Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New projects

Hi folks! Is everyone snowed in? Oddly, we are not. All of our snow went south and east, which is okay with me, but I know some of you may not be very happy about it. Believe me, I can totally relate to how you're feeling. It's happened to us many times. The only thing to do is make some cocoa and wait for it to be over.

So, this weekend I cleaned my main sewing machine and changed the needle. I swear that I could fill a quilt with the garbage and lint I pulled out of that thing. How does that happen? I got all the buildup out and then oiled the machine and it is now very happy. After I finished that chore, I made these:

Happy blocks, though the blue ones still need squaring up. Some friends and I are doing a swap using this free pattern from Victoriana Quilt Designs. It's a very cute quilt, but the directions were hard to understand. At least I had a hard time wrapping my head around them. Plus, anybody else get really nervous when you're sewing for someone else? I was a wreck! But I think I did okay with it in the end. We'll see when I get everyone else's blocks.

I also pulled this out of the closet to start on it:

Isn't that a great-looking quilt? This is a BOM kit that I bought from someone who no longer wanted it long after 2008, which is the date on the pattern. Okay, maybe I bought it from her in 2010, which is now five years ago, but don't judge me. The whole time that this was in the closet I thought that it was a kit for a wallhanging, but lo and behold it's for a king size quilt! Which would make sense if I had actually paid attention to how much fabric was in there. So now I feel a lot better about paying more than $100 for it, but really dumb because I could have been using it on my bed for years.

I grabbed this block to start with, which is month 2. Don't those fabrics look yummy?

So, that's my new project! I figure if I can do a block a week or something I'll get one more thing out of the closet and have something pretty for the bed. I think there are 12 monthly envelopes. I really should have checked that before I decided to start it, but I was so stunned by the fact that it's a king quilt that I forgot.

One more project that I started this week involves this series of posts from Kimberly. I don't have a big stash, but I did pull everything out of the closet, which is how I got interested in making the new project to begin with. She has some interesting ideas. More on this as I go along!

Hope everyone stays warm and dry and that your power and water stay on. Whatever you are doing, stay safe. And make someone else shovel the driveway while you get some stitching in!

Linking to Linky Tuesday, Fabric Tuesday, and Let's Bee Social.  Be sure to stop by!


  1. Off to read the stash series ... Thanks for sharing that link

  2. Kimberley's stash series is really making the rounds. I got caught up yesterday and can't wait to get started cleaning. Enjoy your project. I really like the jewel tone fabrics. Lane

  3. King size? That is ambitious! Pretty funny that you thought it was a wall hanging all that time!
    Off to check out the link to the stash projects you linked to.

  4. I have to admit, I am having a little Blizzard Envy! I don't need days and days of snow and sub zero, but one good storm would be nice!

    I totally agree about being a wreck when sewing for someone else. Especially when they'll see the back! Yikes...my seems better lie flat!!!

    Need to check out that stash link later!

  5. I have to admit, I am having a little Blizzard Envy! I don't need days and days of snow and sub zero, but one good storm would be nice!

    I totally agree about being a wreck when sewing for someone else. Especially when they'll see the back! Yikes...my seems better lie flat!!!

    Need to check out that stash link later!

  6. The snow has missed us in Iowa too. What neat blocks and how fun to start on that BOM kit!

  7. Your BOM quilt is going to be stunning, those colors are fabulous!! What a fun thing to find in your stash!! Can't wait to see this one unfold :)

    Thanks for the stash link - I haven't been quilting that long so I am not feeling overwhelmed BUT I do see how that could happen very quickly! :)

  8. The BOM is beautiful. Doesn't it feel good to have a clean machine and sewing room when starting a new project?

  9. the blocks are cute and very eye catching - you did a great job sewing them, too. :)

  10. Thanks for mentioning the stash series. It just might help me get rid of some baggage, er, lovely fabric that might thrill someone else more than me. That BOM quilt is a real find. I like quilting for others when I make a surprise gift, but when I make it to their specifications/wishes, I'm always second guessing mu choices and decisions. Not a lot of snow here, but I suddenly feel like making a cup of cocoa. Power of suggestion?

  11. So, this weekend I cleaned my foremost stitching machine and adjusted the needle. I swear that I may fill a quilt with the garbage and lint I pulled out of that thing. How does that occur? I received all the buildup out and then oiled the machine and it is now very glad. After I completed that chore, I made these:



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