Friday, December 11, 2020

Small but satisfying

 Hi everyone, and happy weekend! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here, except for the fact that today it was 55 degrees outside. I feel like I could make do without snow, though, as long as there are plenty of Christmas cookies, and maybe a small bit of mulled wine. Our tree is up and decorated and there are even a couple of presents. Wait, how did those get there? And are they for me?

Back in the sewing room, which is decorated with various fabric scraps and snippets in festive piles on the floor, the repurposing of unfinished RSC projects continues. This week I have a particularly satisfying repurpose to show. Here is a small but happy finish:


This is a small doll quilt that was repurposed from an unfinished Boston Common project from RSC19. I had planned to do another round every month, with some white or neutral rounds to separate a few of the stronger colors. I did great until it was time to move to Baltimore! It went into the project box and did not come out, sadly. I really intended to work some more on it, but I never did. I'm blaming the virus, but really, I also lost enthusiasm for the project. You know how that goes, right?

Why do I say this little quilt was a particularly satisfying finish? Because one minute it was a sad, unfinished project hanging on the design wall waiting for some love, and a couple of hours later it was a cheerful little doll quilt. What a transformation! This little quilt is about 20 by 26, a perfect doll size. 

I quilted this in a simple, fast cross hatch with a pale yellow thread, because it happened to be handy, then bound it in some leftover orange, which also happened to be close at hand. I really like the way cross hatching makes a quilt look. It's super-easy, but it always turns out looking great. I'm also really happy with the orange, which I gave literally no thought to at all. It was just a handy leftover, but it gave the quilt just enough zing. 


This little quilt is going to live at my house and wait for the time when some small girl (or boy--no fossilized gender roles here!) can come and play again. I have three granddaughters now, and sooner or later this stupid virus will be finished and they will be able to come over and have a tea party with some dolls. I can't wait for that day to come, truly.

Anyway, one more project repurposed and finished. Yay! Now I think I need to get going on some more of those Christmas cookies. It's wet and foggy right now, a perfect day for some baking and stitching. Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC20.


  1. That is adorable, Mari! The perfect way to finish off a little project. I bet I know why you had some orange just sitting around for the binding, too!

  2. From awkward UFO to adorable doll quilt. Great transformation. So nice to cross another project off the list.

  3. A cute little doll quilt is a wonderful way to repurpose some orphan blocks or bits and pieces. Those little girls will love it.

  4. Hi,
    Beautiful quilt. Your granddaughters will love playing with it. And I really like the orange binding, really makes the quilt stand out. Have a great day!

  5. That doll quilt is so adorable! Way to rock those scraps - and that binding couldn’t have been better!!

  6. Perfect finish for the RSC!! Not every quilt gets finished as we planned them. Your little doll quilt will still provide some cheerful color on dreary days!

  7. Such a pretty little doll quilt. Do hope it's not too long till the grandies can come for a visit.

  8. I love that you're "decorating" the sewing room floor with colorful scraps--me too! Great doll quilt, and great idea to finish it as it is, colorful and cute and waiting for a lucky child to come and play.

  9. Now that is an adorable and happy finish! I agree - the cross hatching just makes a quilt sing.

  10. Sweet little quilt here. But I must day how striking the orangey quilt in your last post is. Wonderful work!

  11. I have a few of those projects around too, ones I've lost interest in, that really need to quit being ignored and just get them finished. I think this is an adorable doll quilt, and I know your littles will enjoy it when they come to visit. I hope those presents under the tree are for you!

  12. Congratulations on using the scrappy leftover from the orange quilt right away instead of throwing it in the scrap box. And a second cheer for repurposing an old project. I'm thinking I need to do the same with Frolic, last year's Bonnie Hunter mystery. I know you didn't wish for snow, but it looks like some may be headed your way. It should miss us, although I wouldn't mind having the brown landscape hidden for a few days. Maybe it would help put me in a Christmasy mood.

  13. Mari - such a cute little quilt! NOW if you find inspiration and creativity and ignoring the fact that we are a locked down society please send it to me. I have really had a crummy week trying to get enthused about anything! I feel your frustration. I will try again today to see if Inspiration is hanging around here somewhere! Until then..... Hang in there - only 18 more days of this crummy year - for us it has been since September 2019 and then things just got worse and worse. Maybe a shot of the Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale (remember him?) would help! Hugs

  14. Aw! That quilt is so sweet and satisfying! It will wait patiently for just the right child to tuck it around just the right dolly :)

  15. What a very nice little quilt! Happy for you, that you got back on the horse (sewing machine) and got the fabrics repurposed.

  16. I love it! what a fun way to finish that one, and I really like the pop of red!


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