Thursday, March 18, 2021

Small updates on small things

 Hi everyone! I hope you have been having a good week. It has been another busy one here, but today I hit a milestone: I have walked 150 kilometers since January 1. That's 93 miles! There's either something seriously wrong with me or I'm having a lot of stress. It may be both because I really wanted to hit this milestone today so I went out walking in the rain. At least it was warm-ish. Wet, though.

Today I just wanted to say hello to everyone so I just have a couple of small updates. I finished nothing this week, but I did make progress! First, I basted two baby quilts:


It was raining, so interior pictures. And an exciting picture it is, isn't it? These are now ready for quilting, and they're just getting straight lines. Maybe a crosshatch. Since these are only 36 inches square I think I can quilt them both up at the same time, one line after the other.  These are both for donations, so I need to finish them up fairly soon.

I also want to make this piece into another baby quilt of the same size, so I've been trying to choose one of these three options as a border. What do you think?

Yeah, I'm not sure either. I'll keep looking. No matter what, it will be colorful, right?
The other thing I've started working on is these fun stars:
These are made from some really big leftover half-square triangles from a quilt that is on it's way from my longarmer friend. I had to use them up, and I think they'll make some nice "seeds" for a new scrappy quilt. Could it be that I'm starting to snap out of my burnout if I'm starting a new quilt? I guess it's possible!

I realized earlier today, as I was just staring in wonder at the new floor, that I never showed a picture of why this was such a big deal for us. We bought this house with "original floors." Unfortunately for us, the original floors were fieldstone set in concrete. It was not pretty. I'm sure the original architect had great visions, but he didn't have to clean the darned things. Here is the before and after:

It was very, very noisy and extremely messy, but the stone is gone and we now have hardwood. We love it and are so much happier with it. And you know what? I can sweep this and it actually comes clean! It's amazing!

That's the update from here! I hope you all had a wonderful week and have a lovely weekend planned. I am planning to paint my husband's office. What can I say, I live dangerously! Here is just one more picture of something that had me squealing:
Daffodil sprouts and snowdrops! Spring is on the way!
Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday.


  1. that is good to walk so much - I try for 5 miles a day but it is not all at once, I do two work outs and then some from what would be normal in a day around the house - had to back off last week with a minor foot procedure but back to it now

  2. I wish I could walk more. I’m just a bit lazy.
    The new floor looks great.

  3. Can you send some walk juice over here? I could use some as I need to get motivated now that the snow is leaving and I could get out and walk. Ugh - the fieldstone floor reminds me of the entryway floor in this house when we moved in. It was slate, and looked beautiful just after it was washed and still a bit wet. After it dried, it showed every little thing. Tearing it out was a bear, so I hear you - I can't imagine a whole living room floor! The new wood floor looks great!

  4. The floor transformation is amazing! I'm sure it changes the whole feeling in that room to warm and inviting. We still have snow cover but those tender new plants will begin to pop up here in a couple of weeks, I hope. At our previous house I had tulips along the south side of the house that broke through early every year. But I've never planted any here.

  5. That fieldstone floor falls under the category of "What on earth were they thinking?". Okay for a patio, but an indoor space? You must have really loved this house to be willing to take on such a reconstruction. I've been amazed at how fast the spring bulbs are growing. And next week we're supposed to be in the 60's all week, so that will really move them along. Spring can't come soon enough for all of us.

  6. With a thin stop border, any of those choices would work, Mari. Congrats on you new floor. It's gorgeous!

  7. Your new floor looks wonderful, Mari! I bet you're really enjoying it. Congratulations on all that walking, too. I try to walk daily, and feel deprived if I can't! Your baby quilts look fun - I like that third choice on the right for the border, but whatever you pick, someone will love it!

  8. I’m with Wendy! Send some walk juice here. It’s warmer today but windy so the feels like temperature is reduced from actual. Your new floor is beautiful!

  9. Congrats on the great walking number. I don't keep track but I walk every other day or so. Moving a project forward is great. You can't have a finish without moving forward. Your floor transformation if wonderful. I love the color of the wood floor -- it looks glowing and warm. I think the far right one would do for a border. I often don't add borders -- the quilt is a reasonable size for its purpose so no border! (Or am I incredibly lazy?) Have a good week.

  10. An old fashion dust mop works wonders on those wood floors! Old Vermont Mercantile might still have them available.

  11. First - I like the caterpillar fabric on the left for a border...
    Second - holee cow - what a difference those floors make
    and Third - GO you!!! What a great goal!! I am all kinds of impressed!!

  12. The stone floors are really hard on your feet/legs/back too. The new floor looks great.


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