Friday, March 6, 2015

Mutant elephants

Hello everyone, and happy Friday! Good to have made it through the week, isn't it? After one day of mild temperatures, we have plunged right back down to 4 degrees. I understand that many of you who aren't used to the snow and ice have gotten a bunch of it. Be careful out there! Don't try driving--stay home and sew instead!

So, this week I finished up the Elephant Parade quilt top!

Whoo hoo! I think this turned out great, though it is much bigger than I thought it would be. I think I've mentioned before that I just can't ever visualize something by size. Who knows what my problem is, but I was surprised by the finished size of the top. I used a smaller sashing than called for in the pattern, but I think it turned out fine.

 I think I will keep this quilt for myself. Don't tell my kids, but I have a secret stash of kids quilt tops that I especially love that I'm keeping in case we ever have grandchildren.  (Shhh. The stash is our secret.)  I know my niece will need a donation for an auction later this year, and I think one of these would be perfect, so I may make it again. I see that Lorna is working on a zebra quilt, so that could be a nice donation instead. We'll see.

So, why is this post about this very cute quilt called Mutant Elephants? Well, I had taken pictures of the top, so it was downstairs, and Mr. Academic Quilter saw it. He very seldom says anything about quilts, except  "what is that one for?" (Does that question make you crazy too?) He noticed the polka dot elephants that I like so much and what did he have to say about them? "What's with those mutant elephants?" Aaahhh! Now I can't think of them any other way! Has something like this ever happened to you? 

Poor little mutant elephant!

This weekend I have to add the eyes and other details and I may start quilting this up. I should also go shopping for a backing. I like the way Lorna did hers and it seems fairly simple. My modern machine doesn't have a serpentine stitch or a very large zigzag, but look what I found on the "embroidery unit" of the 1966 Pfaff:

I think this little wheel is just wild, and I can't wait to try out this stitch, and maybe a couple of others too. There are also more stitches listed on the other side of this wheel. I'm pretty sure the embroidery stitches were never used,  so I don't know how well they'll work, but it's worth a try.

Speaking of worth a try--a friend recommended these needles and she was so right:

These are fantastic! They are so much better than the universal needles I've been using. They go right through even thick seams. (I get no kickbacks--just passing on a great idea.)

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm cleaning the oven. Whatever you do, I'll bet you have more fun than me!

Linking to Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  and TGIFF and Link a Finish Friday.


  1. Thank you so much for this great post, Mari!!! It has brought a much needed smile to my face today! I love your mutant elephants and think they add a little extra special happiness to your cute quilt top. How exciting to have found that stitch wheel. Lots of experimenting!!! PS. I won't tell about your stash of baby quilts. Your secret's safe with me!

  2. I LOVE your elephant quilt. I use microtex needles all the time. They're the best especially if you're using batik. I too have a quilt with an unfortunate name...A Basket for Sigmund Freud, after a friend pointed out something interesting in one of my baskets...

  3. I totally understand what its like to have people make comments like that. My least favorite is, "So you cut up fabric into little pieces and then sew it back together again?" I straight up take those people off my quilt gift list.
    You quilt looks great and everything looks good in polka dots.

  4. I totally understand what its like to have people make comments like that. My least favorite is, "So you cut up fabric into little pieces and then sew it back together again?" I straight up take those people off my quilt gift list.
    You quilt looks great and everything looks good in polka dots.

  5. I love the different elephants and the pop they give to the quilt top! But yes, a quick comment like that would definitely stick in my head, too. :) Visiting from TGIFF.

  6. I laughed out loud to hear "what is that one for "! I usually get "who is that one for" and it really drives me crazy! I love your quilt and I don't think your elephant is mutant, just very special!

  7. What a fun name for your quilt and it is really adorable. This whole pattern has been added to my "some day soon" list.

  8. I usually get "when are you going to finish mine, if you start making others?". Oh, well! I love your mutant elephants. The pink one reminds me of candied popcorn from years back.

  9. Microtex are the best - I use them all the time !! and your elephant quilt is just too cute, for sure a grandkid will appreciate it ;-))

  10. You could not wait for the flower patterns either and I had the same experience: the quilt is much bigger than I thought. I love your quilt with the mutant elephants. Love to see your quilt finished.

  11. Such a cute finish! I hope to make one of those soon. But with Lorna introducing more animals I may get to make a whole zoo instead of an elephant parade by the time I get around to it. I have to say, that little red bird is my favorite. He's so simple but his proportions are just perfectly cute. You'll be the favorite grandma for sure when you get to start whipping out your stash of kiddy quilts. Your competition will be beside herself trying to keep up with you. Just kidding, only playing on the stereotype. Thanks for the adorable share.

  12. Brilliant - it's going to look amazing quilted!

  13. Lovely quilt. I agree. Just make your stock pile bigger.
    Just make away....
    I'll look for those needles too.

  14. What a pretty quilt top. Well done.

  15. I love the quilt top, and the polka dot elephants are adorable. They sort of make the quilt work! I was linking my elephant pillow, saw your quilt and had to come by. Lorna's pattern is cute and easy to follow. I did a little tweaking, but that's because I have to tweak everything. Following her directions would be too easy. :-)

  16. I love your elephants, especially the mutant ones. Great quilt.

  17. My husband and our younger son are both good at "mutant elephant" remarks that turn into quilt names. I ADORE your top!

  18. So adorable! I love your elephant parade!

  19. They all turned out so cute! My husband is known for making such remarks about my quilts too. I really like stockpiling for someday. It's a good excuse to try out a pattern. ;)

  20. Yep, I get the 'what is that one for' question as well. It's ok. Stockpile away..... As long as you love making them, what does it matter? This one is adorable. The polka dotted critters are my favorite. Also the red bird.... It is really sweet. Seems like you blew through this one so fast! Enjoy cleaning the oven - mine is so yukky. Not a fun task.

  21. How adorable. If I imagine the quilt without the polkadot guys, it's less fun. Perhaps you can tell him they're not mutants, they're the party animals! Well done.

  22. Well your mutant elephants make this quilt especially adorable! Great job! I'm sure your future grandchild will love this! Smart plan, by the way!

  23. Ohhh... WOW! Your elephant quilt top is so amazing!
    I love it - great job!

  24. Love your elephants. They are like people all different. They are bright, happy and very cheerful. Gave me a big smile.

  25. Very cute elephants and your whole quilt was creatively put together. I love the mutant twist so that your quilt looks different than someone elses. So many times I think I have to follow the pattern directions exactly stifling my creativity. Thankfully you did it your way!

  26. Your quilt is adorable, especially the little mutants! My whole quilt is mutants! Lol My husband calls me the Napkin Queen because I'm constantly doing BOM's. He also told me one of my quilt tops, that I worked on forever and was very proud of, reminded him of a Purina dog chow bag because of the red and white 4 patches in the sashing...thanks dear.
    Now when he asks what I'm doing,I tell him I'm making him quilted underpants.

  27. I love your bright mutant elephants! I will be checking back to see what you do with that old stitch wheel. Shhh...I may have a secret stash just like you.

  28. This definitely should be put away for potential grand children!

  29. I have that same sewing machine Pfaff 262 is what mine is. Yes those designs work wonderfully. so advanced for the time period too.

  30. "What's with those mutant elephants?" They are just adorable!!! This is a great top for the secret future grandkid stash - I have one too.


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