Friday, March 18, 2016

Friendship stars

Hi everyone!  Another Friday has come around and today looks like a great day.  I hear we're going to get up to a foot of snow later this weekend. Yikes! Winter apparently just realized that it forgot to do its' job this year.  

Today I have this little beauty to show off:

Friendship ribbon stars!  Okay, it's not so little.  The top is about 62 by 80. These blocks are ones that I traded with friends over the course of several months last year. I also traded blocks made from solids, so I have another quilt to make up later.

Yes, I joined two of the groups.  What can I say?  I had just moved and I was lonely.

This one was easy to make up since I already had all of the blocks.  The hard part was laying it out.  So many choices!  Finally got it set, though, and--miracle of miracles--everything fit!  It went together pretty quickly.

I'm really happy with how this swap turned out.  I was afraid that all of the fabrics would be ugly ones that people wanted to get rid of, but I worried for nothing.  One person even fussy cut her centers:

Isn't that darling?

This quilt is destined for donation to Happy Chemo through Sarah's Hands to Help challenge.  Doesn't it look like someone would like to take this to a chemo appointment? 

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  If it snows, I'm planning to sew some more! Who would have guessed?  If it doesn't snow, I guess I'll be stuck going to the grocery store or something, and who wants that?

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Finish it up Friday.


  1. Your quilt is beautiful. It looks like twinkling lights to me. Great job!

  2. Your quilt is so nice, it's a great block to trade with friends. Whoever received it will be wrapped in the loving thoughts and wishes of so many. Wonderful.
    Smiles from

  3. This is striking. Great colors and i love the block. What a nice donation this will make.

    The weather has been weird everywhere. We are in the 70's today but it will drop by Sunday and more rain is on the way. The seasons are all mixed up.

    Enjoy the weekend. Hope you get lots of time to sew!!

  4. Haha. Just lock the door so you can't get out.... Love the quilt

  5. A delightful quilt and how lovely to give it to someone who will surely be cheered by it.

  6. I love your friendship stars. I just tried a few myself. I like the way you did the middle square different than the points.

  7. Your quilt is awesome. Stars and lots of happy colors. I love it.

  8. What a beautiful bright cheery quilt! :) Meanwhile I do hope that you got less snow than was predicted. We are just having snow showers here in PA.

  9. The quilt is lovely and will be appreciated so much. It's always great when those swaps work out isn't it? I've been a part of a couple of really fun swaps.


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