Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tournament stitching

Hi folks! Has everyone had enough basketball yet? In case you hadn't noticed, there is a really big basketball tournament going on and it has taken over my television set. I swear that's all that's on it right now. Sorry--I'm informed that there are two tournaments--one for men and one for women. With 64 teams each, it's no wonder there's always a game going on.

While my husband has been glued to the tournaments, I've been upstairs sewing and streaming Netflix. (Netflix is just one of the many reasons I love the 21st century. Whoever thought this up is seriously a genius.)  I'm still actively avoiding my major projects right now, but I did get a LOT of cutting done, and some stitching, too. First, I finished up the bag made with the Noah fabric from 1987:

As you can see, we've had a little bit of spring snow. Heavy, wet, and gross, but it makes a pretty backdrop. This bag turned out to be about the size of a brown paper grocery bag, which is a great size for shopping.

The only thing I would change is that I should have made the handles a little longer. These wrap all around the bag for stability, which is good, but they're a little short on top. I tested the bag size and it will hold three cereal boxes, so this will probably live in the car and get used for groceries. (It will also hold a ton of fabric, so maybe it won't be limited to groceries!)

I also made up the yellow Paper Dolls:

I love the little hair ornament! And I'm so happy to use up that strawberry scrap. It makes a great dress!

I think I'm getting better at the hairstyles. Once I have a nice stack of them, I'll applique stitch the hair down and put in some details. The doll on the left is supposed to look like braids, and I think stitching in some details will really add some depth to it. And some detail stitching could also help the grandma in the middle there look less like she has a cupcake on her head.

While I was at it, I cut a bunch of sets of skin tones for future dolls, and also cut up some backgrounds for later too. That's going to save a lot of time next month, since the cutting is the most time-consuming part of these dolls.

The last thing I did was make some progress on the sort-of Boston Common quilt, which is being made from three sets of charm squares:

All that's left are two rounds of blues, which may or may not get done this week. I made a big mistake with this quilt by not cutting the charms all down to 4-1/2 inches so that they were all the same size. There are some big variations in size in these charms and that's made some of the seam matching difficult. But it's just a little relaxing quilt that will be donated, so it doesn't matter much, and the fabric is quite busy and hides a lot of fudging in those seams.

Other than that, I basted a couple of quilts this weekend and they are ready to quilt up. There is a lot of basketball coming later this week, so I'm pretty sure there will be some time for that after dinner every night!

Hope you get some stitching time in this week too. Or basketball watching--whatever floats your boat. May both your seams and your tournament brackets be perfect!

Linking to Linky Tuesday, Let's Bee Social and WIP Wednesday, and also Angela at soscrappy.


  1. Those hairstyles on the yellow paper doll blocks are fabulous! I know they'll look fantastic with some stitching details. At the last retreat, a bee friend was working with a charm pack and having a hard time because they weren't all the same size (or square), so I know what you mean!

  2. Mari you have been doing a lot of great basketball avoidance therapy! The Noah bag is wonderful and I love how different each of your paper doll blocks are!

  3. What a great bag! You've inspired me to try one - I keep putting it off! And the doll blocks are amazing...cannot wait to see the quilt top!

  4. A cupcake on her head.... Hahaha. Love that line Mari. The market bag is a great idea! Glad you are keeping busy during basketball season!

  5. You are doing fabulously on the hairstyles - very cute. Love the bag, too.

  6. I have really enjoyed watching your progress on the paper dolls. They are always so cute.

  7. What a cute bag!!! It brightens the snowy background. Your little dolls are so cute too. I love the different hairdos!

  8. Well, it looks to me like you are having a lot more fun than your husband. Your bag is so cute. I would choose hauling fabric over groceries. And a cupcake head for a gramma seems right to me.

  9. Love what you are doing with the paper dolls. just darling

  10. Your bag is wonderful and those paper dolls are so fun to look at.

  11. Your pepper dolls are wonderful. I love all the different hairstyles you add.

  12. That should have been paper dolls. Sometimes I think spell check has a sense of humor.

  13. You are getting more and more cretive with the hair on your little cutout dolls. Cute!

  14. I love the yellow fabric with royal blue flowers in your charm quilt. Memories of La Provence; why do I never find such fabulous fabric!

  15. Wow, you got a lot done, all very nice, good for you for finishing a tot from 1987, that's got to feel good.

  16. I love, love, love the paper dolls. There is just so much to look at, with each one having different dresses and hair and all. So fabulous
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  17. My first impression of the doll in the strawberry print dress was that she is Hawaiian. ;- ) The charm squares are so cheerful I bet no one will notice seams that may not line up perfectly.

  18. Neat bag and your paper dolls are so cute!

  19. I love your tote bag! An excellent size. Love your sweet paper dolls, too. I remember playing with paper dolls.

  20. Hi from Badger country! I love the tote bag, stands up nicely and is so colorful.


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