Friday, March 13, 2015

Cloudy with a spot of sunshine

Hi all! How has your week been? We have had a great one here--lots of sunshine and temperatures near 50. You would think that all the snow was gone, but it isn't, of course. Lots of melting, though, which means a lot of puddles. Plus, I'm almost recovered from the switch to daylight savings time. One more day and my sleep may be back to normal. John Oliver is right, how is this still a thing?

So, this week I put together the weird Birds in the Air quilt I found in pieces in the closet. Here's how it turned out:

It's amazing how fast you can sew when all the pieces are cut and blocks made already. I spent a total of about 2 minutes cutting for this quilt, and used up almost all the fabric that was with it with just a few scraps left, plus one HST and one Birds block.

Plus, can I get a pat on the back for just making do with the fabric that was there, even though there wasn't enough for a full border? The strips were already cut and what you see is literally all there was. I'm not even obsessing over it. Much. I am so proud of myself.

Still no idea what this was supposed to be originally, or where it came from. There was backing fabric in there too, so it's ready to quilt up. A good place to try out some more of those stitches on the Pfaff!

I also made a couple of sawtooth star blocks to use with my crumb blocks. I think they turned out okay.

 I still have mixed feelings about crumb blocks. These make nice star centers, though.

 I also made up some yellow string blocks for a spot of sunshine:

Man, yellow is a happy color! There are plenty more strings, so there will be some more of these blocks later. And here is one more spot of sunshine for everyone:

Melting happening in the background!

Daffodils! These are from the grocery store, not the garden, but they'll do for now!

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Tomorrow (3/14) is Pi Day! Hug a scientist! Or a mathematician, your choice. And be sure to eat some pie to celebrate--3.14 pieces should do it.

Linking to Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric AddictLink a Finish Friday. and Angela at soscrappy.


  1. Love your birds in the air quilt! It's a great feeling too to use every bit of the fabric. I find it makes for a much more interesting quilt.

  2. That purple and grey look fabulous together! Love that quilt top! And your yellow string blocks are as pretty as the sunshine. Love them too!

  3. Lots of cool stuff going on here. I like the quilt top. I am assuming it is lap size? Very nice.

    Love the crumb blocks as star centers. That was a great idea. Hope you have daffodils in the yard soon!!

  4. What a pretty quilt. Your yellow projects are turning out great.

  5. What lovely string/spring blocks! And the daffodils! Happy Spring. :-)

  6. I like crumbs for star centers too. They are always fun for donation quilts. And I love using scraps in strings. They can be arranged so many different ways and each way looks wonderful.

  7. Wow! You really had a productive week. I'm loving your Crumb-y Star blocks! I saw one of the RSC quilters put a border around her Crumb block before inserting it... maybe try that and see if you like them better.

  8. I love them all (and our daffodils opened yesterday - but they are drooping from all the rain). SO nice to see color in the flower beds!

  9. Love Love love your string blocks!

  10. Lovely strings in the saw tooth star blocks. Thanks for the reminder about Pi day. Those daffodils add a touch of spring to any setting. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Good for you for finishing up, your stars are great and love the yellow string blocks, so bright and cheery.

  12. Those crumb blocks make great star centers. Great progress this week.

  13. You can't go wrong with daffodils, in my opinion, whether they come from the grocery store or the garden!

    Kudos to you on using up every bit to complete that top. No matter what it was intended to be or look like, you've made something original, therefore much more interesting.

  14. You did a great job rescuing that quilt. We are officially into Autumn. It was 30C on Thursday and then 19C on Friday.

  15. Great job using what you had on hand. I especially like that inner border set with the brown and the cream and the HSTs! Nice!

  16. Love the Weird Birds in the Air quilt, beautiful colors in that quilt.

  17. I love the yellow the best. I wish I could find the time to make some yellow string blocks before the month end.


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