Friday, March 20, 2015

Quiet week

Hi folks, and happy first day of spring! We officially made it through the winter. What a relief! We are pretty good here. The hubs is feeling better after about a dozen milkshakes and several boxes of cold medicines, plus all our snow seems to have disappeared. No green shoots in the garden yet, but the ground is thawing.  Can mud be far behind?

I had a very quiet sewing week. This was my big accomplishment:

That's the yellow crumb star for RSC15. I think I did better with this one. It's less linear, that's for sure. I got this book from the library to help get me over the problems I was having with crumbs:

This is by Victoria Findlay Wolfe and was kind of helpful. It focuses mainly on "made fabric," which is basically how to put crumbs together. She's really into it! She has some challenges in the book that look interesting and I think I want to work through. If nothing else, I got a cool yellow star out of it. "Wonky" still bugs me, though.

I also put together most of the Loyal Union Sampler blocks:

I can't decide if this is a table topper or a baby quilt. It's about 45 by 45, so it could be either. For the sashing, I used a pale blue-green solid that doesn't exactly match any of the other colors, but I think it turned out great. The other possibility was yellow, but I'm glad I went with this color instead.

I'm not feeling bad at all about abandoning this big project and using the blocks for this smaller piece. It's actually a relief not to have it hanging over me, plus there are now a lot more possibilities for all that pink and green fabric. Any suggestions for a pink and green quilt?

So that was it for me this week! Quiet, but not totally unproductive. We'll probably have a quiet weekend, too, although I have this strange urge to scrub things, like the cabinets and baseboards. What is it about spring that makes that happen? Must be something in the air.

Have a wonderful weekend! Hope it's spring-like!

Linking to Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric AddictLink a Finish Friday. and Angela at soscrappy.


  1. I really like the mix of improv and traditional blocks with that star! Your improv piecing is so interesting but it feels so beautifully grounded as the square in the center. Your sampler is quite lovely too. It's nice scale a large idea down to a smaller more accomplishment project.

  2. You did a great job with your yellow improv star!! I have to get myself to play with my crumbs/strings too. Have two huge bags full already and they need to be gone. The quilt looks so pretty!

  3. Hmmmm.... Why do you feel like you have to do something wonky? If you're don't really enjoy it, does it matter? I'm not a huge fan of improv either. I was actually wondering about Victoria's book. (Our tiny library doesn't have a whole lot in the quilting subject area.) the sashing you chose is great. It looks like a great baby quilt to me. It's very sweet. Glad you're hubby is feeling better!

  4. Hi Mari. I'm not a fan of "wonky" either, but I really like how the center is wonky and the star points have nice symmetric angles and lines. I think it is a good mix of both. Plus I love yellow!

  5. I really like how your Sawtooth Star turned out. Great idea! Your quilt is so pretty.

  6. I think the.sashing choice is perfect and blends beautifully with the block colors, not overpowering. Each block is so nicely done and the size is perfect, useful in many ways, maybe a great wall hanging.

  7. Wonky means so many different things - I much prefer the term "liberated" (Gwen Marston, Tonya Ricucci, et al). Your star is beautiful - love the crumb piecing contained within the star's traditional framework.

  8. I love your improv star, and I also love 15 minutes of play. It's a great reference.

  9. I love the sampler block. If you are not enjoying it though.... I'd try something else. =) I'm sure you will find a great project for the pink and green.

  10. Looks like you're loosening up with the help of the Improvisational play. The scrappy centre on your yellow star looks great. Nice little sampler. I agree that the blue is a better choice that yellow would have been - it keeps things in the cooler palette.

  11. I love the crumb piecing. It's easier to make it look good if your scraps are all different shapes to begin with in order to get the random thing going. My brain is kind of random! This gives me order from chaos!
    As for the quilt top. There is so much work it would have to be a special baby allowed to urp up on it. What about a senior citizen? Lap quilt? LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  12. Your crumb block looks pretty--I think the yellow theme for March is a wonderful idea--we need the sunshine! And your "abandoned" quilt is adorable. I think the blue sashes are just right, and it would be sweet for a baby. I've also had the urge to clean (didn't really act on it, though) and wondered why that is. Maybe the quality of light changes and we can see all the dirt that was hiding there in winter. I also had the urge to open the window today because it was so sunny. Then I realized that it was 21 (!) degrees out. Spring is coming, though--lots of flower shoots are showing.

  13. Your yellow improv star looks great. Victoria has a blog as well and basically she will replace any piece of a traditional block with "made" fabric. It looks great as flying geese, star centers. So many great uses. Congratulations on the finish too. Always good to know when a quilt is ready to be done.

  14. I have her book and I'm making a lot of fabric with my crumbs this year.
    Love your yellow star.

  15. Well I really like your yellow star block, and the little quilt is lovely whatever you decide to use it for.


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