Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Working Wednesday

Hi all! How is your week going? I have good news--it's 31 degrees outside! It feels like summer, or would if it was sunny. I am seriously ready to ditch the winter coat. The bad news is that it won't last because we're only supposed to have a high of 14 tomorrow.  Believe it or not, those roller coaster temperatures are a real sign of spring here in Wisconsin. I say bring it on!

So far this week, I've made the right-facing baby elephants for the Elephant Parade quilt. Take a look at this little guy:

I love him! I couldn't have just one oddball baby elephant, so I had to have another one facing the other direction.  I've also fixed the yellow flower and finished that row:

The yellow flower is a little short, but it looks good so I don't care. I just added a wider yellow strip at the top to fix the size problem. Still not sure what I did wrong there. Now all I need to make are the birds and this quilt can go together!

I also pulled out this fabric that was hidden in the dark recesses of a box in the sewing room:

So very cheerful, isn't it? It's an upholstery weight fabric that I used to have folded and framed in the girl's room when they were small. Take a look at the date on the selvage:

That's 1987, folks! I think it's time to either make it up into something or give it away. It kind of screams to become a bag, doesn't it? Either that or a pillow, I'm not sure.

The only other thing I've done is start pulling out fabric for my next quilt project now that the elephants are wrapping up. I earned my graduate degrees at Marquette University and have wanted a Marquette quilt for my office for a long time. They do have knitted afghans and fleece throws for sale in the spirit shop, but we all know that won't do, right? I have one yard of this fabric:

I'm not sure where I got this, but I haven't seen it since. I'm still kicking myself for only getting one yard. I do have a good idea on how to use it, though, so now all I need are some coordinating fabrics:

Not sure why the colors seem so different in those two pictures! The upper photo is closer to the real colors. The coordinates look pretty good, I think, but I might go shopping again. You know, just to make sure I have the right fabric.

Finally, I want to give a strong recommendation to this post by Joanna at Riddle and Whimsy about problems with blog comments and some email systems. I noticed last week that I'm not getting all of your comments emailed to me, and I suspect that it's because you have Yahoo addresses. If you made a comment and I missed it, I am truly sorry. I do appreciate every visitor and comment! I've also noticed that some long-time commenters have suddenly become "no-reply."  Not sure why that it is, but if you didn't change your settings maybe it's related. Anyway, Joanna had some great things to say and her post is really worth reading.

That's the dispatch from the sewing room for today! Hope everyone is having a good week!

Linking to Let's Bee Social and WIP Wednesday. Come on over and say hi!


  1. You are making great progress on your elephant quilt. It looks really good.

  2. I love your elephants!!! They are so much fun.

  3. That is wild that you have fabric from 1987! I won't even tell you how old I was when that fabric came out :) I think a bag or a big toy bin would be great. Your elephant is super cute, too. I like the odd balls :)

  4. What a lovely dotty elephant. I made a pink one, and the turtle this week. So fu project.

  5. ahw, the polka dot eli is so dang cute! your parade is looking smart. =)

  6. Your elephants are soooo cute! I am making this quilt, too.

  7. Oh, I am in love with your polka dotty baby elephant! Your parade is certainly coming along nicely. So glad you are quilting along, Mari!

  8. I've seen a lot of elephants lately but none like yours! It's so charming with its green background!

  9. The elephant quilt is so cute. I've been watching this one online and am very tempted to make one myself.

    Spring is always a bit elusive in the upper midwest isn't it? It's -2 here eastern SD but expect 30s by this afternoon and 50s by tomorrow.


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!