Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Terrestrial star

Hello friends! How's everyone?  I have been working really hard this week, on all kinds of things.  I did some work outside, wrote part of a paper, took down some curtains, put up new ones, cleaned like a crazy woman, and also stitched a little bit.  I also sneezed quite a lot and looked like I was crying half the time because the trees have finally all leafed out and are shedding allergens like there is no tomorrow.  This is the latest in the spring for full leaf-out that I can remember, so I'm usually past this by now.  But we are having FROST again tonight, so who knows what's going on.

Since I've been so busy, I have just one thing to show today, but it is super-cool.  At least I think so!  Here it is:

I call this Terrestrial Star, mainly because the colors remind me of the trees and the grass and I see several different stars here. Can you see the green one in the center?  It's my favorite!

If you recall, I made this to use up the brown string triangles that I had originally done to make a different pattern.  This used up all those triangles--not a one left over!--and I like it even better than the original plan. I do have plenty of brown strings left over, though. 

The border on this quilt is my new favorite border treatment. I used it on the Odd Fellow's quilt (which STILL needs a binding) and I loved it. I think it looks great on almost any quilt.  For the narrow brown border here I pulled out the longest and widest strings I could find, then cut them all to 1-1/2 inches and seamed them together. I like it!

This quilt ended up about 64 by 64, which is not a bad lap size, especially when I did this off the top of my head. The giant half-square triangles are 6-1/2 inches each.  It was really weird to work with such big pieces, but I managed to overcome the strangeness and piece them just fine.  The string-pieced brown triangles were pretty stretchy, but I overcame that, too. 

Here is one more terrific part of finishing this project:

An empty project box! (Don't worry, it will be full again soon.)

That was my big project for this week.  Since this is Memorial Day weekend in the US, Best Husband Ever and I are taking a small trip to visit our daughter and enjoy the weekend with her, so I won't have another post until Tuesday.  A small but much-needed vacation!

Hope everyone has a terrific start to summer as well.  Don't skip the parade, and be sure to applaud for the veterans!

Linking to Lorna for Let's Bee Social,  Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and also Amanda Jean at Finish it up Friday.


  1. This turned out great. Nice planning to be able to use up all of your string blocks! Also really like the narrow pieced border. Enjoy your long weekend!

  2. Yea for you using up all those triangles! Amazing how that worked out. I do like your border, and especially that the little strip in the middle is pieced. It really frames the quilt nicely. I feel your pain with the allergens--I sneezed just reading your post. But, as your bottom picture shows, it's a beautiful time of the year. Have a fun weekend with your daughter!

  3. Well done!!!

    Enjoy your long weekend . . .

  4. very pretty! ... we had frost here in So Minnesota ...need some sun and warmth soon ...

  5. "Terrestrial Star" is a very fitting name for your fabulous top. I thought I was reading about myself when I read about your week. I'll add a very "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" on my end, which describes my nose.


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