Friday, February 13, 2015

Love-ly weekend

Hi all, and a happy Valentine's Day weekend to you! Hope it's warm where you are, because we are freezing. Seriously, it's about 5 degrees right now. But very sunny, so it isn't as bad as it could be. True story: I once had a student from California who thought that freezing (32F, 0C) was as low as the temperature went, and when people said they were freezing it meant that it was literally 32 degrees outside. Boy, was she surprised that first winter!

Here is a project I finished up this week:

Sunshine coming through the window!

Yep, it's hanging on the mantel because it's so cold and windy out. This is about 34 by 34 and was adapted from a Bella Solids pattern by Moda that I got at a quilt group I belong to. I hoped to have it quilted by now, but life gets in the way.  Pretty sure you know how that goes. Check out that successful checkerboard border! These get so stretchy that sometimes I find them difficult, but this one gave me very few problems.

After I made this little quilt I looked at it and realized that it would have made a great 4-leaf clover if it was done up in green. Why do I get great ideas after the fact? Anyway, there's an idea for someone else.

There were just a few cut-off triangles from this little quilt, and I used them to make this up:

A tiny broken dishes block! This measures 4 1/2 inches square. I have no idea what I'll do with it, but it's very cute!

I also finished this:

Hah! That's all my fabric, nicely stowed away in the closet. This makes me so happy. Each of the boxes on the bottom either holds a work in progress or completed blocks for an ongoing project like the Paper Dolls. On top are the backings (on bolts) and anything less than a half-yard. (Note to self: no more fat quarters.) Anything over that is folded on comic book boards and stands up nicely. It's not a big stash, but it's the right size for me. And now it's all organized and sorted and ready to use! Happy dance!

Now to sort the books. And the notions. And. . .everything else.

Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend. The hubs and I have big plans to have pizza and popcorn and a movie on the couch for Valentine's Day. I'll even let him pick the movie because I don't have to cook! Whatever your plans are, I hope it's great!

Linking to Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Amanda Jean at crazy mom quilts. Stop by and wave!


  1. It feels so good to get organized! Lovely looking closet. :) Your heart quilt is great!

  2. What a well organized stash! Doesn't it just feel great to get to that point?

    Very cute valentine quilt and I'm looking forward to seeing a green one too. You're tempted already so just go ahead and give in to those creative juices flowing. :-)

  3. Aww, I really love your red and white quilt, the border is wonderful. And your coordinated stash, swoon :)

  4. I'm going to see Fifty Shades of Grey with my daughter and then we are havin a nice Chinese dinner with hubby then a movie

  5. Your teeny tiny broken dishes block would be such a cute pin cushion.
    Your stash looks so nice - all organized. Happy Valentines Day. I am spending it with my sisters and lots of kiddos. Cannot wait!
    Loved your story about the California student. So cute. My California boys are freezing right along with you this week. Brrr....

  6. Holy cow - your shelf is so neat! I would have it messed up pretty much instantly! Just can't keep my stashes organized...

  7. Aw, your stash looks so pretty now. We braved the single digits (and WIND and WHITE OUTs!!) to do a little antiquing in some towns nearby. Didn't see anything that we couldn't live without, but we had a nice dinner at our favorite tavern and bought some yummy dark chocolate drizzled sea salt caramel corn to munch on the rest of the day.


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