Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Is it May or October?

Hello, all! What a lovely fall day we're having! It's very windy, though. I know the calendar says May, but we have a freeze warning for tonight, so someone better tell the weather to get in line. It's not listening to me, but one of you may have better luck.

On a much happier note, I've finished just about everything that has an immediate deadline, and the weather has been crummy, so I had a little time to sew so far this week. Here's what I started with:
This is what I'm calling the green crumb block. Turns out that I have very few actual scraps of dark green, though I do have many fat quarters and half yards.  Why cut those up to make "scraps?" So I used what I had, which was pieces that are not exactly strings, but not crumbs, either. I'm calling this a tile block. I was much more comfortable with this than with actual crumb blocks, so I bet we'll be seeing this style again really soon.

Of course, the tile block then became a star block:

Pinned to the tree!

Okay, I think that looks great! Since I had some time, I kept going and the star block became a framed block:

Lilacs in the background!
This looks a little fuzzy, but it isn't out of focus, that's just the fabric. I think it looks fabulous.  I am really liking these blocks.

Of course, I had to get a "family picture" of all these blocks, too:

This was as good as it got with all the wind. I think they look wonderful together. Can't hardly wait to start putting them together!

Finally, I have to tell everyone about the major score I made this past weekend. My friend Renee and I went to Nancy's Notions warehouse sale, which is always a great time. We had a blast! In the clearance area they had "grab bags" that were marked down to $1.49, so I grabbed five of them.  Here's what was inside:

More than 7 yards of fabric! Those big pieces are all at least a quarter yard, with most bigger. One of them is more than half a yard.  This kind of thing never happens to me, so I just had to share!

Hope everyone has a good and productive week, and I hope the weather is better where you are!

Linking to Let's Bee Social and WIP Wednesday, plus Scraphappy Saturday.


  1. Where ever Nancy's Notions is, I want to come too. That is a great score!!
    I am crazy about your big star blocks. That will be one amazing quilt.
    It is cold here too. My nephew graduates from college in San Diego on Saturday and it is supposed to be cool and rainy. In May? In SAN DIEGO?? What the heck?

  2. What a bargain you have there! Good shopping! The blocks are looking very good together. I really enjoy seeing what folks do for RSC.

  3. Love, love, love your star blocks! I am very behind for Scrappy Saturday. Great luck with Nancy's Notions!

  4. The greens are just lovely. Perfect for this time of year (even if it is a bit nippy outside). Love seeing all of the blocks lined up, too!

  5. Oh, I LOVE your lined up star blocks on a clothesline!

    What a SCORE you made with those grab bags, too.

  6. Tried to comment before, but couldn't. hopefully this works today. I love the view of all your blocks on the clothesline! So colorful! What a great project.

  7. Your blocks look wonderful together, and I really like your crumb block technique. :)

  8. I like your tile block and love the star that it went into. All those stars together are going to make a really striking top.

  9. Loved to watch your block bloom. They are looking wonderful all lined up like that. Great grab at Nancy's. Congrats.

  10. Oh my gosh - THOSE ARE GREAT!!!! I love the family photo of the blocks ;-)

  11. That's quite a haul, especially for less than 8$! I really like what you're doing with those crumb blocks too. Such nice work!

  12. Wow, these blocks sure pack a punch - very dramatic when altogether!

  13. Those big blocks are so impressive. Do you have a very long clothesline for the future? How big are the blocks? The tile block is not too scrappy and shows off the fabrics well.

  14. What beautiful collection of blocks. It is going to be a stunning quilt in the end. Tile blocks sounds like a great way to use the little bits without the chaos of crumbs.

  15. Another wonderful block. And what a great find with all that material.

  16. Looks like everyone is smiling in the family photo is a star! What yummy blocks!

  17. They are wonderful blocks and your photography is delightful!

  18. Love your star blocks!
    Big score at Nancy's. Lucky you!


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