Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Little dresses

Happy Tuesday morning everyone! I hope you're already having a great day. Over the last few days we have had lots and lots of sunshine,which makes me really happy. We're supposed to get more snow today, though, and then the deep freeze. I'm starting to really be ready for spring.

I have been making a bunch more Paper Dolls blocks with my pink scraps.

Festive headwrap, and funky gray hair!

These are fun, and I have a lot more pink scraps than blue ones, so there are more choices. I must not like blue very much, because I really have very little of it. Never thought I had something against it, but somehow it doesn't show up in the sewing room much. Hmmm.

These used up some of the pink scraps, including some that had been hanging around here for a long time.  I actually had to stop myself from making more because there were more scraps to use up. I feel certain those other scraps will be showing up somewhere else.

Gosh, those dolls are fun to make!  As you can see, the hairstyles continue to be a challenge:

Strapless in the snow, with a flip!

My other project so far this week was somewhat related, but real dresses instead of doll dresses: 

Little dresses!

Okay, these don't look like much, but the backstory is good. In January, Kimberly of Kimberly's Quilting and Sewing had a great series of posts on your fabric stash (the first one is HERE) and many of her points hit home with me. The series is really worth reading, even if you don't think you'll find anything there.  One of Kimberly's points was about fabric that will never get used. This is true for me--I save everything, but will likely never use some of the leftover yardage or prints from many years ago. She suggests having a small project that makes up quickly to give to charity.

These little dresses are my charity project. They are made mostly from the leftover half and 3/4 yards from old projects. I don't want another quilt made with these florals, but what little girl wouldn't love one of those dresses?

These dresses will go to an organization called Little Dresses for Africa.  It's a great organization and they sew up really fast, as clothes go. Not "knock it out in half an hour" fast, but quick enough.  Seriously, there is almost no cutting involved. I got the free pattern at Nancy Zieman's charity page at Nancy's Notions. There are also a lot of other organizations listed there with a lot of other free patterns and ideas. Some good uses for old fabric. . .

So, I'm nearly done sorting and pulling out fabric for charity projects and having fun making little things. I hope to also make some little elephants for the Elephant Parade quilt later this week, and I'm working on Kaleidoscope blocks. A lot going on, but lots of progress!

Hope everybody gets some sewing in this week, and that there is very little snow to shovel to get in the way of that. Stay warm!

Linking to Linky Tuesday, Fabric TuesdayLet's Bee Social, and soscrappy.  Be sure to stop by! 


  1. Cute fabric dolls and yes, those dresses will be loved!

  2. The paper doll blocks are simply adorable!!! And thanks so much for sharing the link to the charity page. That will come in very, very handy.

  3. The paper doll blocks are great. I love them. My scrap pile is the opposite of yours. I have almost no pink and piles of blue. I had to cut into a FQ today and 'make' some pink scraps for the heart blocks on the row quilt. :-)

  4. Cute doll blocks.
    Well done with those charity dresses. Keep it up

  5. So glad you posted about your little dresses blocks again! I love seeing your progress!

  6. I'm looking forward to a whole quilt of dolls at some point. And the dresses are sweet - what a great way to use up old stash.

  7. Lovely doll blocks. However the dresses are adorable. It's a great organization!

  8. The paper dolls are beautiful. You put a lot of thought into each block.

  9. These little dollies are so cute.

  10. Cute little dolls. I can see you're having as much fun dressing these up as I did with the doll cutouts from the 50's.

  11. Adorable paper doll blocks. And what sweet little dresses. Lovely to be able to share our excess.

  12. What wonderful paper doll blocks. I can hardly wait to see them link arms across your quilt.

  13. I'm looking forward to at least one pink elephant!

    What great little dresses for a terrific project. And your doll blocks are fabulous!

  14. Cute paper dolls. Looks like you had a lot of fun with them.

    I've made those pillow case dresses before - quick and easy is right and cute too.

  15. So many adorable hair styles on your little girls. Great creativity.

  16. What cute doll blocks. Cute little dresses, too. You have been busy.


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