Friday, February 19, 2016

Mini snapshots

Hi everyone!  It's the weekend--how happy are you?  I am extremely happy because it's going to be a good one.  And boy do we deserve a good weekend!

My finish today is another tiny one:

Mini snapshots!  I love the yellow-green color and all the little pictures.   (The true color shows best in the indoor picture at the bottom of the post.)  Remember this gigantic pile of 1-1/2 inch squares?

Well, when I was sorting them I kept finding fun little ones that were fussy cut or almost fussy cut and I kept putting them aside because I thought they would get "lost" in a bigger quilt.  I mixed most of them back in, but kept out these few because they were just so cute.

I was going for the "Polaroid" style squares, but I'm not sure how well that comes through.  There's not a lot of room for the frames, but at least the little squares stand out.  I think this little one is my favorite:

He looks askew, but he's not.  I just can't take decent pictures.  I'm also in love with this little flower:

Actually, I can't pick a favorite, because I also love that little bear's face, and the snowflake, and all the rest. This cheerful little piece is about 12 by 16,  just big enough to finish up and hang by my desk.  I could use a shot of happy color in there.  I also have a little secret square that I'm fusing to the back, because stitching it to the front would have eaten up all the words in the seam allowance:

Be a warrior!  How great is that?  Plus, it's a shout-out to all my Marquette friends--we will always be Warriors!

Everybody have a great weekend!  The weatherman claims we'll be sunny and 60 degrees.  Maybe we'll get to wash the car.  I think I remember what color it is supposed to be, but I'm not really sure. Also, I hear a rumor that there's a blessed event happening--we'll see!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finish it up Friday and Oh Scrap!


  1. Thank you for the inspiration! I love this mini quilt and the photo idea! It's adorable! Take care and stay warm! Mickie in Allentown PA

  2. So cute! great back ground color. Would make a fun doll quilt, do you have a daughter or grand daughter? Would look great on the wall too, a reminder of some of your favorites.

  3. Absolutely adorable! Where do you find all your different white on white?

    mindingmomma at aol dot com

  4. Love it! What a great *found* project! Love your special block for the back too :)

  5. Minis can be very satisfying. You get to scratch a proverbial creative itch... Great job!

  6. A cute little project.... You are enjoying those little squares.

  7. What a wonderful mini! Those little squares are so adorable, and yes they show up well. Hard to pick a favorite though.

  8. That is the cutest thing yet. What a great showcase for tiny little treasures!

  9. What a great little project! Love the cheerful colours and the cute prints you highlighted!

  10. That is so fun! I love the little pieces you chose for the centers. You are so right that they would get lost in a larger quilt. I hope you did have a great weekend!

  11. What an adorable mini. I love those tiny little blocks. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  12. What a great way to frame those little squares!!!!

  13. Your polaroid blocks are super cute. I am still collecting fabric to make this one day.


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