Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Lavender and grape jam

Hi everyone!  How is your day going?  As you read this, I am hugging up on little Otis, my new grandson.  He is even more adorable than I thought.  The pictures don't do him justice at all.  And it turns out that he's just the perfect size!  Just right for cuddling!

This week, before getting to snuggle Otis, I made a little more progress on the Grandma's blocks quilt.  Here are my purple blocks:

Aren't they pretty colors?  I do like the purples for this month.  In the car I was thinking about the quilt that I'm making from these and realized that I really want to have 30 blocks to make it a nice size.  I won't be using any sashing, so it needs more blocks.  So I guess I'll need to start making an extra block every month, which should give me 30 by the end of the year.

Here are the blocks I have so far:

A good start, wouldn't you say?  I think I'll be making one from the alternate color each month as well from here on out.  Goody--I like yellow.  Anyone who would like to make some of these can find the tutorial HERE.

Finally,  Bernie from Needle and Foot sent me this great pincushion!

Isn't it darling?  I think I'm going to use it for my flower pins.  Thanks so much Bernie!

Now I think I hear a baby who wants some cuddles from his abuela!  Enjoy the rest of the week!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social,  Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and  soscrappy for RSC16.


  1. I like the colours you have made your blocks in. Very pretty....

  2. Do we get a sneak peak at Otis? Maybe from the back? Hide his features, put him in disguise? We need a little bitty look.😉

  3. Love the name of your blocks...makes me want to make a PB & J sandwich! It's going to be a beautiful quilt when it's complete. Such a cool block design!

  4. your blocks look fresh!
    have fun snuggling that baby. Otis! What an unusual name.

  5. Lovely blocks this week. Enjoy your baby time!!

  6. Love that you are getting snuggle time with Otis -- and your blocks are simply beautiful.

  7. The blocks are lovely and enjoy that little sweetie! :)

  8. Your collection of blocks in blue, brown, and purple just made me go "Ahhhhh!" So pretty and refreshing! Love your creative names for the purples, too!

  9. Gorgeous blocks! They will make a stunning quilt when completed! And congratulations on your new grandson! :-)

  10. Those blocks will be so pretty together and adding the alternates will really make it lively. Good going!

  11. Those blocks are great! Congratulations on the grandbaby!

  12. I like how you've reversed the lights/darks in these blocks from the ones you made for your tutorial! It's amazing how much it changes the look, isn't it?
    Your quilt will be gorgeous! Can't wait to see it grow.

  13. Your fabrics are so soft and pretty. This will be a lovely quilt.

  14. Great blocks! Can't really tell from the pic, but are you using batiks or hand dyes?

  15. Lucky you to have a little snuggle bunny.Congrats! I remember those days! Enjoy while you can. Although they still love to snuggle now and then even when they get older.

    How wonderful is it that you are making an entire quilt from the same pattern as a treasured block great grandma made. It sure looks complex but when you break it down in your tutorial it sure looks a lot easier.


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