Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Making blocky progress

Hi all! How is your week going? We are still hot and sticky, and expecting more rain. The more things change, the more they stay the same. As you read this, I'm probably in yet another meeting getting ready for the upcoming school year. I really like teaching, but I could really do without the meetings. Apparently, Zooming meetings was too productive, so we can't do it any more. But sitting in meetings does make for fun quilt idea sketching time!

In between meetings, I've made some progress on the two quilts that I'm currently working on, the Snail's Trail and the old and new quilt. First up, here are the last of the modern blocks for the old and new quilt:

Yay! Aren't they cute? As I said, these are the last of the "modern" blocks for this quilt. I have only eight of the more traditional blocks left to piece, and they are the ones I need to paper piece. I've printed the patterns and chosen the fabrics, so I'm looking forward to finishing these blocks really soon.  And many, many thanks to Preeti and Wendy, who sent me some of the fabric I was missing. It really makes a difference in the quilt!

So, there's the update on that quilt. The other quilt I'm working on is a scrap Snail's Trail quilt, trying to use up some of the many blues and beiges that I have. I've made about a dozen blocks:

Once you cut all the pieces, these blocks go together really easily. It's fairly mindless and soothing. My only issue in putting them together is variety-- I don't want to repeat the same fabrics in the same block. Sometimes it happens in spite of my best efforts. Really, though, that's the only problem with these. Well, that and the fact that they haven't used nearly as many scraps as you would think. I still have tons!

Last time I posted about these, I asked if anyone knew the math to make the blocks a bit bigger, since the original blocks would have finished at 8 inches. A very helpful reader named Ila emailed me a super-cool and very mathy diagram, and it worked! You can see the difference in block sizes above. The bigger blocks finish at a weird size, about 11-1/3 inches, but it doesn't matter because they are all connected to each other. Thanks so much, Ila!

So, two quilts, moving right along! Perhaps during the next meeting, I'll try to sketch out a layout for the old and new quilt. I haven't decided on one yet, and it would be a good thing to think about. And if anyone needs some fabric, be sure to check out Bernie's retirement sale right HERE. There are still many fun bargains left! 
I'll leave you with a photo from one of the flower pots. The heat and rain have been really great for the flowers and grass. Enjoy the rest of the week!

Sharing at Midweek Makers.


  1. I'm just delighted that I had the fabric to send - your blocks look great! The Snail Trail blocks are very cool, and I'm glad you found your solution to enlarging them. Going back to sitting through meetings has been an adjustment for hubs here too - he much prefers the virtual option!

  2. Pretty projects on the go, Mari. SEW glad you were able to make some progress!

  3. I love your blocks for the old and new quilt - such pretty colors! They go with your flowers. Looks like you're making good progress on the snail's trail quilt, too. Good luck with all the meetings... I remember those days in my career, too - pretty soon everyone's saying, "Enough of this, bring on the students!"

  4. I think Zoom meetings are the best. Don't have to travel to get there. Less gas and time wasted.
    You are making good progress Mari - I haven't been in the sewing room in over a week. Between the garden and the fabric sale, it has been really busy here. Today is a dentist appt - eww. I would (obviously) rather stay home and sew!!

  5. II loved my job (most days) except for the meetings. The best part of retirement was No meetings.
    Love your blog. Great quilting and great photos.

  6. Your pink/red and green blocks made me think of a strawberry patch. Such pretty colors.

    I used to sketch quilt ideas, and make lists of things I wanted to make - during boring meetings. LOL I had a guy scold me once at a staff meeting where he was providing some staff development. It was a workshop geared toward elementary teachers, but our superintendent made everyone K-12 attend - so you can imagine how bored those of us high school staff were. LOL Poor guy!!

    We've had the heat, but all of the rain has gone around us. We even had a tornado warning on Monday, but only got about 2 minutes of rain out of that storm. My geranium is still looking OK, but our lawn is brown - in all the places our sprinkler system doesn't quite reach.

  7. We were scheduled for an in person Board meeting and it was moved to Zoom since COVID is on the rampage here. Our governor will not allow virtual schooling for public schools (long messy story) but our system is already trying to force the issue since there are so many children ill or in quarantine (not to mention teachers/staff) that there are several buildings that simply need to shut down for a while. On a happier note, your blocks are lovely, especially with all those blooming plants!

  8. love the colors in all your blocks! and your flowers are so pretty!

  9. Your Snails Trail will make a lovely quilt some day. That is the way I work Some Day!

  10. Those blocks, that setting...gorgeous and I love those Snail Trails too. Precise stitching too. Meanwhile, staff meetings always were so long and I liked it in my later years when the younger ones protested and meetings became shorter. In my early days, I would miss supper sometimes because of staff meetings.


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