Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Slacking off

Hi all, and happy St Patrick's Day! This is always a happy day in our family. We are not even a tiny bit Irish, but one of my brothers was born on St. Patrick's Day  (no, his name is not Patrick) so there is always a good reason for celebration. We seem to have a thing for holidays--one of my sisters was born at Christmas, the other was born in early May so that her birthday sometimes falls on Mother's Day, and we have recurring Labor Day and Easter birthdays in the family too. I am nowhere near a holiday so I get a day all to myself!

So, I have been seriously slacking off! I don't know what my trouble is. The hubs has been sick, so that could have something to do with it. I know you all feel my pain.

One thing I did do is cut out the pieces for a bag out of the 1987 fabric:

I know--exciting.

I also pulled out some stripes fabric to make Lorna's ZebraZ quilt:

I was sure that I had black and white stripes, but I don't, so I will probably use these. I plan to make "semi-cheater" zebras using these stripes because I really don't want to piece the stripes. I'm going to have to make one up and see how I like it.

Finally, I also decided to abandon a project:

These are some of the Loyal Union Sampler blocks that I made over the last year. There are 121 blocks and I only made about 20. I just don't have any enthusiasm for this project any more, so I am going to stitch these up into a baby girl quilt--or maybe a table topper-- and use the rest of the fabric for something else. I'm actually okay abandoning it. I made a Sylvia's Bridal Sampler and it was a lot of fun, but this one just never excited me much.

Hope you are all having a much more productive week! I'm going to try to finish up the Boston Common quilt and maybe make up the bag this week. And maybe I'll cut into some zebras, too. It all depends on how Mr. AQ is feeling and how many times I'll have to run out for a milkshake because his throat "feels weird." I know that you know what I mean!

Linking to Let's Bee Social and WIP Wednesday.


  1. I'm all for cutting my losses when I lose interest, too. Kudos to you. Sometimes it's just better to move on. But you've done lovely blocks so far!


  2. I think it's smart to realize when a project just doesn't inspire you anymore and figure out how to use what you've already made in a new way. The blocks are very cheery and I think they'll look great for a baby girl!

  3. Congratulations for being able to "let go" of something that doesn't float your boat.

    Those zebras are too funny.

  4. I love the loyal Union blocks, great colours, it's brave to know when to stop

  5. What a great idea. I will have to keep that in mind when I am tempted to put a no longer loved project into a tote for future consideration. Much more useful this was.

  6. Wow I swear that last sentence in the above comment came out of my head much better than it showed up in print!


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