Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Hi everyone!  How is your week going?  Mine is pretty busy.  You know how you just "lose" days when you go away for a weekend or go on vacation? Yeah, that's what happened with me this week. We went to my friend's wedding, which was lovely, and then came home and no one had miraculously come in to do the laundry or the dishes or my sewing projects.  Where is that fairy godmother when I need her?

Anyway, not a lot of progress here, but I did make these:

These are my contribution to the friendship star swap for this month.  They're a little brighter than anticipated, but I like them.  Somehow I miscounted when I was cutting for them (months ago now) and I ended up putting a blue center in one of them:

I think it looks all right, don't you?  I hope no one will be disappointed with the color combination when they get this one.

No fairy godmother showed up this weekend, but the mailman did.  Look what he brought me:

I finally broke down and got new rulers.  I also got a new large cutting mat.  Yeah, I know.  When I was packing up, I was thinking that I could get along okay with just a few smaller rulers and a small mat.  That's what I used to do, right?  Well, I can't do it any more.  Not sure what I'll do with the older ones once they come out of storage, but that's a problem for another day.

Hope you're having a great week!  If you know how to call out some helpful mice or singing bunnies to do my housework, be sure to let me know!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social, and  WIP Wednesday.

And once again, I have to add this sad note: Je prie pour le peuple de Paris et tout le peuple de France. Nous sommes avec vous dans votre chagrin. Vive le France.


  1. I love your blocks! They are so bright and cheerful. I'm sure no one would be upset with the one block. It's a cutie. Congrats on the new rulers! It's always so nice to get new toys.

  2. I love the brightness of your friendship star blocks. I think these are the first ones I've seen made in solids.

  3. When you find your fairy godmother, could you send her my way...I could use some help. I think the block with the blue centre is awesome. Great colour choices.

  4. The friendship blocks are really cute in those bright, happy solids.

    I tried to get along with a smaller mat for awhile but just couldn't do it. I like the extra width in particular.

  5. Ha, I always make silly decisions like that. Sure, I can use this tiny mat and one tiny ruler for who knows how long.... Then it makes you crazy. Oh well. I'm glad you ordered new ones. You deserve them! The blocks are cute. Nice and bright. Good luck with the cleaning fairy, I have been waiting for a very long time for her and she is yet to show up. Dang it.

  6. Your blocks are very cheerful and fun, I love them!


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