Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Squared away

Hi all!  So, the last few days I've gone out to go in to work and my car has been covered in this awful yellow stuff called tree pollen.  It's like my white car turns yellow overnight.  Anyone who knows how to stop this stuff, I'd like to know, because apparently it's what's making my nose and eyes go haywire.  This is our first spring in the East and I'm just not used to the allergens yet, so they're making me miserable.

Best stay inside and sew!  I've been playing with the 1-1/2 inch squares that I'm putting together into 100-patches.  Here's the latest one:

Green things are growing!  I hope they turn into flowers.

Orange!  I think it's turned out well.  I was a little surprised that I had enough orange squares to make this one, but it turns out that I had a few left over.  I've also made a light blue one since I last posted about this project:

I've also got a brown one, but I'm not really sure where I put it, so no picture.  I also somehow managed to get another medium to dark blue block out of the scraps, which surprises the heck out of me.  I haven't stitched the seams yet, but here it is ready to go:

Hard to believe these come out of those little tiny bits, isn't it?  Next up is aqua, with pink on deck:

The next step is to sort out the greens, I think.  Still not sure how many blocks I'll have, but I've started thinking about how to set them, and here's one idea I have:

I have a lot of squares that won't fit in with the single-color blocks, so I'm thinking of stringing them together into a kind of border around each block.  Then I could put some white sashing in between the blocks and the borders would "float."  I don't know, I'm still thinking.

So that's what I'm playing with right now!  Why is it that when I have a lot of stress I like to play with tiny pieces?  Anybody else have a problem like that?

One more thing before I go--I want to thank everyone who is a no reply commenter for the lovely comments you have left here.  It seems to me that there have been way more recently than ever, so there's probably something going on again, but if you've left any comment and haven't heard from me, it's probably because you're no-reply.  You can fix this, but if you don't want to, just know that I appreciate you.  Thanks for stopping by!

Wouldn't the colors of these trees make an awesome quilt?

Hope every one has a great week!  Please pass the Kleenex as you go!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social, soscrappy, and Oh Scrap!


  1. Welcome to Pennsylvania! I live in the Lehigh Valley in Eastern PA and you can't go anywhere without hearing someone sneeze or cough. It will pass soon, especially if we get rain! Your quilts are lovely! I enjoy reading your blog! Cheers! Mickie

  2. Love your 100 patches! I have been working with 1 1/2" square to recently and had just though how I might like to cut all my scraps to this size and piece them all together. You've just given me some motivation in that direction!

  3. Your 100 square blocks are gorgeous. Hang in there with the allergens. They'll leave before you know it.

  4. In South Carolina we call it yellow season! It does eventually go away, but definitely stock up on allergy mess in the meantime. Rain will also cut it down for a few days. Love the quilts you show on your blog.

  5. That should have been allergy meds, not mess. Gotta love that auto correct feature!

  6. Is Patience your middle name? You make a simple block look so good. I once made a quilt out of 100 squares of fabric but there is a story attached to it. Hope your allergies improve.

  7. Great looking blocks! I like the idea of floating little individual ones around in the sashing.

    Here in Florida, we've entered Bug Season. I hate Allergy Season, but various over the counter meds help with that. I can't drug the bugs!

  8. I'm hearing you about the pollen. I suffer with it too.
    Nice stitching.

  9. Love your 100 patches! I've been playing with paper-piecing 1" half square triangles. Thank you for the insight about my mental state. I seem obsessed with tiny pieces and yes, I am also stressed!

  10. Love, love, love your charm square blocks! Take an antihistamine and stay inside and sew! Or come visit me!
    Pugs and kisses,

  11. I really think the allergens are extra strong this year. My nose is continually itchy and I've never had that before. Your little squares blocks are so much fun to look at, and I love the orange one. I have a thing for orange lately. I think it's because a lot of people have been doing the orange scrappy blocks for the color of the month. I know a lot of people don't care for orange much, but everything I've been seeing is just so happy looking! Maybe it's spring fever.

  12. Pollen season way out here as well. The deck is pale yellow with all of it. Ugh.

    I love the tiny patchwork. There are a few quilters out there that are working on this method of patchwork and it makes me want to give it a try. Maybe just for something small, not a whole quilt. I have too many irons in the fire right now. Your quilt will be great though - they always are!
    Have a good weekend Mari!

  13. Everything yellow here in NC, too. I stay indoors as much as possible until it passes. Over the counter allergy meds help. As does rain.
    I LOVE your little squares! And BLOCKS of squares! I sew the 2" squares into blocks. Small trimmings are sewed on strips of paper to turn into super scrappy pot holders. All the seams are added insulation : )

  14. Oh yes... I have a similar problem... the more stressful life is, the more I play with tiny scraps!

  15. Your stitching on the 100-patches is so precise, and I'm jealous! But seriously, they are lovely and it sounds like you've got a great plan!

  16. I'm a no reply blogger and I've given up. They win. I can't fight it anymore so I just leave an email when I'm new to someone. grrrrr.

    still not sure what good google plus is to sharing. I have lots of people in my circles and when I go to the page, only a few come up.

    Your little squares are adorable. I wondered what you might do with the big blocks of them. I made a bed sized watercolor quilt, a flamingo of course, and haven't finished quilting as it's tremendously heavy with all the seams, batting and backing. My little squares finish at 1.5, probably smaller than yours. LeeAnna

  17. Same yellow here in Madison. My friend's car was covered yesterday. Luckily we had rain last night. My favorite block is the light blue with the tiny sparks of orange in it. Second is the orange. They will make a great quilt.

  18. I'm normally bothered by fall allergies rather than spring, but even I'm struggling this year. I try not to get more that three feet away from a box of tissues...
    Those 100patches are an exercise in patience! I love your sashing idea - it looks like just the thing!

  19. I'm the same as you - when things get stressful I sew. Tiny pieces preferably, although I tend to not go smaller than 2". Your little blocks are lovely, so pretty in their single colours.

  20. Something about tiny pieces is soothing when things are hectic. Glad you found a reason to stay inside and out of the dreaded pollen.

  21. I love those 100 patch blocks more every time I see you making a new one. They just make me want to go and sew! That's going to be a really neat quilt!

  22. Those blocks are yummy! What a great idea to use up all those tiny pieces. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  23. Great looking blocks are happening at your place.

  24. Lovely blocks! I especially like the orange and the teal. Can't wait to see how they come together. The small blocks in the sashing sounds like a neat idea!


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!