Saturday, February 13, 2021

Stars in snow

 Hello everyone! A new blog post-- what a surprise! Life has been happening around here. Oh, well. The good news is that I have *one* working light in my sewing room now, and I have a new floor in the living area, which was a real adventure. A good story for another time! It does involve a mini jackhammer, though.

Anyway, in these weird circumstances, I finished my Ohio Stars quilt top! Here she is:

It's winter, it's pretty cold, and there is a lot of snow (for Maryland) on the ground, but she still shines, right? 
This quilt top is the end of another RSC project from last year. I used Bonnie Hunter's Random Ohio Stars pattern as a guide, and I made one large and two small stars each month.  I used all but four of the smaller ones in this quilt top.

This doesn't really look like a rainbow quilt, but it used a rainbow of scraps. All of this quilt is scraps except for the borders, which was a piece I've had for a while. It's so pretty, but the color is a bit different and it never made its way into a project. Happily, most of the piece got used up in this border, and now there are only a few strings of it left. 

I think this is destined to become a donation quilt. It's about 60 by 72, which is a nice size for many different organizations.  We'll see what happens when it makes its way to the top of the pile. Though I have been doing very well at getting tops finished off, so I have some hope for this one, too.

I hope you all are staying warm and dry. We are expecting an ice storm later today, which is sure to be exciting, so I think we'll be staying home for most of the day. Winter can be done now, I think. I'm ready for some nice spring weather and some flowers. Though it does have it's moments of beauty, too:

Have a good weekend, everyone!

Linking up with Angela for RSC21 and everyone else on the sidebar>>>>>


  1. It is beautiful! I love seeing finished quilts coming out of all of those rainbow block collections. That border fabric is so pretty! Love the light inner border. So pretty!

  2. Hi Mari, what a lovely quilt top. Your pictures of the quilt in the snow and of the trees are great! Take care and good luck with the "adventures". Take care.

  3. What a beautiful top! I see all the colors of the Rainbow in there!!! and by waiting it's turn in your pile - the perfect place will open up for it, and you will find just the right person who needs it... Stay warm!!!!

  4. Congratulations! This is a gorgeous top. Yes, it does shine even in the snow. I love all the bright colours and the border is just perfect in my book. Awesome job! ;^)

  5. Beautiful finish. From a distance the border reminds of snow falling in a blue sky. Love your photo shoot in the snow, with and without the quilt :)

  6. It’s fun to see your stars from last year all together! That block is still on my list of “want to dos”. I need to find a quilter in my area, my regulars are snowbirding in Arizona! Lucky them! ☘️

  7. So pretty. And I do love the turquoise border with all the rainbow bits in it. I’m trying to picture flooring work with a jackhammer. Concrete floors hiding there? The trees are lovely, but stay safe in the ice—I hope you keep your electricity.

  8. It’s gorgeous! I really love the mix of block sizes. And the border is a great finish. I may have to steal your idea for my next Ohio Star quilt.

  9. It's a lovely quilt. I love the way all of the colors work with the border. It's nice when a project you've been working on for a year finally comes together. Whoever receives the quilt will definitely treasure it.

  10. That's a pretty one, Mari! It has a soft and gentle look to it. I'm ready to be done with winter, too - it's pretty cold out here in the west! I think we reached 4 degrees today. Glad your remodel is progressing - even if slowly!

  11. Congrats on your finished, it as beautiful RSC quilt Mari!

  12. Your starry top is beautiful! We are cold cold cold here (2-3 degrees over night which is a deep freeze for west TN) with ice that is four days old and snow on the way. You'd think we were back in the upper Midwest again! You are braver than I am to take photos outside - I'm staying IN the house.

  13. I love seeing your snow photos. Your top looks lovely. I like the way you have staggered the blocks so it doesn’t look like they are in straight rows. Pretty colours too.

  14. This quilt top jumped right out at me! I absolutely love it. New life for an old block!

  15. Mini jackhammer? That must've been lovely (not), but yippee for at least one light in your sewing room - progress! Your Ohio Star is so bright and cheery against all that snow. We have very little here, but we have bitterly cold weather today. It is currently -18 (feels like -36), so I'm tucked under quilts and reading emails. Sipping coffee.

  16. Love your quilt ! My favorite star, the Ohio star and multiple sizes and colors too.

  17. Congrats on your freshly finished RSC quilt top, Mari!

  18. What a wonderful finish to an RSC quilt! I think it's perfectly fun to have used Bonnie Hunter (aka Queen of Scraps) as an inspiration. What a wonderful border fabric to tie it all in together too! I am in the Midwest and we've been experiencing artic-like temps for the last 10-12 days. Thankfully they say we'll be warming up to 32 by next Saturday. This morning we were -3 and are expecting a high of 9. Wind chills are outrageous too. UGH! I'm with you -- ready for spring temps and flowers!

  19. Hi Mari! You know, I think that border is just perfect for this piece. It really pulls those three turquoise-colored stars out and lets them shine. I hope you survive the ice storm without issue! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  20. Great quilt top. Stay warm. The whole country is freezing right now.

  21. Great top finish... and it looks particularly good in the snow! Sorry to crash your hope for spring but the Mid-Atlantic is in for more snow and ice over the next week. We were surprised at how much we got done in norther Virginia -- or at least southern Northern Virginia. Luckily the streets came out clear and dry today. But lots of great stitching time. Hope you finish this one soon.

  22. It's beautiful. The pictures in the snow are gorgeous. We are supposed to get 6" to 8" more here in Ohio. I need to get sewing/finishing so that I can get more great photos as well.

  23. So bright and happy! I love the triple border especially :)

  24. Loving those stars, some lucky person will be very happy to receive that when done.

  25. Love the quilt, love the layout and love the fabrics!!! You made such a gorgeous use of scraps, Mari!!! Mini jackhammer??? Now that is an oxymoron :-p I bet Bernie will lovingly receive it for Mercyful Quilts. Be safe and stay warm.


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