Friday, April 10, 2015

Mini Friday

Hi folks! First, thanks so much for all of the wonderful comments and emails about my blog anniversary. I'm happy to still be here too! There's still time to enter the giveaway on the last post if you're interested, too.

This has been a very busy week for me. Lots and lots to do, much of it very tedious. It's that time of the year. I still managed to sew, though! Priorities, you know.

I managed to make up a couple of minis this week. I know I should be working on the bigger quilts, but I really needed some instant gratification! Here is the first little mini:

It has been raining like crazy here all week, so I just managed to dash outside between the raindrops and take this picture. This was the only semi-dry spot. The fence was way too wet and the bench was soaked too. I don't mind the rain, except that it makes taking pictures more difficult. You don't have to shovel the rain, after all.

This little quilt is made from some of the leftover fabric from the abandoned Loyal Union sampler quilt, and it only measures about 16 by 20. After I quilt it up, I plan to add some buttons in the center of those squares. The pattern came from this book:

This is a great book if you're looking for a small project. I think the biggest one in here is 40 by 40. There are a lot of smaller projects, too, many of which can be made with scraps. What's not to love?

The other mini was this little beauty:

Yes, that's a walrus. His name is Paul.

This is, of course, the great state of Wisconsin, only 9 inches square. This was paper pieced and I am amazed at how it came out! The pattern was really good and very detailed. Look, it even has the details of the Door County Peninsula and the shoreline of Lake Superior!  I got the pattern from the Patchwork and Pastry Craftsy store (available HERE) where Irene has patterns for all 50 states, plus a bunch of other very cute things.

Wouldn't this make a great quilt label? I also want to make it in red and white. It's the Badger State, after all.

Outside on a very wet boulder!

I made the background here blue for our two Great Lakes, Michigan and Superior, and our thousands of inland lakes (more than Minnesota!). The state itself is a green batik, representing all our trees, foliage, and forests, including the Chequamegon National Forest. This really is a beautiful place. If you haven't ever visited, come on along! Give me a call when you get here and we'll go fabric shopping!

Everybody have a great weekend. I'm definitely getting some fabric shopping in, plus we'll probably end up having dinner out once. I love it when that happens!

Linking to Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and also Finish it up Friday. And Lorna is hosting TGIFF this week, so let's meet up over there too!


  1. It is always good to work on some smaller projects. Good on you. Keep busy

  2. Oh wow!! LOVE that Wisco block! I'd want to applique a little Lake Winnebago on there, though. Lol.(I grew up in Fond du Lac. My eyes always look for the "foot of the lake" on a state map). Enjoy your weekend. Looks lime there might be a break in the rain!!

  3. Oh wow!! LOVE that Wisco block! I'd want to applique a little Lake Winnebago on there, though. Lol.(I grew up in Fond du Lac. My eyes always look for the "foot of the lake" on a state map). Enjoy your weekend. Looks lime there might be a break in the rain!!

  4. The mini quilt is beautiful! I really like your fabric choices...

  5. Your Badger state block is amazing! I have to be honest... I didn't know what it was until I read it, but the tiny pieces are impressive. I love your mini... that lime green just makes is sing!

  6. I love your Wisconsin block, Mari! How fun!

  7. Love your mini and Your Wisconsin block is fantastic!

  8. That Wisconsin State block is so unique and really cool Mari! More so because of the fabrics you chose and how they added detail. Love that sweet little mini quilt. Yes, I can see how instant gratification would be very important to a college prof at this time of the year, LOL.

  9. That is such a cute little quilt, I love the colors.

  10. Not sure I should admit this but.... I will. So when I was reading this post, I scrolled down a bit too quickly and didn't actually see the walrus in the background of the first picture. I saw the Wisconsin block and your words, 'yes, that is a walrus.' I kept thinking WTH? What walrus?!? Then I thought, oh Mari, I'm so sorry but that doesn't look anything close to a walrus (bit it does look like Wisconsin). Finally I scrolled back up and saw the stuffed animal. Phew. I though one of us was going crazy. Turns out it was me- not you!

  11. Minis are great for almost instant gratification!!

  12. That is one intricate paper pieced block! The green fabric is such a good choice for it.

  13. Thank you so much for your kind words! I am glad you enjoyed the block pattern - it gives me a little more umpf to continue with the countries' blocks I am working on...:)

  14. Your Wisconsin block turned out amazing! So much detail for such a tiny block! But I really love that mini quilt you pieced up. A great use of those pretty fabrics. This is going to look so cute when finished!

  15. I'm a fan of small projects too! Love the Wisconsin paper piecing! Might have to do that!! Sorry it's been rainy there. You need to schedule another visit!

  16. I, too, would put Lake Winnebago on the WI block as I grew up in Manitowoc Co to the east of the lake. I always tho't it was in the way when traveling west to Oshkosh. Now I migrated to Nebraska so need that pattern, too.


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