Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Parts and pieces

Hi everyone! How have you been? I feel like it's been weeks since we talked! I always feel that way when I've been especially busy.  Congratulations to Barb and Viridian, who won the anniversary giveaway. Your prizes are on the way!

Spring is popping up all over here. We did some more outdoor cleanup this weekend, and some inside, too.  Look what came up in the yard:

Okay, not the greatest picture, but I nearly ran outside in my pajamas when I saw these from the front window. I was so excited--flowers! 

Sewing-wise, I have been working on putting together left over parts and pieces that I've saved. I have a bin full of extra hsts, flying geese, and random triangles and such that were left over from other projects. I can't be the only one who saves these, can I?

See, full of stuff. For anyone who wants to know, I keep scraps in these, sorted by color. They are Gladware entree-size containers that cost about $1.50 apiece. I think I bought mine in packages of 5 or so at Target. (I'm not telling how many I have.) They work great, and they stack on shelves for easy storage. This one is stuffed with parts like these:

 Lots of possibilities in those parts and pieces! The first thing I made was some note cards:

This idea was blatantly stolen from Julie, who is making something really similar for RSC15. This is a good place to eke a little more function out of those needles that won't work on fabrics any more, plus I got to use up some of those tiny pink and green triangles.

I also made these two blocks from left over hsts:

These hsts look pretty "muddy" to me, which is probably why they weren't used up in a quilt.  These are 10 inches each, so they may get made up into place mats if I find some fabric in the closet that will coordinate.

I also made two more scrap blocks:

These were some left over triangles from a friend. I wouldn't let her throw them out, and I got a 6-inch block in return. I feel like this could be a sawtooth star center if there is an aqua month this year.

Then there is this block, made from the cutoff left overs from the little mini I showed on Friday:

And that's what I've got out of the bin so far! I want to empty out that bin, so I'll have to come up with some more block ideas and keep playing around. I also have to finish making up some more blocks for a Christmas swap I'm doing with friends:

Never really done a swap before, and it's making me a little crazy trying to be "perfect." My quilt might be a little bigger than some because I keep rejecting blocks as "not good enough" and keeping them. They're good enough for me, but maybe not for others.  (True fact: I almost called this blog "The Good-Enough Quilter." Pretty glad that I didn't!)

Hope you have some fun sewing to do this week! Playing with parts like this is good for the soul. Plus, it opens up more storage room for new things! Not that I'll need that or anything.

Linking to Linky Tuesday, Let's Bee Social and WIP Wednesday.


  1. I keep my leftovers too. Blocks that didn't make the cut and extra bits and pieces from my many miscounts. When I have enough, I find something to tie them together and make another donation quilt. It takes a lot of imagination to use up those leftovers. Good job. Lane

  2. I totally get the 'not good enough for others' thing. I am doing a mini swap for the first time. I am basically paralyzed with this. I just stare at the fabric and freak out over which pattern to use. On an 18" mini - I need to get over it already and just make the darn thing. It isn't 'due' until June so maybe I need the deadline to pressure me into starting this. :-)

  3. Hooray for the note cards AND using up the leftover pieces and parts. (good storage system, BTW)

  4. You've made pretty blocks from your leftovers. I need to organize my scraps.

  5. Yup, can totally relate. It's scary to make something for someone else. I even get obsessed with how the back of the blocks look, and I never think twice about that with my own work. Your parts and pieces are adorable. I saw a zipper there. Is a little pouch in your future?

  6. Good for you in finding ways to use up those parts and pieces! I have a container full of HSTs left over from things and hope to eventually make something with them. :-)

    And I have my scrap bin, which is overflowing right now.


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