Friday, June 26, 2020

A little bit of mercy

Hi everyone! Getting a bit of a late start this morning, but I promise there are some pretty pictures coming up. It's a lovely day here in Baltimore, and I hope it's lovely where you are, too. Our roof got a temporary patch this week, but we had some strong storms that pushed off the major work for another week, and we got a ridiculously high bid for some other work we need done. A homeowner's work is never done, is it?

I finished a quilt this week! Yahoo! A few weeks ago, I bought myself a very expensive present, and I kept the old one and set it up with the walking foot permanently. This is the best thing I could have done, because I finished this top faaar too long ago, and now it is all quilted up and cozy.  Here she is:

This is a donation quilt that is going to Bernie for Mercyful Quilts. I made this from a panel last year and I think it could work for a man or a woman, don't you? I finished it off yesterday and even washed it, but it didn't stop raining in enough time to get some pictures. It was worth waiting until this morning, though, because it's nice and sunny now.

A few weeks ago, Bernie posted a quilt and talked about how she had had a "quilter's block" that had kept her from quilting it. When I read that, I immediately thought of this top. I had almost no ideas about how to quilt it, and then later I had really complicated ideas about how to quilt it. In the end I just did an uneven diagonal plaid with the walking foot, and it turned out great.

One problem I had with this quilt was that I could not get it basted for the life of me. I tried taping the backing to the floor, clamping it to a table, I even tried pinning it on the design wall. The danged backing just would not cooperate. I ended up doing this:

Yep, I pinned it directly to the deck boards! It was the only thing that worked.  I swept it all really well, and I knew the quilt would be washed after it was quilted, so it wasn't a huge deal. It worked, and I got that sucker basted in no time. And no wrinkles on the back!

Right now, this quilt is in a box by the back door, ready to head off to Bernie. I hope it brings someone a lot of comfort in a really hard time. We could all use that, couldn't we?  Here's one little bit of comfort from a friend that I got in this morning's mail:

Wendy offered me some aqua batik scraps she had, as well as some "runny" yardage, and she sent this really cute pincushion in the package, too. Isn't it darling? Thanks so much Wendy! It makes me smile and will be  great for my flower head pins.

Okay, I am going to brave the post office and get that box sent off to Bernie, then I think I'll tackle the dye in that yardage. I've got a few good ideas, and I got some Retayne, so I'll let you know how it works out! Hope you all have a lovely and restful weekend. Keep those masks on, wash your hands, and stay healthy!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished or Not Friday, and the Patchwork and Quilts Party on Sunday.


  1. That's a great quilt for the Mercy Hospital and, yes, I think could be used for either man or woman. The photos look so nice in the sunshine. Of course, I'm delighted to see the little pinnie nestled in the pretty flower - I hope it brings a smile whenever you see it. I had so much fun making it. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. That is a great finish, Mari! Isn't it satisfying to finish something that's been hanging around for awhile? It definitely looks perfect for Mercyful Quilts! Great happy mail, too - what a cute pincushion Wendy made you!

  3. Such a wonderful finish. I'm sure it will be loved.. Cute pin cushion gift too.

  4. You are on fire getting all those tops quilted! I’m glad that backing finally cooperated. Basting on the deck sounds pleasant, except for the stooping/crawling around part. The pincushion is adorable. I first thought it was a pillow, but now that I know it’s tiny, I like it even more.

  5. Give yourself a pat on the back for the finish!! And what a cute Pinnie:)

  6. Enjoy your posts very much. Really like the house pin cushion that you were gifted.
    Backing. I have one I will not buy again. I had all the same issues you had. Did not not get pinned as I wanted but it did work and I got it quilted on my long bed home machine and gifted as I planned.

  7. Lovely finish! The panels look so fancy and complicated, which is why I love to use them! Are the thin red borders part of the panels? I love the hourglass setting idea, too. I think I'll borrow that for some panels I have in similar colors. Thanks for the idea :)

  8. SEW glad that you were able to finish that lovely donation quilt, Mari! It is sure to bring someone comfort. LOVE that little pin cushion you received! Off to see if Wendy blogged about the size of it...

  9. So lovely! Have some lighthouse panels looking to come up with a setting and this is very appealing! Is it a pattern? Well done!

  10. I believe that this Mercyful Quilt has universal appeal. You made good use of those bird panels. I am a huge fan of simple quilting :-) Larry "let you" make holes in the deck??? Now that is a miracle.
    It was absolutely AWESOME to see you yesterday. But we cannot prove that it really happened - we forgot to take pictures :-( I need to speak to Wendy...hmm.

  11. Hi Mari - Love these pictures and cannot wait to see the quilt for real. Thank you for taking the time and finishing it up for Mercy. It will be appreciated for sure.
    That pin cushion is adorable. I also thought it was a pillow - sooo cute.
    I have not been in the sewing room much at all lately but am feeling that urge coming on. Time to work on something :-)

  12. Congratulations on a great finish. Good luck with the runny fabric. Hopefully the Retayne will do the trick.

  13. An awesome finish, especially considering who it’s for! Love the little houses pincushion, too. Clever!

  14. Yay for a great finish that will bring comfort!! Interesting way to baste it! I'm not sure I could get back up - haha!!

  15. Isn't it a huge relief when one finally finishes a project that has just kept nagging at you for so long? Congrats!


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