Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Rainbows in the pines

 Hi everyone, and happy week before Christmas! Are you feeling very merry? Thanks for all of the great holiday stories on the blog hop on my last post! I really enjoyed putting my feet up and reading about your families. After the year that we have had, no one could blame us for just sitting around eating cookies, drinking something warm, and telling happy stories for the next couple of weeks, could they?

Down in the sewing room, I have finished another repurposed project, just in time for a some nice photos in the snow. Yahoo! Here is the Rainbow Pines quilt top:

In the actual pines!

If you recall, the strings started as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project, and like many others, it never got finished. So I repurposed these string sections into some colorful pine trees, using Bonnie Hunter's Pine Tree Point pattern, which you can get in her shop  HERE

This pattern was super-easy, though that might be because I had already made the string parts and only had to cut them to the right size. I also had to depart from Bonnie's pattern a little bit because I wanted to use up all the string bits that I already had pieced, so I used the extra parts that I cut off the tree sections to make the colorful borders.I think they're pretty striking, and it used the scraps! A win all around, I think.

I also decided to use up a bunch of neutral strings for the border, which I think makes the whole thing. I pulled out every unloved bit of neutral and white that I could find and used them here, and I even included a couple yellows, grays, and pinks. I think the borders just sparkle. I always forget how great strings can be, but then I do a project like this and I change my mind. It seems like strings will be extra labor intensive, but they're actually quite soothing to piece together. And did you notice my string corners?

I am so happy that I decided to repurpose a number of projects this year, because then I have empty project boxes, much less guilt, and happy quilt tops like this one. Altogether a lot better than projects just sitting around unloved, don't you think? And this way I can start a new RSC project in January without guilt, too!

 I don't think you can see it in the pictures, but on the land behind this quilt top were these fun visitors:


A deer family! I didn't see them until I had already taken a few photos, but they completely ignored me. They must be colorblind, because this top was really striking in the snow.


This fun quilt top is my last finish for 2020. It's time to clean out the sewing machines, replace the rotary cutter blades, and rake out the scraps on the sewing room floor, and then settle in for some rest and recharging. It will be a quiet holiday for us this year, and if you are heartbroken and missing family this year, know that you are not alone. Whatever your situation, I wish you all a chance to relax and de-stress, a joyous holiday in whatever form you celebrate, and a new year filled with peace and joy. 


See you next week for a year-end roundup, and maybe a few more pretty pictures before we (finally) welcome 2021.


  1. Wishing a merry Christmas to you and yours.

  2. And a lovely quilt top was made. Wonderful. Have a very happy $ safe Christmas and I’ll look forward to seeing what you see next year...

  3. Love the tree quilt and the the way you did the corners in your borders.
    Merry Christmas

  4. Oh, this is such a pretty quilt, and a great way to repurpose those string blocks (love the string border too). I hope you are keeping this one. Fun to see snow and the deer family. We have zero, zip, nada snow here - there's a slight chance for some over Christmas. Here's hoping!

  5. Mari, that is beautiful - a perfect example of why so many of us love scrappy, rainbow quilts! Your photos of all that pretty color in the snowy woods are lovely, too. I am missing my family terribly right now, but thankful we are all warm and safe in our homes and can connect in other ways this year. Take care and have a lovely Christmas!

  6. I LOVE THIS QUILT TOP -- best version of Bonnie's design that I've seen so far. I adore the scrappy inner border and hooray for the scrappy string border. A total win-win -- just GORGEOUS!

  7. What a joyful quilt top, Mari!! I'm SEW glad you repurposed those Strings into this project. (Wandering away to add another possibility to my 2021 RSC contender list...)

  8. I love your interpretation of Bonnie's quilt! I'll be anxious to see your 2021 RSC. I haven't decided yet. Happy Holidays!

  9. What a fabulous adaptation of that design. The rainbow of colors is so pretty! That was a clever idea.

  10. This is wonderful Mari - very creative use of the RSC blocks - the scrappy, bright border is so cute - as are the neutrals. It all just works so well together. Cute pic of the deer too. we have a family that comes through our property on a regular basis. Happy Holidays to you!

  11. Bonnie would very much approve of your adaptation, especially using up all those string scraps and old neutrals in the borders. Yes, the deer are quite good at ignoring humans. I have walked almost right up to them before they turn tail. And yelling at them does absolutely no good. They look at you and then go back to munching the plants and shrubs. I know that you will be missing seeing the grands for Christmas, but next year will b different. Marry Christmas to you. Enjoy the rest of your break.

  12. That is a gorgeous quilt! A rainbow version of an amazing design! Great job! Merry Christmas!

  13. This was an awesome re purpose!!!! and heck ya - now you have empty project boxes - you can fill them up again. I really like the colorful trees and that border.... Yummy!!! GO you!!!

  14. I am entirely in love with the quilt. It is beautiful on its own, but knowing how you were able to put existing and unloved blocks to use and make it all work so beautifully together makes it even more special. What a fabulous winter wonderland photo shoot! The perfect way to finish off a fabulous quilt.

  15. What a wonderfuluilt top this has turned out to be. Love the pieced borders too. Well done.

  16. This quilt is a great spin on Bonnie's pattern. Wonderful use of rainbow strings.

  17. Yes, what a wonderful spin on the pattern. You made it totally your own there isn't another like it, and that makes it GREAT!

  18. Love your version of the pine tree pattern! It is joyous! :)

  19. I love the string border so much! You're right that it sparkles. Such a great use for the "blah" neutrals :)

  20. Thanks for sharing your lovely scrap quilt. You have now encouraged me to use some of my dull beige scraps in a similar way.

  21. WOW! THIS IS REALLY A FANTASTIC QUILT! sorry for shouting- it's that great!

  22. I love that the deer came out to see your quilt show in the snow! Your rainbow trees are fabulous; excellent repurposing of a UFO. Congrats on a lovely finish!

  23. Wow, what a great way to use strings! I've seen lots of "string things" before but this one is really unique and totally fabulous.

  24. Your quilt is so striking and colorful that you had the deer family mesmerized!!! How did you ever have the patience to make that labor intensive border, no scratch that, two labor intensive borders. Did you pick out the backing? Or do we need to go shopping (evil glimmer in my eyes). Hugs to you.

  25. This is such a beautiful scrappy finish. Love all the variety and how you used up those extra's in the border. I think I need to play with strings in 2021.

  26. What a beautiful quilt with beautiful scenery to go with it. Love the Colorful Tree quilt!

  27. I love your quilt, but you really threw me for a loop! My time sense is already messed up (things happened either yesterday or in April or maybe this morning) (thanks, 2020), and I was struggling to understand how you could have made RSC blocks all year from Bonnie's pattern which only just came out. I mean - huh? I was so relieved when it finally dawned on me...

  28. Your quilt is fabulous! I'm looking for a project for 2021 RSC. I dropped our for a couple of years, and the scraps are taking over....


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