Saturday, January 8, 2022

Twinkling in the snow

 Hi everyone, and happy weekend! I know last weekend was the first weekend of the year, but this really feels like the first one for me, maybe because I worked all week. As you'll see in today's pictures, it snowed and was cold here this week, with a couple of days that were cold and clear. No huge traffic backups, thankfully, so the snow and cold made me unreasonably happy. Something about the sunshine and the crisp air just made me feel good. What can I say? I am a Midwesterner at heart, and January needs some snow and cold. (But only the happy kind, please!)
Anyway. . .it's the beginning of another year of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge at soscrappy, and this year I have four projects I want to work on. Heaven knows there are enough scraps for all of them, you know? I only got a chance to work on two of them this week, but here is the first one:

Look how cute those stars are! These are Twinkle Stars from one of Angela's tutorials, and I have admired them for years. Why haven't I made them before now?

These stars are fast and easy to make, and I followed Angela's instructions, except that I used 3-1/2 inch units instead of 2-1/2, so that my blocks finish at 9 inches. For my quilt, I'm going to keep all the stars yellow and change the colors of the star points each month. I plan to make 42 total stars, which is four a month, with something else substituted when we get to yellow. I haven't figured out what color that will be yet, but I'm sure the stars will look great.

The second project I actually tried to start last year, but this year I actually have a plan, so I think it's going to go a lot better. I thought I would make Bonnie Hunter's Winter Blues in multicolors, but I just kind of randomly made some blocks for a few months and petered out. So, to restart:

Yes, having a plan helps! These are the red blocks for my unnamed rainbow quilt. This time, I sat down and drew everything out and figured out just how many blocks of each color I need, and how many connector units, and alternate blocks. (Raise your hand if you think all quilt patterns should have a coloring page. It would make planning so much easier!) These are all the reds I need, so I'm calling that a restart!

As I said, I have four total projects, but the other two are still in pieces, so they will have to wait for now. I hope to get them ready before the end of this month. I hope all of your new projects are going well, and I'm really looking forward to following them all this year. Happy stitching, all!

An incredibly beautiful day!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC22 (gulp!)


  1. Good to see you have a plan. Good luck with keeping it going. The stars look pretty

  2. Of course there were no major traffic back-ups in your neck of the woods, Mari. They were in mine. Did you not hear the 24 hour jam on I-95 from just south of DC all the way to Fredericksburg? No, I stayed put close to the teapot and the sewing machine. Those twinkle blocks are darling. If I make them they will be 15" blocks. 6" is too small for my fat fingers. I LOVE that picture of red 9-patch blocks tacked to the tree. Just perfect!!!

  3. Off to a great start. Having coloring page would be a great addition to any quilt pattern. Such a nice idea. Knowing how many of each color is a huge step in rainbow quilts especially.

  4. Raising my hand. 🙋‍♀️ A colouring page would be so awesome! Love your star blocks. Enjoy! ;^)

  5. Oh what gorgeous snow! We have so little here, but the cold temps are here - brrr. The star block is so pretty; it will be fun to see them grow. I like the other red blocks too. Great patterns, both! And yes to the coloring page!

  6. We have lots of pretty white snow here, too! I agree - January needs snow. (But now it can melt, lol!) I love those Twinkle Stars - such a great block. Your idea to make the inner points all in yellow sounds great! And it will be fun to see Winter Blues in rainbow colors, too.

  7. I love those shinning stars! Great photo of the red blocks on the tree 😉

  8. I have admired those twinkle stars for awhile. And the yellow is each will be a nice contrast. Maybe this will be the year...

  9. I love the idea of using the gold star points and changing up the rest of the block colors. Clever!! And these are beautiful.

  10. Love your idea for your Twinkling Stars to keep a constant yellow and change the colors. Great idea. I can't wait to see how they all play together. I'll stay tuned. :)

  11. Great start on those RSC projects, Mari! Looking forward to seeing the others in the coming weeks. Happy quilting!

  12. GLORIOUS PHOTO at the end of your post!! I like your idea of using Winter Blues as a multicolor and YES I am waving my hand wildly (whether it is a tutorial or a pattern) - coloring pages should ALWAYS be included.

  13. Such pretty twinkle stars, that's a great start for RSC 2022. And I love the snow photos, we dont get snow like that here. Guess I wouldn't be too happy living in the snow and ice over winter.

  14. I’ve loved those Twinkler Stars since Angela did them in a column quilt back in 2016 (?). Yours with the yellow are so yummy! We’ve had a lot more snow this year than the past several years (although it’s just melted), and we are thrilled. Bring on the white stuff!

  15. You’ve made a great start! And the red blocks on the tree made me smile!

  16. I have a single Twinkle Star block made several years ago when Angela did a column quilt. I'm going to stick to one RSC project this year since I have so many others that never got completed. We've had much less snow than usual this year. Deep freeze coming next week.

  17. How about rainbow striped fabric for the yellow month? It can tie all the colors together, and you can also use it for a border or the binding.

  18. Love the stars. They're going to look great in the RSC colors. I too have the Bonnie Hunter Winter Blues and had considered doing the blocks with RSC. I'll be watching how yours come together. Maybe I'll have an early plan for 2023! Hahaha! Here in the Midwest we've had very cold temps but no snow. I'm with you and celebrate cold with crisp air and sunshine. My kids live in the DC area and both got really snockered in with that last snowfall. See you next week!

  19. Coloring pages for all is an EXCELLENT idea!
    I love those twinkle stars! The yellow points will tie it together beautifully!


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