Friday, May 10, 2024

Lit up from within

 Hello everyone! How's it going? I am very slowly getting better and I'm sure that the end of the semester will help a lot. Also helps that the trees have finally fully leafed out and there is shade and green everywhere. Also a ton of rain, but that's another story.

I have a finish to show today! What? Yeah, I sent this one out to Alycia and she did a great job with it, then I've spent the last three weeks putting the binding on. Baby steps. But it turned out so great! Take a look:

It glows, does it not? One of my neighbors stopped when I had it hanging up to take pictures and told me how much he liked it. That never happens! Note to self: finally get around to building that arbor in the back yard. . .

If you recall (and who can blame you if you don't?) I made this last year and it's just 3 inch finished squares arranged in various gradients. I actually started with a split 9-patch design, then added some more squares to one side and started twisting and turning things. I thought it would be a mess, but it absolutely isn't.

After all that fun on the front, I chose a pretty plain print from Connecting Threads (I think) for the back. It's not quite as humdrum as it looks, and when the quilt is tossed on a chair it actually looks quite nice. The binding is a blue and black floral that's been hanging around here far too long. It works for this quilt. I did a hand binding so that I could stitch a few inches at a time when I felt like it. I forgot how great a hand binding looks. I might have to find myself some more hand sewing. You know, to fill all that extra time I have.

Alycia quilted this with a check and chase style panto and I love how it turned out. So much texture! I was worried about the white thread on the dark blue, but it really doesn't look bad. I'm usually okay with a little light thread on dark, but I really dislike dark thread on light fabrics. Is that a weird thing? How about you?

So there we are, another fun finished quilt! I'm fairly impressed with myself because I've been absolutely exhausted and I still managed to bind this thing. I am feeling better a little at a time but it's still hard to get through a whole day. Mostly I've come home and collapsed every day. But at least I know now that I will get through it, however long it takes.

Ah, well! Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the spring flowers, and a Happy Mother's Day to all US moms, grandmas, and mom-like people. I hope you get unburned pancakes with your breakfast in bed!

Sharing at Finished or Not Friday and Quilting, Patchwork, Applique, too.


  1. Happy Mother’s Day from Australia and congratulations on a beautiful finish

  2. I agree with your neighbor - that is a very cool quilt! I'm also with you on the dark thread on light fabrics (or vice versa). It can take me an age to figure out thread for quilting sometimes. Hope you continue to get better. I know this time of year is crazy for you!

  3. It's gorgeous, and you're so right - it glows. I'm so glad you are doing a little better. Keep on taking care of YOU.

  4. you always sound stressed by the end of the semester I think you are ready for your break again aren't you

  5. Gorgeous! Your color placement does make it glow. The simple split nine patch can be very useful in designing. Great job!

  6. How stunning! I can see why it stopped your neighbor in his tracks! And yes, I prefer a lighter colored thread, also.

  7. That's a beauty, Mari! I love the design and the pretty blue, white, and yellow colors. I agree on the look of a hand-stitched binding. Plus it's a kind of therapy, too. Wishing you a quick end to the school year, and lots of rest and relaxation coming soon!

  8. Beautiful quilt. Sorry you're still feeling a bit puny but sounds like you may have turned a corner. Happy Mother's Day to you as well!

  9. Its a gorgeous quilt and one that I can see could be a scrap buster...saving this idea for fun. Hope you continue to feel better-some rest at the end of the semester should be just the thing!

  10. Beautiful finish! It really does glow. Hope you get your strength back quickly. The end of the semester should help, at least you won't quite as much to do for a bit.

  11. ohhh It looks fabulous against all your green!! So glad things are looking up for you ;-)

  12. Congratulations on your latest quilt finish, Mari! You and Alycia did a fabulous job!

  13. Wow, such a wonderful quilt! Yes, it glows, and shine, and sparkles, boy, it is gorgeous!
    Thank you for sharing this glorious finish.

  14. This quilt is FABulous! A.MA.Zing!! Love it. Now, you know I need one too, right? Lol. Don't know what's ailing you but I just started a new job and I'm exhausted too when I get home. I've been at home for 10 months, so driving to work and then, to work 8.5 hours a day is brutal at the moment. I totally understand not feeling like sewing or anything else for that matter. Hope you are better soon though. Take care. ;^)

  15. It is indeed a lovely finish. I don't like dark threads on light background but light threads on dark background work just fine. Wishing you a very happy Mothers Day.

  16. What a stunning quilt! No wonder your neighbour stopped to admire it! I hope you find some more hand sewing to aid rest as you regain strength.


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