Friday, February 26, 2016

Best week ever

Hi everyone!  I hope you have had a wonderful week.  This week I became a grandma! Isn't that fabulous? Our son and his wife had a baby boy!   His mom and dad won't let me tell you his real name, so I'm going to call him Otis (not even close to his real name!) here on the blog.  He was a big baby (1 ounce shy of 9 pounds) but he is so tiny.  And adorable! With a full head of hair, believe it or not. When his parents give me permission, I'll share a fun picture of him, I promise.

All of which makes this week's finish a bit anti-climactic, doesn't it?  Well, here's the quilt:

Yep, Serendipity is a finished quilt!  It has been raining and windy here all week, and it was hard to get pictures.  Then it got dirty when it blew away once and I was mad at myself for taking it outside at all.

I didn't really intend to make this quilt, but I ended up really liking it.  It's quilted in a gray thread in a flower pattern that almost matches the flowers in the sashing.  I never thought I'd like gray thread, but I am totally using it again because it blended so well and all I can really see is the texture, even on the white fabric, and on the brown, too.

For the binding I used Susie's magic binding with a 4th gray and a bright yellow flange. (I wonder how many times a day quilters everywhere bless Susie's name?)  I have now used some of every gray that I had in my tiny little condo stash, and I'm really surprised at how much I like how they play together.  (Now that I think about it, that may be every gray I've ever owned.)

Serendipity finished at just about 55 by 72, perfect for warming up chilly legs.  The backing is almost as much fun as the front, too.  It's a Windham print called 8 Days a Week.

Finally, here is how cuddly the quilt turned out:

Yep, that's the hubs, getting cozy on the sofa.  They all get used around here, even when they're brand new.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.  As if this wasn't already a great week, this weekend is a bridal shower for my daughter.  How much happiness can one family handle?  We'll see!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finish it up Friday and soscrappy.


  1. Congratulations on your little new grand bubby.... We will be waiting for the photos.... Lovely quilt too

  2. Serendipity is certainly a good name for a quilt that you didn't intend to make! It turned out just lovely. Congratulations on your grandbaby. What a joy!

  3. What a week! Congrats on the new grand-baby, best wishes to your daughter, and lovely job on the quilt! I like the back, those numbers are pretty fun!

  4. You have had an exciting week! Congrats on your new job title of grandma :) It may be one of the most important jobs ever. There will be much spoiling to do! And Serendipity is such a fun quilt with all the different colors. Yay, for a finish! I admit, I have an addiction for the Susie's Magic Binding, too.

  5. Oh my! Congrats on Baby "Otis'" birth!!! ( I had no idea how to punctuate that.)That's a pretty terrific finish if you ask me! But I do like your Serendipity finish, too. especially how the grays play so nicely with each other, the white and the colorful blocks. Even though I haven't used gray that much I'm becoming a fan. I think it looks fantastic with rainbow colors--it's such a soft look. Have fun with your grandson--and with planning your daughter's wedding Sounds like 2016 is a spectacular year.

  6. Congratulations on the new additions to your family - your grandson and your new quilt. That quilt is beautiful and it looks great outside photographed against the dark backgrounds.

  7. Congratulations on the safe arrival of your grandson. You are certainly on a roll on the happiness stakes, and congratulations on your daughters forthcoming wedding.
    Your quilt is lovely and I particularly like your choice of sashing and backing.

    Smiles from

  8. Congratulations on the birth of your grandson! Everyone I know who is a grandma says it's the best job on the world! So, enjoy! Your finished quilt is beautiful!

  9. congratulations on your grandson! :) And the quilt is lovely!!

  10. remember when finishing a quilt was a big thrill? lol
    congrats on the newcomer. Like a 10 lb bag of sugar!
    When I was a nanny, I had a newborn to care for, and she was a baby ball for the first month! Still curled up when I held her.

  11. Welcome to your new grandson - you'll have so much fun snuggling with little Otis under your quilts!

  12. Congrats on the new grandson! And your quilt is a winner!!

  13. A new quilt and a new baby in the same week, life just doesn't get any better than that!!

  14. congrats on the new grandbaby! I'm anxiously awaiting my first, too, but no announcements yet! I like the quilt too: it's great!

  15. Hurray for the grandbaby! Enjoy!
    That bright yellow flange is just the perfect touch! Love the quilt!

  16. It's really serendipity that your sweet grandson and the quilt finish both came in the same week. Congratulations to you and and the grandpa!

  17. Congrats on that new baby and new quilt! Love the quilt. You'll just have to do the loving on the baby!

  18. Will you be a Grandma, Nana, Granny? What will your next name be? Congratulations! Always fun when the family grows. Lovely sampler quilt.

  19. Congrats on the new addition to the family. All my quilts are used in my house too - usually before they are even done. You quilt came out great - love the quilting.

  20. Happy times indeed! Congratulations all around! Beautiful quilt, beautiful baby, and I trust it will be a beautiful bridal shower. :- )

  21. Congrats on the Baby!!! And your quilt - it was a great week!!!

  22. Congratulations on Otis and the finished quilt.

  23. This quilt turned out fantastic. I think the yellow flange is genius. Great finish Mari - hope you have a great time loving on that little guy. Almost 9 pounds! A little chunk. :-)

  24. A grandbaby, a shower, a gorgeous quilt finish, super lovely backing and a restful hubby who lets you quilt in peace!!! Amen to that.
    Hope the happy days continue.


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