Saturday, June 20, 2020

In the pink

Good morning everyone! Today's post is brought to you by the letter D, for damp, and B, for boom. Actually, boom! boom! boom! accompanied by very bright flashes and then, very excitingly, a fire. All of which added up to no power all night. Yeah, no fun.

I think you can guess what happened. We had some pretty strong storms, and it was apparently too much for the electrical infratructure. Or maybe something got struck by lightning. Who knows? All I know is that more than one transformer blew, and one caught fire for a brief time. It was semi exciting, but it did mean that the post I was working on got wiped, and that I got to have takeout for dinner for the first time in a long time. So, you know, good and bad.

All that to introduce the paltry few blocks I have to show today! Here are my pink Ohio Stars for the RSC this month:

These are a little damp, as I took the photos in between rain showers. I promise that they are dry now. I do love pink, and these stars are super easy to make and let me paw through those pink scraps. The larger star has a pink that is very old, from pre-blogging days. Which reminds me that somehow this blog turned six years old during quarantine. Six! Time flies, doesn't it?

Because we're at the halfway point, I pulled out the rest of the stars for a "halfway" picture:

Hmmm. . .I seem to be missing a couple of smaller aqua stars. I'm not sure that I made them, but they weren't in the box. I also skipped the dark blue, and I should probably find something to add there. Not dark blue, but maybe a royal blue? Either way, these stars could use a happy shot of yellow, don't you think?

Finally, I had a visitor this week, and I finally managed to snap a photo:

Not a great photo, since it was taken through the window, but you have to be quick with these guys! The deer live in the woods near our house, and occasionally come up near the house. This one came right up to the patio, and ran off right after I got this picture. We've also seen her (or one her friends, you know) with a fawn recently. It's like living at the zoo, really. Still haven't managed a picture of the foxes, but they're here, too.

That's my update for now! Hope you all are having a great weekend, with power and everything. May your internet never falter, and your ice cream not melt!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC20.


  1. Beautiful stars you have been making. Love the deer photo - I guess they are just being shy. Lets hope the power is restored and stays on for you. The storms have been pretty powerful lately.

  2. Pretty Ohio Stars, no matter what color, Mari! Hope you find the missing ones. We've been having some storms here in N Colorado, too, but haven't lost power, fortunately. Love that you have deer right there!

  3. Your PINK blocks looks SEW pretty mixed in with your collection of blocks for the RSC, Mari! Glad your power has been restored after that storm outage.

  4. Love your pink blocks. I’m getting excited about my Ohio Star blocks and can’t wait to put them together. Quite the excitement with that storm. We didn’t lose power with the most recent storm here, but did lose some tree branches in the nasty winds.

  5. I love your pink blocks, so pretty! And the photo all together (except the one missing ;) ) is great! Cute deer, love those guys!
    Sorry for your ice cream ;)

  6. I love pink too, your Ohio star blocks are lovely. Thanks for the deer picture, I'm glad they visit you. We had them often at our old place but since the fire (here in Paradise) there are very few left around our area and we haven't seen any here in a very long while. I miss seeing them. The foxes do come occasionally.

  7. The hardest thing I found with making Ohio stars was stopping! I love yours, and agree with your color projections!
    We've been having thunderboomers lately, too, but luckily haven't lost power yet. (I hope I didn't just jinx it...)

  8. Your Ohio stars look really fresh with the green grass between them.
    Wildlife is so interesting to watch.

  9. Your Ohio Stars are pretty. Love that you're making two sizes and, yes, yellow will be a nice addition. Nothing like a little thunderstorm craziness to make you appreciate electricity, eh? Power to the people and currently I mean electricity. Get it? Currently! Haha! Guess I'd better take the dog for a walk and get some fresh air. See you next week!

  10. That's a pretty pack of stars and, yes, yellow will be a fun addition. I do love a good thunderstorm, but not when it takes out electricity. Hope the take out was delicious and a fun diversion from being in the dark!

  11. Lightning struck the transformer in front of our house several years ago. We were sound asleep and the flash and boom woke me right up. Then there was a cascade as the power surge took out other transformers nearby. Meanwhile we are suffering from a rain deficit with nary a drop in sight. Hope you dry out soon.

  12. Always exciting when things go boom and burst into flame. I'm glad to hear that it wasn't anything you personally own! Your little gathering of stars is really starting to twinkle :)

  13. It is always nice to see the quiet and shy visitors, thanks for sharing them. And nice to see your stars blooming on the lawn. Good progress.

  14. You say paltry and I say pretty. Yellow=sunshine. Yes, I can always use sunshine or butter :-p
    Internet has been sketchy what with folks at home hogging the bandwidth. What ice-cream? there is no ice-cream - we are behaving. Hope we can meet soonish.

  15. Can't go wrong with Ohio Stars no matter how old they are.

    Seems like every time we have thunder and lightning storms our power goes out in our rural area and it is usually because a tree has fallen on a line somewhere. Lots of times you can hear the power company chain saws in the middle of the night cutting away the trees.

    Oh, deer...we, too, have deer. Lots and lots of them. They ate my entire strawberry crop and the tops off of the beans. They always munch on the flowers but when they start eating my food the fight with them is on!!


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