Friday, May 14, 2021

Violettes fini

 Hi everyone! By the time you read this, I should be happy dancing all around the house, because I should have finished all of the research papers I have to read and the worst semester ever will have come to an end. Yahoo! I don't know why spring was so much worse than the fall, but I think canceling Spring Break had a lot to do with it. Let's never do that again, okay?

Speaking of things never to do again. . .okay, that was meant to be funny, but maybe not too funny, because I have finally finished a quilt top from 2017. This particular top had approximately a billion pieces, (that's only a small exaggeration!) and for some reason I grew to dislike it intensely. The blocks have been hanging on the design wall since I put the design wall up, and I finally got so sick of them (with a little prodding from Preeti) that I finished the top. Here she is:

For some reason, the shade and light make this look blue, but I swear that it's purples and lavenders! Perceptive readers will notice that this looks familiar, like a pattern or something. That's because it began life as one of Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilts, En Provence. (You can get the digital pattern for that quilt right HERE.) I started it with enthusiasm, but then lost interest around the 80 millionth piece. I guess I have no stamina. It's been waiting to be finished ever since.
In the interest of finishing this into something usable, and of using up as many of the pieces I had already made as possible, I finished half of the blocks, eliminated the alternate blocks, and pieced a sashing to bring it together into some kind of a design. I actually think it turned out okay! Of course, I have approximately 50 million pieces left over, but most of them are purple 4-patches, and I'm sure I'll think of something to do with those eventually.

 For those of you who have not made a "Bonnie" quilt, she is a genius at using all kinds of little pieces to make complicated designs. I also love complex blocks, but the plethora of scrap pieces required and the sheer anount of work involved with this quilt just overwhelmed me. Also, I don't have nearly a big enough stash to get a real variety, and I really dislike matching all of those seams! 

I've decided to call my version Violettes, French for violets, because the purples and greens certainly bring those pretty flowers to mind. Now that it's pieced, I am planning to quilt it up myself. I want to try using the walking foot to make Baptist fans, and I think this is the perfect quilt for it. It's so busy that the piecing will hide any mistakes. I need to find a nice plain neutral for the backing because the top itself is so busy. Pretty sure I have something like that around here somewhere. . .
Sighhh. I'm so relieved and happy that this is finished, that the semester is finished, and that we have some pretty spring flowers like those above (another azalea growing loose on the property) that I just might find a minute or two to relax. I'm not really sure I remember what that feels like!

Hope you all have a relaxing weekend! If anyone needs me, I'll be on the sofa, staring at the TV and letting my brain reboot. I think there's a few shows that should help with that. (Bridgerton, anyone?) Right after I finish this happy dance!

Updated to add that I'm sharing this at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and Michelle's Beauties Pageant. Thanks to all the hosts!


  1. Kudos to you for a great finish, I have yet to attempt a BONNIE quilt. .. I know myself too well to even put it on my quilt bucket list :)

  2. Hooray for a finish. Bonnies quilts are amazing, but so very many small pieces. I will admire from afar. I'm interested in how the Baptist Fan quilting with your walking foot goes. Something I would like to try.

  3. Much better than just OK - it's beautiful. I lost interest in finishing that particular BH quilt too, and eventually made a couple of kids' quilts out of the pink and purple and neutral parts. I still have a few of the blocks with green and yellow. Those were the problems for me because I didn't like the shades of yellow anywhere near the pink.

    I'm up extra early this morning trying to get a few more of my student's grades finalized so I can sew a bit later this morning. This is the last day of the semester for some schools.

  4. Well, congrats for wrapping up another year, and crazy one at that. It only seems fitting that you finish that particular quilt too with its bazillion pieces, I've always watched BH QALs from the sidelines, knowing full well I would lose interest at about the second 4-patch. LOL. It's a beauty, and I'm sure you'll find something to do with it.

  5. sorry your teaching this year has been so stressful and unenjoyable - that makes it rough going - hopefully all will be back to normal in your next teaching semester. I have done one of Bonnie's quilts but not that one

  6. The Violettes are so yummy - like a chocolate croissant. Very French indeed. Love the gorgeous purples and lavenders. Kudos to you (thanks to the prodding Preeti, in some very small measure). No more masks for the fully vaccinated, says CDC. We can finally French Kiss :-D I am so ready for naked-face squishy hugs!!!

  7. That turned out beautifully, Mari! Pretty colors and gorgeous photos in your yard, too. Congratulations on making it to the end of this stressful semester - you deserve some time to just veg out!

  8. Love the photo with the flowers - sets off the quilt top beautifully. Congratulations on the finish - and just go slow when you start the fans and don't get frustrated with yourself. Do some doodling on paper first to establish your muscle memory and general rhythm, then practice a bit on a sample, and then your confidence will be stronger when you start on the actual quilt. It's going to be gorgeous!

  9. Ohhhh its kinda a double finish!! Congrats on making it to the end of the semester! and I am with you on the spring break cancellation - both my boys went from a week to 2 days off and it was awful! Not that they were going anywhere - but we all like to ride and work calves.... anyways - your quilt it wonderful!! I am glad you had a little prodding to finish it!! The billion pieces make is even a better finish!

  10. Congratulations on finishing up your En Provence, Mari!! I stopped at one block and a thousand little pieces in order to work on other projects. I'm actually looking forward to the time that I dig this project back out! Kudos to Preeti for guilting you into into transforming the blocks into a quilt top.

  11. Bonnie is a very generous and amazing woman. I have done three of her quilts and now just admire them from afar. Your quilt is beautiful.

  12. I made that one as well. But I can say, I really love your colors and how it turned out. So bright! It looks spectacular! Hooray for your finish. Your borders really set it off well. Love how your photography amongst nature just makes it!

  13. Nice finish on the quilt and the semester. I put mine in time out for almost a year before deciding my sister-in-law would love it. So I finished it (still have purple 4 squares too) and gifted it and yes, she loved it. So all was not lost. I did start Unity last year but it's now in time out. No more- I'll enjoy from afar!!

  14. Yay, you, finishing this quilt in the springtime when the violets are in bloom. Gorgeous (and the exact colors of my room when I was a teenager)! I have never made a Bonnie quilt although they are very pretty, and I enjoy seeing everyone else’s. I’m glad you saw at least some of those blocks through to the end, and with your own setting. Baptist fans will be so cool. Enjoy relaxing! It’s a happy weekend with all the mask-tossing. I’d like to think it’s a celebration for you and every other educator (and student) who has made it through a tough year. Kind of like throwing up graduation hats.

  15. Congrats on finishing your term and quilt! Bravo!

  16. Hi Mari! Who's done with school?? You are!! School's out for summer . . . school's out forrrrrever. I can totally see En Provence lurking in your quilt and a great finish it is. Four years percolating seems to be just the right amount of time! Thanks for sharing all the pretty Spring flowers, too. {{Hugs}} Enjoy your weekend. You deserve a good long restful break. ~smile~ Roseanne

  17. Bonnie is very generous and amazing. I have made her two quilts and now admire them from far away.

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  18. Beautiful quilt Mari. I absolutely love it.

  19. It is finished, it is beautiful and let's dance, Mari!!
    Beautiful photos, I understand all your feeling about the quilt, but it worth all your effort to finished

  20. Oh, it's lovely! Just like the flowers that you named it after. I completely understand getting partially thru a BH pattern and then vastly dialing it back. I think you did a great job with the new alternate/sashing blocks. It sparkles :)

  21. One of the reasons I never make one of her mystery quilts is too many fiddly pieces. I'm glad you were able to finish it YOUR way. You WILL find a use for those little 4-patches, maybe in a Jacob's Ladder, or something else.

  22. I like your version. Yes, Bonnie loves lots of little pieces. I get tired of cutting all that fabric. I hope you are having a relaxing weekend.

  23. This is just so beautiful and shines in that setting too. I love all your projects and especially enjoyed seeing your EPP endeavors. I know you said you didn't enjoy the final finishing which I totally understand. I stall at that point too. We must do what gives us satisfaction esp. me as I am old now, :). Happy Stitching from me.

  24. I am so happy for you that you made something with Bonnies blocks. It is a lovely quilt you have made. A perfect name too..


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