Saturday, June 19, 2021

Purple morning

 Hello, all, and happy weekend! How was your week? I had a really productive week, and we got our furnace and ductwork cleaned on top of that. The furnace people said that the ductwork had never been cleaned, and the house is more than 60 years old, plus we've had a bunch of work done, so I expect it to be much less dusty now. If that means less cleaning for me, I am all for it.

Last year I started making fabric baskets to hold my scraps as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project, but I got sidetracked when everything got so stressful (for some odd reason), so this year I'm trying to catch up with the colors I missed. I skipped purple, and those poor scraps have had to hang out in a plastic bin with the lid coming off ever since. It's purple's turn in the RSC again, so I made up that scrap basket this week:
The fact that this year's petunias are purple is a complete coincidence! I think the basket is cute, with all those strange angles and whatnot. This basket started with a leftover triangle, so much of it turned out to be diagonal after everything was folded and stitched and everything. I put it together quilt as you go, and I think it turned out just fine. And it's half full of scraps already! I've never measured the finished basket, but the scrap slab that becomes the basket measures about 18 by 24.
I also made some of the little 16-patches for a different RSC project:

Why do mini blocks also look so cute? These look a little washed out, but they really are lavender. I may not make any darker purples. I haven't decided yet. I haven't kept up with this one very well, which is too bad because they are so easy and turn out well. These are made from 1-1/2 inch squares, which I have a large bin full of, so I really should get on that.

And that's the purple report from here! There are still plenty of purple scraps, so stay tuned for more purple goodness. Hope you all are having a good weekend with something fun planned. We're having more rain, but I do have some fun planned, right after I do all those fun errands we all have. Always more exciting in the rain! 

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC21.


  1. I've fallen behind on some RSC projects this year too, but have actually finished some others. So it's all good. Love those scrappy baskets.

    My week . . . is drawing to a close with another family graduation celebration. This one for a great-nephew who graduated from college and will be teaching next year. Yay! Another teacher in the family.

  2. Your purple basket is beautiful Mari. Sometimes we just need a break. The mini lavender blocks are look so cute. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Oh, the minute I saw the thumbnail of this basket, I knew whose it was! I’m so glad you’re adding to your adorable scrap basket collection. It looks amazing. I would trade rain with you if I could. We got so excited this morning because we heard about 14 drops on the patio roof. But it turned out to be not even enough to totally wet the street out front. Darn! Have a fun weekend!

  4. I love those scrap baskets, Mari, and yours is pretty in purple! It's such a great way to use and then store scraps. The mini 16 patches are pretty and adorable!

  5. I've always admired those scrap fabric baskets, wonder why I've never just ped on the band wagon and made one yet? Yours is very pretty, as are the lavender mini blocks.

  6. That really is a cool basket with all the angles! It’s just pretty darn cute! So, I wonder what the mini blocks will become? I’ll stay tuned!

  7. I love how your basket matches your flowers! Well done!

  8. The scrap baskets are a great idea. I wish I had a shelf I could put them on.

  9. Pretty blocks and a wonderful purple scrap basket!

  10. Love your purple scrap basket! Pretty 16-patches blocks too. Petunias, one of my favorite flowers.

  11. We've never had our ducts cleaned either, and our house was built in the late 60s (yikes). Your little purple basket is cute, and I love the lavender blocks too. You've definitely had a fun time in your sewing room! Yippee!

  12. Sweet PURPLE projects for the RSC, Mari!!

  13. Such a pretty purple scrap basket! So glad there are no cicadas about to climb into it before you even add fabric to it!

  14. Your purple blocks are beautiful, soft and pretty colors. And the scrap basket is gorgeous!


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