Friday, November 13, 2015

Bright spots

Hi all! Well, this week I looked at the calendar and realized that it's the middle of November.  How in the world did that happen?  Seriously, isn't it still September? 

This week I actually finished two small projects.  Yay me!  Here is the first one, a green crumb star for my RSC 15 project:

I don't have a ton of lime green, so I was going to mix the light greens and limes.  Don't do it!  You wouldn't believe how bad the light greens look next to the brighter greens.  They really look gray.  The crumb block is the last one I need for this year's Framed project.  Yay!  I do need to go purchase a small bit of lime for the frame in order to finish off that quilt.  Gosh, shopping for fabric.  Doesn't that sound awful?

Don't know why it looks a little gray on the tree, except that it was raining when I took the picture.  This photo shows the colors a lot better:

I tried for this crumb block to be somewhat "log cabiny" and I think it worked out.
Since I wasn't thinking when we were packing things up in a big hurry, all of our coasters are in storage. What was I thinking?  We still have furniture to protect! So, I also made up these coasters from a treasured Mary Engelbreit scrap:

I really did not plot out the storage thing very well.  There are so many small things that I wish I had, but they're all in boxes.  But at least these little things will be a spot of brightness in the living room at the condo.  That fabric makes me happy every time I look at it.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  We are going to my best friend's wedding.  She is my age and has never been married, and we are all so happy that she has finally found someone to share her life with.  It will be like a reunion for us, so it should be a lot of fun!

Happy sewing!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addictsoscrappy, and Finish it up Friday.


  1. I love the lime green block, my favorite color!

  2. I love the Star Tree! It is like a big springtime leaf and the crumb loggy shape works really well too. It looks like the start of a quilt using lots of scraps...

  3. Oh, that block is just the right color to go with the leaves that are left on your trees. I think that part of the reason you feel like it's still September (aside from your busy fall) is that it has still felt like September outside. Today, though? Not so much. I'm guessing that after today's weather, those leaves will be gone, too, and you'll just have that block to remember them by. Right now, we are having rain snow or snow rain, I'm not sure which, but it's probably headed your way.

  4. Oh that is a delicious lime green - it's almost lickeable!

  5. your photo displays always make me smile. I love mary englebreit! Miss her magazines... still have some of them. Leeanna

  6. Love the block against the tree bark . . . you do a great job of showing us your projects! And no matter how carefully you pack, there will always be something (or several things) that are in "a box" when you reach for it . . . love that you chose to use a fabric that makes you happy.

  7. Great lime green star. The log cabin like centre really shows off the fabrics.

  8. Enjoy your weekend! This block will make a lovely Framed Square. So sorry that you have to go SHOPPING to finish it up. LOL

  9. Love that little log cabin block--very cute hugs, Julierose

  10. Enjoy your shopping! May you find all the colors of your dreams.
    I love your block display!

  11. Enjoy your shopping! May you find all the colors of your dreams.
    I love your block display!

  12. I hope that you survive fabric poor thing! :)

  13. Lovely lime green star, and very smart coasters too. Put on a brave face when you go fabric shopping; I commiserate!

  14. The log cabin type block is really colorful. I appreciate your comment about using lime and light green together. Thanks a lot.

  15. Very spunky greens in your star, definitely no gray in any of them. Enjoy the wedding!

  16. Beautiful limes this week. Shopping for fabric to finish a quilt sounds like a great excuse. Enjoy!

  17. That's a great block. I hope you didn't have too much fun fabric shopping :)

  18. Congratulations to your friend!
    Love your green block.


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