Saturday, December 18, 2021

Clouds of stars

 Hi all, and happy weekend! I have finished my grades for the semester, so now my brain is mush, but I feel pretty good. I taught a course called Death and Dying this semester, and I cannot tell you how happy I am that that is finished! I won't have to think about it again for three years or so, plus I can now fully enjoy the sparkly lights and happy songs. It's something like 60 degrees outside, so the effect is a little muted, but I am loving it anyway.

Today I have the last finish of 2021 to show off. Can you believe this year is ending? Me either! I thought it would never get out of here, but now it can't wait to leave. And here is what it's wrapping up in at the end:
It's the Ohio Star quilt that I finally quilted up into something nice and cozy. I love how old fashioned it looks, but still pretty contemporary. 

I made this quilt as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge at soscrappy. I know it doesn't look like a rainbow quilt, but it really is! I made three blocks a month in the color of the month, and then put them together earlier this year. Since this is a scrap quilt, I kind of threw everything in there for the setting squares and it turned out. That always surprises me.

I quilted this myself with a pantograph called Cotton, which is really curvy and easy to follow, and gives the quilt a great texture. I'm getting much better at the long arming thing and I want to try some more complex pantos. The ones I have look so good, though, and this one went pretty fast. 

I used a green wide print for the backing, and then dithered for a while about the binding. I wanted to use the border fabric as a binding, but there were only a few scraps left, so I auditioned several choices, mostly blue and green. They all clashed terribly. I happened on the red and it looked pretty good to me. A surprise, but a good one!

I think my mom would like this quilt, so I'm going to offer it to her, and if she doesn't want it, it's going to live here for a while. What a tragedy that would be, right?

And that's a wrap for 2021! We have a lot of merry-making to do, and no one has cleaned this place in a while, so maybe I'll start on that. And I think some people may be expecting Christmas cookies and other goodies, too, so there's another thing to do. In fact, that sounds yummier than cleaning!

Thanks for coming along on the ride that was 2021, and I hope all of you have a lovely, restful, and peaceful holiday, whichever one you celebrate. It's been a rough year, so everybody take care of yourselves, and come back for the year end round up post next week.

Happy holidays!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or not Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, Patchwork and Applique, Oh, Scrap, and soscrappy for RSC 21.


  1. Love your version of the Ohio star quilt, Mari. I agree with you, the cookies seems yummier than cleaning. Have a great weekend.

  2. Such a lovely quilt finish, enjoy it while it stays with you, then perhaps move on. Merry Christmas to you and yours, it's been fun sharing RSQ adventures with all the ladies throughout the year.

  3. That's a beautiful quilt, Mari! I love the scrappiness of it and the way the stars float around the quilt. Hooray for the end of the semester! I know this was the last week of school before the break for my elementary colleagues, too, and I so strongly remember the relief of getting to that Friday! Havexa wonderful Christmas!

  4. I like the reverse values in the backgrounds in the 2 different blocks, very successful. Yes, make cookies first and then clean.

  5. Such a pretty quilt, Mari. Congratulations on your RSC finish!!

  6. I didn't know you had a longarm... where does it live? Your quilt looks good and I wished I could have met up with you and Preeti for lunch... glad the class is done and dusted. whew!

  7. Wat a beautiful quilt, I love the rainbow stars, and the red binding is perfect!
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up today ;)

  8. Mari, your RSC quilt is beyond lovely! I want to make one just like it! Well done! Happy semester break! Enjoy your time.

    1. P.S. I wish I knew how to pin it to save it to look at again and again!

  9. Well, I can't imagine teaching that class while we transitioned from fall to winter was any fun at all. Your quilt, however, is very fun and a great way to wrap up this year! It's cheerful and pretty and looks like a perfect companion for an afternoon of reading! Happy Holidays to you and your family, Mari!

  10. Enjoy your holidays and your time off. Hope the recent Covid surge doesn't disrupt and family gathering plans. Looking forward to your RSC projects for next year.

  11. I think it's a great success as an RSC quilt! It doesn't scream rainbow but the colors all harmonize beautifully. I like the reverse star effect too. I think the timing of the end of the course is good- jumping into the holidays should help!

  12. Mari, you have such a gift for scrappy quilts. I really like the pastel versions of some of the RSC colors. They make the quilt quietly joyful, which is perfect for the year we've just had. The positive and negative effects are meaningful right now, too. It must have been difficult to teach a course on death and dying during a year when we were surrounded by so much--although I'm sure it gave you opportunities to teach hope and peace, too. I do hope your holidays are refreshing and that you can safely enjoy some family time.

  13. I have this quilt design on my todo list. I love your colors and great finish!

  14. What a beautiful way to end the year. I'm always amazed at what a wide variety looks right at home in scrap quilts. The colors all blend perfectly and the binding is such a happy pop of color. Glad to see 2021 done and hoping for a better 2022.

  15. I love this quilt! A couple of questions--1. What do you use for batting?? and 2. How do you figure how much fabric you need for each block? If you're using scraps, and I think that's what you said you did, when you picked a color and its mate, how did you know there was enough there to complete the block?

  16. That is a fun finish!!! I bet your Mom will love it!!!
    Glad your semester is over - you can give your poor brain a break!

  17. Late to comment but this is a marvelous finish. Hooray that your mom wants it. Merry Christmas to you and your family and ENJOY your holiday break from school.

  18. Wonderful finish! Enjoy your holidays...always feels good to have school done for a bit, whether teacher or student.

  19. Love, love, love the star quilt! I once interpreted a death and dying was fascinating though not one I would want to be in every semester!


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!