Friday, March 4, 2022

Falling stars in spring

 Hi everyone! Somehow, it's now March. You know what that means, right? Spring officially begins in 16 days, on the 20th! Yahoo! Bring on the flowers and the warm weather. I am so ready, and I'll bet you are, too. I'll start looking for flower shoots on my next walk. I will be incredibly happy to find some, that's for sure.

Today's quilt has a backstory, of course. I made this in 2018 from a jelly roll using THIS block from the Squared Away project. I finished the top in the fall of 2018 and I even had it packed up to send to the quilter. Why didn't I send it? I have no idea. I really don't know what happened there. I only know that I found the top in a box and it's been hanging waiting for its turn to be quilted. Here it is, all finished up:

Has this poor neglected quilt been sitting in a pile waiting to get bound for several weeks? Maybe. But here it is, finally all finished. And much, much happier than in the box, that's for sure.

Sharp-eyed readers will notice that this got a new border. Yeah, about that. Sometimes when you're not paying attention, accidents happen. Thankfully, I have a closet full of fabric, and it was easy enough to fix. Truth be told, I liked the first one better, but this works, too. 

I am definitely getting better at longarming. This was quilted using a pattern called flower meander, which was more involved than I thought and used quite a lot of swoops and swirls. It was a workout, but I think it turned out really well. 

And look at that backing! It's so wild, but it goes so well on the back of this quilt. Bright and cheery on both sides. I was going to make a yellow binding, but then I decided to use this binding that was already made and echoed a color on the quilt and in the border. Hey, there's a lot going on here right now. Saving a few minutes here and there can really add up.

That's the story of this quilt that has been neglected several times but finally got finished. I am so, so happy to have it done, out of the box and out of the pile of quilts that need binding. Are there other quilts in that pile? Maybe. The sewing room is such a mess right now, who can really tell?

Everyone have a good weekend! Just keep repeating "16 days until spring, 16 days until spring. . ." And to prove it, take a look at the tops of the trees here. I think those are buds!

Happy weekend!

Sharing at Finished or not Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, and the Patchwork and Quilts linkup at Quilting Patchwork Applique.


  1. That is a beautiful that just looks like a breath of fresh spring air!

  2. Another finish already?! Way to go, Mari!!

  3. I love that quilt - and loved the Squared Away blocks back when we were making them. This was a favorite! This would be a wonderful scrappy quilt, and even would be a terrific Quilt of Valor. Hmmm - wonder which binder those patterns are in? LOL

  4. Oh I love this! Interesting that I pulled a stack of batiks that are muted and really need to be background in a quilt. They were gifted from a friend and have been in my stash for years and I just kept NOT using them.

    I think this is the pattern to use them up! :-)

  5. My eyes are dancing all over this quilt. Beautiful finish!

  6. Wonderfully cheerful and bright quilt for spring. Great finish.

  7. Such a fresh looking quilt- you'd never know it was marinating for a while! Looks terrific and done.

  8. Its a beautiful finish! I like the binding - adds pops of color
    But that backing... I LOVE it!!! its just a perfect addition to a wonderful quilt!

  9. That's a bright, happy quilt, Mari! I think it just wanted to wait so you could quilt it!

  10. Well it has to feel good to get it done finally. It is so pretty and I love rainbowy quilts!

  11. Hi Mari! Look at that pineapple backing!!! You know, pineapples are a symbol of hospitality and good wishes. Perfect for this happy-looking quilt that has ever so patient. And all the hourglass blocks look fab - I have trouble making them. Great job on the quilting and binding. It's a fab finish for the first weekend in March. Bring on Spring! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. what a beautiful finish! I love the new border, and the pretty binding. Well done with the longarm too, you can be proud of your quilt!
    Thank you for sharing all these eye candies, and linking up ;)

  13. I love the backing fabric for that one. It is so happy! Getting a quilt finished always feels great, but even more so when it has languished.

  14. What a pretty quilt! I love how the QST look to have four different colors when the blocks get put together! Sweet, sweet, sweet backing. Would be perfect on any colorful (think RSC) quilt!

  15. Really pretty quilt Mari. I love the new border too. So good to finish a quilt, isn't it?

  16. A fabulous finish! Love the backing fabric too!
    This quilt is so happy to be finished and enjoying life in the world as a great quilt!

  17. That turned out beautifully, Mari! I had to find that block in my Squared Away quilt - it's a favorite. I love how you connected the blocks with triangles in each connecting color!

  18. so pretty and LOVE the backing! Congrats on getting it done. We had snow all day and supposedly another 3" tomorrow, Spring snow. It was in the 70's all week and bugs came back out!

  19. Congratulations on your lovely quilt finish! I love that backing fabric; such a fun surprise when you flip to the back and discover that print. You did a great job with your floral meander dancing, you and your longarm machine. Happy Spring!

  20. what a bright and beautiful quilt! Congratulations on finishing it!


  21. So many little triangles and such a fabulous quilt!!! Love it. I love that backing. I remember buying it with you when my local Joann's was closing and had it on clearance. Fun times.


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