Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Hi everyone!  How are you today?  It is raining, raining, raining here, which is okay because there hasn't really been a lot of rain recently.  It makes things pretty gloomy, but it's fairly cheerful inside.  I bet if I made some brownies it would be even *more* cheerful.  That's a theory I may just have to test out.

So, today I was going to show the progress I've made on the Confetti quilt, which I thought was about half-finished.  Here it is:

See the problem? Short rows with pieces missing!

Okay, so this is what happens when you make a row or two and then come back the next day and make another row without checking the pattern. At least it's a very colorful picture with all those leaves outside.  I think a cloudy day is perfect for getting the colors right. It's a little wrinkly and damp, but colorful!

So really, this mistake is not that bad. It could be worse! I did find enough scraps of most of the fabrics to make the pieces I missed:

I can strip those in to their rows pretty easily.  Well, all except for the blue-green row.  All I have left of that fabric is this:

Eeep! Not sure what I'll do there.  I do have a couple of bags I haven't sorted out yet, so maybe there is another small piece in there somewhere.  If not, this row may end up on the back, or maybe I'll just stick a couple other blue-green pieces into that row.  It's a scrap quilt, right?  How bad could it look?

And I do have a couple of rows still in progress:

I admit I wasn't paying attention with that row, either, but at least it isn't put together yet.  In spite of my mistakes, I think it's going to be quite happy when I'm done with it!

Other than that, I've been cutting up the danged scraps.  Feels like I've barely made a dent, but I think I might actually be one bag down very soon.  Cut up, that is, not actually used! Don't ask how many are still left.

Hope you all are having a great week!  The temperatures have dropped here, so it definitely feels like fall, which feels great.  I fear that I really am a cold-weather person.  Oh, dear.

Sharing at Let's Bee Social, and  WIP Wednesday.


  1. This confetti quilt looks really interesting - the colours are wonderful. Look forward to seeing it progressing.

  2. Really pretty and the design is wonderful!

  3. I'm fairly certain that brownies increase the cheerful factor in any room, but you should probably test it. The more studies the better, right?

    I think you could put another green blue fabric in that row, especially since it would still be symmetric! Looking good.

  4. Ok.... I take back what I said earlier about the possibility of your running out of scraps. I don't think there is much of a chance of that happening. May I have a brownie please?


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