Friday, May 15, 2015

Cold but colorful!

How's everyone doing today?  It has been very busy around here, made more complicated by the wind and cold.  Hard to paint the garage doors when it's only 45 degrees and very windy!  I am REALLY ready to start complaining about how warm it is.  You know it's coming. Any minute now. . .

In sewing news, the Kaleidoscope quilt continues to grow, somewhat slowly.  Here is one more section, pinned to the tree with four pins because otherwise it was going to blow into the neighbor's yard to amuse their dog:

It was very overcast and about to rain again when I took this picture, which I think kind of makes the quilt section look like it's neon or something.  Lots of contrast!  Turns out I made the lower star block there too small, but I won't tell if you won't!  Seriously, I think it's going to be okay since all four of those blocks are too small.  I read the pattern wrong, what can I say?

I also put together two more of the center sections, which look like they would be simple to assemble, but clearly we have all overestimated my abilities at the moment:

Billowing out from the wind!

Gosh, I love how the colors look!  These sections aren't sewn together yet. I think I said before that this quilt goes together like a puzzle, not in rows, so there is another small section that attaches to the middle before the section that was pinned to the tree can be added, and then another section on the other side as well.  Then the border is actually added in sections, not as a round.  Somewhere along the way I skipped making another set of (different) stars, so I have to make those before I can finish the assembly.  But I have all the other parts, so it won't be long now.

The largest border of this quilt has applique, and one quirk of this very strange pattern is the directions given for the applique.  Instead of stitching it on before quilting, the instructions say to quilt the quilt first, then stitch the applique on and quilt it using decorative stitches.  Has anyone ever done applique this way? Does it work?  Is there some advantage to this method that I can't fathom?  Let me know, because I'm just planning to do it the way I always have, before quilting.

Thanks for any advice you have! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. It's going to rain again, so no yard work for me! Looks like a good time for a movie.  Anyone know of any good ones?

Happy weekend, all!  Linking to Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and also Finish it up Friday plus the new linkup Crazy Comment Karma at Prairie Sewn Studios.Come on over and join in!


  1. Your quilt very eye catching against the spring backdrop. About that applique question. I've never heard of attaching applique after the finish. Well with the exception of embellishments such as buttons, bows and yo-yo's.

  2. Ahhh.... you are not underestimating your skills! This is wonderful. And look at those lilac and bleeding hearts in the picture! Spring is finally coming our way (cold tho it may be)

    Have a great weekend Mari!!

  3. Wow! Your quilt in progress is certainly a beauty. I love the bright colours. Never heard of doing applique that way either. Sounds like you are on the right track in doing it the way that suits you best. Happy Friday!

  4. The quilt looks wonderful! I really like the colors and pattern. I'm very, very new to appliqué, but I would agree with you. Do it before quilting.

  5. I really like the bold colours and blocks. I'm not an 'applique person' but I've never read an instruction to applique after quilting - go with what you know! Good films: 'Marvellous' was made for UK tv and has just won a BAFTA - well worth a watch if you can get hold of it!
    From chilly Hampshire, UK.

  6. Your quilt is going to be beautiful! I love the blocks pinned to the tree. Clever idea, by the way.

  7. Mari this is gorgeous! I can't wait to see it when you get it all together. The gloomy day really did make the colors glow. You know your last photo of the two block pinned to the tree? It makes me think we should put rectangular barn quilts on trees and telephone poles. ;)

  8. This is looking beautiful already! I can't wait to see it all finished.

  9. I agree that the colors positively GLOW in your photos.

    This is going to be a gorgeous quilt!

  10. That quilt will be amazing when it's done. I would never have the nerve to tackle it, so I salute you. Your yard is so lovely and a perfect setting for the quilt. It does glow!

  11. this quilt is going to be awesome. The bright colors and clear lines are dynamic! I took a picture in Alexandria this week for you... gotta go see if I have your email.

  12. I'm snickering about you underestimating your skills. I think it all looks fairly complicated myself.I'm not sure I would have gotten all the orientations in the right order. My favorite thing--Your colors are fantastic here! I think your background choice really set them off well.


  13. I love how the colors pop against the tree and the fence. It looks great! Mighty strange instructions, though, it seems. Yea for you hanging in there with it and making it your own way. I can't really picture doing the applique after quilting.

  14. This is going to be wonderful. I love the colours. Pinning to a tree couldn't have been easy though!


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