Monday, May 18, 2015

Blogger's Quilt Festival--Triangle Surprise

Hi again folks!  This post is my second entry into the Blogger's Quilt Festival over at Amy's Creative Side, a no-pressure virtual quilt show.  It's my first time doing this, so let's see how it goes!  If you're new to the blog, my name is Mari and I'm a college professor who generally has a stray thread stuck to her all the way through every class.  It can't be helped!

I am entering this quilt in the ROYGBIV category:

This is my quilt Triangle Surprise, which was made from a rainbow of scraps for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge over at soscrappy.

This quilt is made from 6-inch triangle blocks, all set on point, and floating on a black and white background.  See the little triangles for cornerstones?  That's one of my favorite parts of this quilt!  This also could be the first time I completely skipped adding borders and went all modern.  I just never found a border I liked and I didn't want to ruin the floating effect.

Triangle Surprise is backed with a dark gray and quilted with a bright green on both the front and back, in a rope panto. I bound it with a green print, which comes really close to matching the thread used for quilting.  I think it really sets it off!

I finished most of the piecing for this in December, and then it was quilted and off to a new home in March, which is why the pictures I have of it were taken in the snow.  It now lives with my daughter, who loves it almost as much as I loved making it. I understand it lives in her den by the puzzle table.

Thanks for coming by, and I hope you've all enjoyed  Triangle Surprise! I certainly enjoyed making it, and I'm very pleased with how it turned out.

Happy sewing, everyone!


  1. I agree. I don't think it needed any extra borders. It looks great

  2. So happy it has a wonderful home where it is loved and appreciated!

  3. such a simple design (I don't mean easy to make with matching all those points!) looks so incredibly complex, gorgeous!

  4. I love it!
    Cheerful, modern and so beautifully worked!
    Best of luck!

  5. Your quilt is amazing! The main blocks do appear to be just floating. And like you, the cornerstone triangles are my favorite part. I'm a beginner at quilting and I can figure out how to do everything but those cornerstones. Is there a tutorial you could point me to that would show how those are added? ktsquiltdreams [at]gmail [dot]com


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!