Wednesday, September 15, 2021

More projects than time

 Hi all! Hope you're all doing well so far this week. I'm settling in to the semester, which is good because we're now in the third week. How did that happen? No idea. I've been too busy in another stupid meeting to notice. But the good news is that we have not had any Covid cases so far. Yay us! Fingers crossed that we stay this healthy as the colder temps set in.

I've been working on several things in the sewing room lately, and this is just a short update so I don't forget what I'm doing. Hey, it happens. First, I've finished off the blocks for the old and new quilt, and they are awesome, of course, and I've started a layout. Here's what I've decided:

I chose a layout of staggered columns, which I think will really showcase the blocks. The hard part is getting the colors balanced, and then deciding what to use to offset the columns. Do I just use a big rectangle as a filler? Or maybe a flying goose? Or a half block? I think a half block would be most interesting, but I'd need to choose a block or two that would still be interesting cut in half. Any suggestions?

One more quilt that is nearing completion is the Snail's Trail quilt, which is at a good stage. 

I made twenty blocks, then decided that that wasn't enough, so I cut ten more, which should make the quilt a good size. I have to put the last round on the last ten blocks, then I can finish this off. Not sure about any kind of a border, though. I have tons of blue scraps left over, so maybe I can think of a way to use more of them for a border.

Finally, I've also started putting the Laundry Basket Quilts mystery together! I'm stitching it together in quadrants so that it's easy to manage, and it's going well enough so far. I'm really excited to get this off the wall and figure out some borders for it as well. It's going to look really great once it's all done.

Lots going on! Enough to keep me busy, anyway. The heat continues here, though the days suddenly seem to be getting shorter. It's a bit darker in the morning. Ah, well. At least the flowers are still alive!

I'll close with those pretties, and the note that this is my 600th post, for anyone who's keeping track. Thanks for hanging around and keeping me company this long. Enjoy the rest of the week!

Sharing at Midweek Makers.


  1. And I love seeing what you are up to and your lovely photos of projects. Inspires us all. So Thankyou for your blog posts.

  2. Glad to know no more cases of Covid near you. This is a bless.
    Love the blue snail's trail blocks, this will be a beautiful quilt and
    I agree with you the staggered columns will show up all the blocks.
    Congrats for the 600th post, and thanks for your friendship and inspiration.

  3. You're so right - we probably all have more projects than time. I have more time lately, but have more projects going on too. I love, love, love that blue Snail Trail.

    I can picture flying geese as spacers for that first project. But half blocks would be good too.

  4. Tempting projects you have ongoing, especially the Snail's Trails. And congratulations on the 600th posting. Also good news that the school year is going well (if you don't count all those dratted meetings). As I'm not an early riser, I notice that it gets dark earlier in the evening now.

  5. 600 posts - how fun! Glad the year is starting off well, I don't envy you those meetings (ugh). I like the staggered block idea, and I can visualize FG as filler blocks. I'm thinking on the half block idea, too, because that's a fun idea. That crossed canoe block makes me want to just ignore everything and make a whole quilt of that block (on my wish list).

  6. Glad to hear that people are staying healthy at the university, Mari! It looks like you've got enough projects to keep you busy for a while. We'll wait patiently until you share some progress!

  7. Love your snail trail quilt. Those blues looks so good against the lighter background. Yay for being Covid free!

  8. I like how you have a few different projects going on that you can sit with whenever you have a few minutes now that you’re back to school. (Yay for a Covid-free year so far. Every week is a celebration.) Love, love, love the old and new quilt. Given your layout, I’m not even sure you need a half block at each end of those rows. Depends what you do for sashing, but you might be able to get by with a simple little row— like a row of squares or something. Anyway, I know you’ll think of something awesome.


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