Friday, January 23, 2015

Winter quilt and Blog Hop

Hi all! How is everyone today? I am longing for sunshne. I don't care if it's only 5 degrees as long as the sun is shining. Sadly, it's cloudy again.

Today I am showing off another finished top from the end of last year--the winter quilt!

I think quilts are more tempermental to photograph than children are. Here's another that almost gets the whole quilt:
Where else to photograph a winter quilt but on the snow?

See--totally uncooperative! It was quite windy, so I couldn't really make it stay on any of the benches at the park.

As you may recall, I made this between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was a year-long block of the month from Cindy at Quilt Doodle Doodles, but I made it all at once. This was a great quilt to work on at the end of the year. It was a virtually no-stress project for me, which made it perfect for a high-stress time. My quilt finished at about 70 by 82.

This quilt went together so easily. It's based on same-size squares, so there was no real thinking about the cutting. It was a great quilt to work on a little bit at a time.

Yikes! There's snow on my winter quilt!

 I did change a few things from the pattern. Mostly I mixed the colors a little differently and changed some of the spacing between blocks, and also rearranged the rows. I also cut some of the pieces (like the mugs) in one piece instead of using different scraps. I just liked the way it looked a little better, plus it saved fabric. The only problem I had with this quilt was joining some of the rows. All the matching seams!

I think the thing I like best about my quilt is the background fabric. This was the perfect fabric for me, plus it used up a length of old fabric and a couple of odd half-yards. I had just enough to finish the quilt. Barely a thread left! I love that! I also had the border fabric in the closet, and there is very little of it left too.

I plan to quilt this myself, but there's no hurry at all. Don't tell the quilt police, but I bought a flannel sheet (from L.L. Bean) for the back. I think it will make this quilt extra cozy.

Anyone for tea?

So that's my quilt! Great thanks to Cindy for the terrific pattern and inspiration.  Everyone have a great weekend. I really hope someone somewhere is getting some sun. Be sure to visit the other blogs in this hop to see some fantastic and creative quilts and make some new friends. The schedule is below!
As always, linking to Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Amanda Jean at crazy mom quilts

Winter quilt blog hop schedule:

January 24th 
January 25th 
January 26th


  1. So pretty and perfect for the season!

  2. Oh it's so bright and beautiful!! Excellent job and so nice to see your special touches.

  3. Your candy rows are adorable that way. I LOVE your scrappy blue backgrounds. They are scattered perfectly.

    Yes, sometimes quilts are harder to photograph than children!


  4. I love your background and border too! Great job on your quilt. Just an FYI - the link you sent does not work but I found you through a search.

  5. Your quilt turned out beautifully! Love the mugs!

  6. Perfect background fabric - love when a quilt comes out of stash and there are no bits left - super. And the final border fabric is so pretty.

  7. Your quilt is very cute. Love how it turned out.

  8. Your version looks super; and you had real snow to use as a backdrop:) The colors are bright and cheering; very appropriate.

  9. Hi, and congrats on getting the top done!! I just love the changes you made and your fabric choices are lots of fun. I adore a polka dot, heh heh. The candy row is terrific.

  10. Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I love the colours of your Christmas quilt and especially the design for the skates,
    Happy quilting,

  11. Hi!!! Beautiful!!!! I love the fabrics you used!!!!

  12. Beautiful quilt! I always seem to start BOMs but never get them finished on time but I do finish them.

  13. Cute quilt! I giggled when you said that it was dead easy, then you said you changed it a bit, and a bit more and then some more! So you redesigned it LOL. Just the sort of thing I do. I haven't followed a pattern in forever. :-)

  14. This quilt is just so vibrant and fun. The background and border fabrics are perfect for it. No sunshine here either on the other side of the lake, although we did have 2 minutes of blue sky peeking through on our way home from Illinois yesterday.

  15. Your quilt looks so pretty against the's so colorful. I love your polka dot mugs! Great quilt....will be lots of fun to snuggle under!

  16. This is wonderful, love your saturated colors!

  17. LOVE LOVE LOVE this finish -- the colors are SO wonderful!!

  18. I love your fabrics and the creative way you made it your own. The candy row is so cute! Gorgeous!

  19. I think your quilt turned out great!

  20. I love that you did 2 rows of candies, all the sweeter!

  21. It's beautiful! And all the motifs stand out nicely against the dark and snowy background. I had not realised before seeing your version that the background is made from so many tiny squares... Wow. Lots of work there! And lots of seams as you said. :-)


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!