Thursday, June 11, 2020

Colorful trio

Hello everyone! How are you all doing? Hanging in there?  I ventured out into the previously-closed world once this week, and it was odd.  There are a lot of empty shelves at Target, folks.  Thankfully, Mr. Academic Quilter now has a replenished supply of essential snacks, so it looks like we may be good for a while. I did go to a farmer's market, too, which was a very happy experience. Tomatoes that taste like tomatoes!

I also made my way to the sewing room a few times. I may have finally gotten all of the fabric that I bought online over the last few months put away, and I worked on some of the projects I showed last time. It was quite invigorating! So much so that I finished up these three happy pieces this week:

Look at those flowers and the green trees! How happy is that? These are three fabric scrap baskets, which is one of my projects for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge at Angela's this year. I am still trying to catch up from the last few months, and so I made this month's color, which is the pink, and one of the colors I missed, which is the green, and an extra black basket just because.

You'll notice that the green basket is a bunch of different green hues. I don't have enough of any one green to merit separate baskets for dark green, sage green, light green, etc., so this one is for "mixed greens." Of course, bright green is the exception, because I have plenty of that in its own fabric home.

The black basket was a surprise, because who knew I had that many black scraps? But I did, and it turned out to be much, much prettier than I thought it would be. Of course, I don't have much black fabric, but this one is big enough to hold the few gray bits I have left, too. 

 Those were my big finishes for the week! I am super happy with them and have already put them to their intended use. Not surprisingly, the pink basket is pretty full, so we may need to do something about that later this year.  Is it me, or would those three colors look great together in a quilt? Perhaps that's how these baskets will get emptied!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. It's raining here, but there is plenty to do in the house. You thought I was behind in the sewing room! Do you know what happens when you barely clean anything for a couple of months? It isn't pretty, but it has to be dealt with. Pass the Mr. Clean and cross your fingers for me!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and soscrappy for RSC20.


  1. love your baskets - I still need to make my blocks for the Pink month - I'm only doing one RSC Project so you would think I could keep up with it but here it is almost half way though and I haven't.
    Some of the stores here too have empty shelves but then we have mainly just gone to Wal-Mart early morning when it is not real busy and have found that the safest time to shop

  2. You sound so much better! I don't have room for baskets in my sewing room, but those are lovely and cheerful.

  3. Love the baskets! I would make some in a heartbeat, if I could figure out where to put them in my quilt room. I get the cleaning thing - I need to seriously do some organizing in mine. I have stacks everywhere. Need to put my thinking cap on and figure out some storage solutions. You'll probably feel better once the cleaning is done!

  4. Your baskets are the cutest! Joy at The Joyful Quilter and I are making baskets too! Hers have the binding on the top also. Mine do not. I'm following Angela's (at So Scrappy) tutorial. Anyway they end up, I love them!!!

  5. It's amazing to me how similar the green basket is to all the plants in the background! You can hardly see the basket it is so camouflaged :)

  6. Your baskets are fabulous! The black is surprisingly cheerful. Glad that you are able to venture out. The world is strange right now.

  7. These baskets are so cute. I wish I had some shelves somewhere to put them.. happy stitching to you

  8. What?! No FILLED photo? Congrats on finishing up theses projects for the RSC, Mari!

  9. Such adorable scrap containers! I love the idea and think it's a great way to keep track of your scraps and what needs to be sewn together.

  10. LOVE your stacked baskets and the photos of them! Great use of those scraps. :) Your deck looks like a very inviting and relaxing place.

  11. Your scrappy baskets are so much fun, Mari! I love all the different ways you photographed them. I need to get caught up on some of those house chores, too - good luck to you!

  12. Great baskets, Mari! I love that there are so many of us using our scraps to make them. And I’ll be cleaning house today, too (unfortunately), so I’ll salute you with my Swiffer and the Scrubbing Bubbles (sounds like a Rock group, doesn’t it?) in solidarity.

  13. pretty... as is your deck with all the green around
    Love, LeeAnna

  14. Yes, I think the colors of the scrap baskets would make for a nice quilt too! I have been tempted many times to make some baskets but I don't have much space in my sewing room and boxes stack better. Of course I'm always trying to work myself out of scraps too so when that happens (haha) I won't need space or baskets.

    Even if there had not been a lockdown I probably would not have ventured out much. I enjoy my hermitage and solitude. Thank goodness for retirement!!

  15. Want to come take care of my house when you are done? Similar circumstance with 2 kids and 3 cats (and a hubby!). Those colors would make a beautiful quilt. I think I might have to attempt a basket tomorrow... which means I should pick up and clean a few rooms in the house today so I don't feel guilty tomorrow!

  16. Perfect Finishes!!! and fresh tomatoes - its all good!!!

  17. The baskets are like three friends - all dressed up for a party :-) but making sure that their outfits are completely different. I bet they had a wild time at the party. Mr. Clean??? Who is that :-p


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