Saturday, July 24, 2021

A challenge in blue and purple

 Hello everyone, and welcome to another summer weekend. Aren't they great? This week I've seen people (okay, mainly fabric companies) busting out fall-themed projects, and I've wanted very much to tell them to stop it. Summer is short enough-- don't rush toward fall! I still have tons of ice cream to eat!

It's time for another check-in for my projects for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and I've done okay with the darker blue this month. Turns out I have a few that are actually kinda cute, which is a surprise to me. Here are my Saguaro blocks in darker blues:
Definitely not navy, but not too bad. I really like the floral. Also, are blueberries blue or purple? I couldn't decide, but I put them with the blues. Either way, they fit nicely into this quilt. You might notice that the "leaves" on the blueberry block are kind of brownish, but that's a batik that has a lot of green in it, and that's just the way those hsts turned out. Sometimes fabric is like that.

I also made the last of the purples, so here are those three blocks:
I like them! Where else could I have used that grape fabric? I have no idea where I got it, but it has been kicking around here for quite a while.

So now we're getting to the stage where I'm starting to think about putting some blocks together and what the final quilt is going to look like. I threw some of the blocks into the design wall, just to see:
I like them and think they'll make a great quilt, but does anyone else think there is a lot of white space there? In the pattern there are a lot of different backgrounds, so it's not as noticeable, but mine are all white and I think it might look a little bland. I thought about using stitch and flip corners on the the blocks to mitigate some of the white space:
What do you think? Is it too distracting? Does it look too much like a bullseye? I think I like it, but do I want all green, like the "leaves," or multicolors? Or maybe I want a sashing and cornerstones instead! That could make an alternate block on it's own if I do it correctly. Decisions, decisions. . .

Fun things to ponder! Hope you have a lovely summer weekend with lots of sunshine and ice cream. We are going to try to take down a massive (8 feet by 6 feet) mirror in the bathroom. I'm tired of watching myself shower. Wish us luck! 

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC 21.


  1. The little triangles will be smaller once the blocks are sewn together.
    Good luck with the mirror removal.

  2. Beautiful Sugaro blocks. I will be looking forward for seeing what you decided.
    Happy weekend!

  3. The little corners make a very cool secondary design. Very cool blocks, by the way. Blueberries are blue, or maybe blue violet, so I'd keep them with blue. You've reminded me I need to pick up blueberries next week!

  4. i like your blocks! i don't usually do "traditional" blocks for my RSC projects, but i certianly should consider it! i looked at the pattern you linked to; you'll get the secondary pattern of stars when you sew the blocks together, so there's that...
    but- since you asked what i think (HA!) i'll tell 'ya! (HA, again!) i'd do the flip and stitch only at the bottom of the basket corners, and DEFINITELY in the green. the multi is too distracting. maybe 2 different greens, if you're concerned it will be too boring? but, i think the overall effect will be quite nice.
    just my 2 cents... happy sewing! my son lives in Bmore, and boy, it sure gets hot and steamy down there!

  5. In the first photo my mind says "4 blocks" but the second photo with the corners says "one large block". Either way is OK.

    Ha ha about the mirror. My 1953 bathroom has a 3' x 5' mirror and I think I would miss it if all I had was a small mirror, but then I have lived with it for 49 years.

  6. SEW many decisions, Mari!! Best of luck on choosing which way to go with your project.

  7. ahhhh design work... your photos are so pretty always, sharing nature around you.
    how are things Mari? Are you teaching in the Fall? In person ?

  8. That is the 'fun' stage! I like the triangles and the design they make. Enjoy summer and that ice cream.

  9. I'm not ready for fall yet, either, Mari! Your Saguaro blocks are pretty - I do like stitch and flip corners to break up that negative space. Hard to decide on the colors for that, but multiple colors that come together like your example would be fun!

  10. The blocks are very pretty, and I'm sure however you decide to set them will be great. You could do some special quilting in that white area, BTW.

  11. ah, the quilters dilemma, so many decisions. I'll leave them to you, but whatever you do I will like it!

  12. Like you, I would be uncomfortable with that big white expanse when the blocks are set together. I like the colorful corners! Listen to your instincts . . .

  13. I usually lurk...but I love your blocks! Have you thought of using the "stitch and flip" corners with sashing and a cornerstone? That would create a secondary pattern of little Shoo Fly blocks. No matter what you do, it's going to be lovely

  14. The blocks are so cute! I like the idea of stitch and flip corners.


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