Saturday, February 8, 2020

Ohio in orange

Hi all, and welcome to the weekend! Lately it seems that I have just as much work to do on the weekend as during the week, but at least I get to do it in yoga pants. Good news for the day-- we sold the tragic vehicle that became a doorstop! I was sad to see it go, but now I'm just happy that we got something out of it. I really liked it, and it just seems weird that it went so fast. So now the search is on for a new (used) vehicle, a process I find extremely boring. They all look the same to me!

With all the drama about the car this week, this is as far as I got on my various projects:

Orange Ohio stars, which are nothing if not cheerful.  We have had rain all week, and yesterday it was waaayyy too windy outside to take pictures. Parts of Maryland had tornadoes, and I saw some awful pictures of uprooted trees. It seems we are stuck with indoor pictures today.

I also made a bunch of orange modern blocks to go with my green ones:

I'm not sure I like the X's, but these little blocks are fun and fast to make.

The only other thing I did was make one of the February blocks for the Color Challenge at Patterns by Jen:

 Those of you with eagle eyes will see that I made mine slightly differently than the instructions, but it turned out just the same. I liek this one and I might just make it again.

That was it-- some blocks! Sometimes you just have to go with it, you know? I'm sure I'll have a more productive week soon.

Hope you all have a good weekend. I will be out looking at identical vehicles and trying to choose between them. I already know I'll need a cookie or two after that!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC20


  1. Interesting, I didn’t see the ‘X’s, I only saw the lovely colour pops. I’m glad you got the old car sorted, it’s a lesson in impermanence really, nothing in this world is permanent, including us. It’s perceiving things to be permanent which causes suffering.

  2. Nice pops of color in your blocks. I do enjoy Ohio Stars.

  3. Love those Ohio Star blocks..nice work hugs, Julierose

  4. I like all the blocks but especially the Ohio Starts - there is something about that block that I have always loved

  5. blocks eventually turn into quilts no matter how long it takes - great oranges

  6. Something about the Ohio Star, just makes me happy, it's like arms stretching out to give a hug. and the modern blocks are just fun. can't wait to see that project grow.

  7. Sometimes a block or two is just the therapy you need in the midst of a crazy week! Fun to see what you've worked on, Mari. Good luck with the car decision!

  8. At least you turned your machine on and did a little bit.
    Good luck with the car shopping

  9. The only way car shopping would be fun is if I could have all the bells and whistles and the color I want - without having to pay all the $$$ for all that. Haha! I hope you find something you like. All of your blocks are nice; of course, I like the orange best!

  10. Yay on the car! hope you find something you like - i got so fed up I just told my husband it need to carry 3 boys, 6 rolls of batting and a sewing machine... and he did well - ha ha!

    LOVE your blocks -and the little lime green and orange ones - those are really cool! I am adding them to my scraps list!

  11. Very nice - - Love both of them, each being so different. It's been fun to see all of the orange projects in process - perfect bit of cheer for February. It is crazy windy here today. Last night it sounded ike the house would blow away. Of course I think the sounds are exaggerated to me when it is the middle of the night.
    So what kind of boing car do you want? I think when mine gives up on me I will switch to a suburu. They seem to be great quality and quite safe. Have a nice Sunday Mari.

  12. We don't own a car, so we rent them occasionally. You're right, they all look alike! I guess I'm not a car person. I love that big Ohio star with the darling bird fabric. Too cute!

  13. Your Ohio stars are making me smile! One of my favorite blocks! (Though admittedly, I have a lot of favorite blocks...)
    Good luck finding a car! I've also got car-shopping in my future, as my poor old buggy is about one good bump from being a doorstop, too.

  14. Sometimes 'just some blocks' is all we can muster! The fun part is when they are all as beautiful as yours!

  15. Love the Ohio Stars.

    I don't love car shopping. We usually keep our cars for at least 15 years but when we do need a new one I'm all right with hubby just going and picking one out. I just want something that gets me where I need to go which isn't much of anywhere now that I'm retired.

  16. Right, if they provide good soft home made cookies, then I'll look at their cars!

  17. It truly is awful having to car shop. The only thing worse is getting used to the new vehicle. I went from a 2002 to a 2014 and the differences were amazing to say the least. Anyway, good luck! I love your Modern blocks. I think, as you add more & more colors and mixing them all up, you will change your mind and fall in love with this one. Have a great week!

  18. Orange Ohio Stars are absolutely awesome. Wishing you good luck with your car quest.

  19. Awesome ORANGE scraps, Mari!! Sorry to hear about the demise of your vehicle. Just catching up on the RSC posts, as our internet was out ALL weekend! :o((


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