrics- beautiful! The stars do look great.

  20. I have a stash of 1-1/2" HSTs too, and I've found they really come in handy when I need a quick pin cushion or mug rug. I just can't seem to toss them! I like your two projects - and congrats on the new granddaughter who'll be joining your family soon!

  21. I’m loving your block choices! I’m doing Ohio Stars again this year because I want a larger quilt. But those simple white squares with the color corners - wow!! They look so fun when you put them together.

  22. I can't give up my bonus triangles either....even if they trim up to an odd size of 1&7/8...i just cut some squares to the right size and make a block up as I go along or stitch up a 4 x 4 grid and throw it into the orphan block bin. Waste not want not!

  23. I just love these green scrap blocks! Beautiful!

  24. If for some unknown reason you decide to jettison those bonus HSTs, I would give them a loving home here - they're awesome. SO good to see fresh cheerful greens on so many blogs this week.

  25. I've watched your RSC blocks/quilts for the last few years and decided this was the year I try it too. I have lots of scraps. I have made no green blocks yet. UGH!! Behind already. But I did get my two, not one but two, temperature quilts started, which I haven't ever done before either. Good luck with your plans/goals.

  26. You've got two fun quilts in works, one that uses smaller scraps and one that uses larger scraps. You planned well.

  27. Love the Positive and Negative blocks!!!
    Bonus triangles are so tempting - like free pizza or free parking. We know they aren't free but the mind does play tricks and I am happy to succumb to their cuteness. I am saving mine to make a little zippered pouch - again!!!


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