Friday, May 8, 2015

A new use for old triangles

Hi folks! Hope everyone has had a very good and productive week. This was my week: read a paper, grade an exam, read a paper, grade an exam, read a paper. . .repeat over and over. But the end is definitely in sight!

Even with all those papers to read, I managed to sneak in a few stitches. Here is what I've come up with for those brown string triangles:

Not all bad, but I have to stay out of direct sunlight.  The lighter triangles there are really a light Kona blue, not white. I like the colors together, though! The half-square triangles finish at 6-1/2 inches each, so this is just about 39 inches square right now.

And hey--the return of the clothesline!

It was very, very windy, so this quilt center eventually got pinned to the fence for a better picture. But the important part is that the clothesline is back out, and I even washed some sweaters and put them out to dry on the line before they get packed away for the summer. This was an extremely happy occurrence, and to celebrate I read another paper.

What you see here is the center of this quilt. See that print in the very center? I have a 4-inch by 42-inch strip of it, and nothing more. I really, really want to use the rest of it in the quilt, but I'm not sure how.  I'm thinking on it. I also have plenty of blue and green left, and 24 of the brown triangles. I think I'm going to make one more "round" on this quilt, maybe pairing the browns with blue for the outside round. That would use up the rest of the triangles (hurray!) and probably look good. I have been having fun playing with it, that's for sure.

As long as I don't have to make any more of these dark brown string blocks, I think it will be fine!

Here's the other big thing that happened here this week: 

Leaves and flowers at last! Our reward for all the rain we had this week.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  I'll be finishing up those papers and then my friend Renee and I are heading to Nancy's Notions warehouse sale! It will be very exciting and very dangerous for the pocketbook. Nancy won't be there this year--take a look at her note HERE for the reason. We've met her at the sale before, and she has always been very gracious and giving, so spare a good thought for her if you can. 

Happy sewing, all!  Linking to Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and also Finish it up Friday


  1. wow, I thought that was one small block then realized it was a whole top. Great job! Visitng from Whoop Whoop!!

  2. Such a cool idea for string blocks! And what a lovely view with all those pretty colors. :) Visiting from Finish it up Friday!

  3. Just beautiful! I love how you are using your triangles and the fabrics you are using!!
    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier! Nice to meet you!

  4. Great use for leftovers - my god what a gorgeous tree! Wouldn't I love to have that outside my window...

  5. Love the brown string blocks. I'm a recent convert and have made a pile of cream neutrals. You've inspired me to go into colors!

  6. It's turning out great - I love what you did with them.

  7. I know you will find a great way to finish this without having to do more Brown's. It is an unusual and very successful color combo. Wish the blue showed better. Thank you for the link to Nancy.

  8. I love the pieced design of the whole top. Very nice. Beautiful trees, too!


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